There was a plague spreading. Pulsing through the roots and blooming sickly blooms. The air is thick with poison, smog-soaked air, and no one can catch a whiff, aside from him. This was how life has always been, and how it will continue to be. The burden that lies heavy on his shoulders. The price to pay for being the messenger; but how is he to bring a stop to it all when the rest of them are so naive? When the rest of them are so quick to scuttle between their legs and share tongues with their very plague-bringers. When they're lead to believe that they as deputy hold a modicum of power...

And here, there, right there, a prime subject. The brunt of it all seems to have nestled between each whisker on that rotten face. Between every crevice, every pore, every wrinkle that should not be there. It oozed between the cracks and settled in deep, warping it into something monstrous, a face that made him flinch with the slightest look (only in fear that he too could catch such an aliment. He knows it to be impossible, but for a pale moment fear grips him at the thought of become a thing so gruesome, in body, and not just mind).

Shadow slipping across the clearing, he moves; careful, careful, less he scares the plague buzzing beneath his skin into jumping hosts. Even in front of the subject, he remains a safe distance. His body shutters with effort, holding his weight up on his toes. There's a subtle, subtle (not so much-) lean away from the tom. "It has... C-come to my attention," he drawls, eyes dark at the muttled planes of his face. It's not so sad from here, from up front where the the tapered plane of his nose isn't so noticable. Bug eyed, elderly, thick-headed from here? Oh, sure, but not necessarily... ill. He knew better though, than to be fooled. "You spend quite some time with the witc- h-hmm-deputy," gritted between gnashing teeth. "don't you?"

He does not wait for an answer. Bending forward on the tips of his toes, his eyes flash wide and wild like the midday sun. "I- I've got it now, your face has curdled with her very presence. I- I recommend you abstain." Who knows if the damage could ever be reversed, though...

[ Please wait for @CRIMSONBITE ; he's a little silly . ]
Why was it so close to him? Up close, too close, Dawnglare was even more unfortunate than he would have ever imagined. He didn't like to focus on the medicine cat if he could help it - madness, like rabies, he believed, was transmissible through bite and there were scant few times that Dawnglare didn't look three seconds away from committing some sort of mouth-related felony - whether that be aggravated assault or the simple case of speaking too much of his inane nonsense in the direction of a particular ginger king.

In a way, SkyClan's prophet and healer reminded him of Baguette, but even the vaguest of comparisons felt insulting - poor Baggie was not nearly as unscrewed as whatever this thing was. Baggie at least looked halfway .... ahem..... put together ...... when he stood on his toes to share a riddle or flower. Dawnglare more-so reminded him of a very aggravating bird... and not even an edible one.

His curdled face morphs with annoyance, the corners of his lips pulled down - lengthening the already droopy line of his jowls. "My face is just fine." Generations of stellar breeding have given him his gorgeous muzzle. Shame he wasted his stunning good looks now-a-days. His coat sure could use a bath, maybe it was high-time to invest in a little extra grooming... Have you looked in a puddle lately? Wanna talk about curdling..." For a cat that was once as much of a kittypet as he was, the SkyClan prophet sure held a lot of mutt in his build - maybe he held some Ragdoll..... mm, his color would match the breed but not his tall, tufted ears... ick. He felt the old stir of purebred exceptionalism in his belly. Just something about this cat made him want to flash his silken collar, his golden tags glinting with both his show name and his call name: the Rum-Tum-Tugger, DHP King Among Men.

.... but he didn't have that collar anymore.... and he wasn't the Rum-Tum-Tugger anymore. He wasn't a king by any means, now he was Crimsonbite and he was being shaken down by a freaky ice-eyed weirdo with an axe to grind against good breeding. Pathetic.
✦ ★ ✦
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If it was a competition on who had the worst looks, Figpaw wasn't sure who'd win. Crimsonbite, Figpaw finds herself having extra bias against him, had been awful to her older sister. The redy tabby could not forgive that easily, and that makes his... flat mug even more unsettling to her. But Dawnglare? The medicine cat was frightening and unsettling in appearance in his own unique way. With his large stature and piercing narrowed eyes... and his mannerisms only added to that fright.

Yet Figpaw does not take pleasure in insulting others looks, she might think it... but she would not say!
From a distance she watches the battle of ugly appearances, keeping her ears perked to listen into the bickering with amusement.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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If the topic of faces was to arise, Winterwink must be part of it. He considered himself somewhat of a connoisseur, a pursuer of the many shades of expression and form. A structure such as the one in the spotlight that day was something he could never attain, however, in its squashed squalor… so very bemol. Any emulation fell short, he’d have to wound himself to attain the look. A shame, it rather reduced his range of performance.

“Fine… eh?" A coo, kind- considerate. The pumpkin-smash tom certainly held irritation in his visage and Winter couldn’t possibly wish to further it. "That look is crafted by twolegs, upwalkers, isn’t it?" The prompt was delicate as snow, elucidated in the pirouette of a cloven paw. His keepers were a type of maker, they all were, and had their brushes in many pots. Their influence in life, to saturate a cat’s pelt with riches, metals and pigment before it could cough out its first mewl was a wonder. A countenance of imbalance, leaden in its width and smooth as a bowl, however… Odd.

"Not curdled by a woman, but the sculptors in there." Winterwink knocked his lofty brow atilt towards the twolegplace. Hope to teach Dawnglare, a knowledgable soul, and the youth spurred an investigation. There were similarities almost, in the sloughing of the warrior’s burnt-sienna cheeks and theirs. "In their image even! You have a twoleg’s face." Yes, yes! He had solved it, ironed out the oddness. Stardust coveted ice and fern as he gave Crimsonbite a congratulatory blink.

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( ) Deersong had been sharing prey with some of her clanmates when she noticed Dawnglare and Tugger seeming deep in conversation. The concern would flutter in her chest, was something going on? Was Tuggs sick with something? As she spotted Figpaw and Winterwink gathering as well, the deputy would gently excuse herself before making her way over to the growing crowd.

"Everything alright over here?" She would stop beside Figpaw, giving the apprentice a kind smile of greeting before turning to the warriors and medicine cat, "Tugger isn't sick, is he?" The last thing Skyclan needed right now was an epidemic, and if her friend was sick, then she would do whatever she could to support Dawnglare in getting back to help.

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"The High Priest is right though....looking like a twoleg is a problem innan of itself." Mushroomkit pads up beside Dawnglare with a genuinely concerned look on her face. Vaguely she wondered how twolegs, and Crimsonbite, breathed like that. Maybe since the twolegs were supposed to look like that it was fine, but cats? No one else looked like the flat faced warrior, and that made her worried for his health in the long run.

She turns to the medicine cat. "Is there anything that can be done?" Her face is one of pleading, and yet filled with a deep sense of wonder and idolization. Surely, Dawnglare out of anyone would be able to help Crimsonbite. Mother favored him enough, so of course he was the most qualified of cats. (Even if he was weird and scary)

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"Did someone say Maggot-man's sick?" Fireflypaw is quick to quip from a short distance away, having heard the babble from everyone around the tom. He was still unsure on his position on the incident with Butterflypaw. Both cats were people he trusted, but Maggot-man himself had done some wrong. Firefly had even told him that. "You dyin', old man?" He turns to Crimsonbite, tail twitching. It's veiled worry under humor, though he's evidently getting closer to Mushroomkit for his own comfort. She speaks of Dawnglare as the High Priest, and Fireflypaw links that immediately to him.

"Yeah.. High Priest is doin' his best... Does Mother have herbs to fix it?" He asks inquisitively, head tilting to the side.
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