rain as soft as you - date night gone wrong

Since Lakemoon's return from the Journey, Lilybloom spent as much time with her mate as possible. Luckily, it never seemed clingy, at least in her eyes, as they had their warrior duties and in Lilybloom's case familial relationships to attend to. Despite this, with leafbare in full swing and wanting to ensure the clan was provided for, these moments had been few and far between as of late.

In a quiet corner of camp, the two had settled close to each other and had begun sharing tongues. They talked idly about tasks they had completed in the camp, with Lilybloom sharing an amusing story about a moment she had with Swanpaw. Lilybloom was making the most of her time with her apprentice as she could, knowing come newleaf she would at some point take residence to nursery, as per her and Lakemoon's desire to have kits. As the tortoiseshell leaned her head to one said, allowing Lakemoon to groom her cheek, she was aware of the sound of shuffling paws nearby, her eyes snapping open to see her brother trying to make a hasty retreat. "Seems we have company," Lilybloom mused, shifting away from her mate slightly. Her green eye peered towards her brother, or where he was trying to dart away.

"There's no point hiding, Ferngill. We can see you."

// please wait for @FERNGILL or @Lakemoon . <3

He hadn't meant to- and it made him look like an idiot, didn't it? It was good practice to keep up with your kin, and that was all he'd been doing- it had taken him a moment to notice the romantic atmosphere, the reason they'd taken themselves off somewhere privately for a reason. Obviously. What was with him and walking in on romantic-related things, anyway...?

That thought would stay suppressed. Grimecing, he began backing away- but, well, his pelt colour wasn't much help in sneaking, and he had though't he'd caught Lilybloom's muted green eye flicker in his direction.

An apologetic smile creased his eyes in crescents, guilt glimmering in a solitary green gaze. "Sorry...!" he called, awkwardness twitching across his face. "I didn't realise you were, uh..." Trailing off, Ferngill gestures a ginger-striped paw vaguely between Lilybloom and Lakemoon.
penned by pin

There was a night where Lilybloom and Lakemoon had gotten into a spat. A small one that yet reminded Hazecloud so harshly of the deep rooted uncertainty between her and Lichentail at the time. She had hoped they would overcome it, that they would have a love far stronger than the cause for their fight. Then the journey had risen a wall of distance between the pair, and part of Hazecloud wondered if perhaps she and Lakemoon had wandered into similar thoughts about the mollies they loved at home.

In a similar fashion she and her mate also kept themselves and their time together rather privately. Their partnership was not spouted vocally for every corner of the territory but of course suspicion had stirred. Not enough that her Clanmates were congratulating Lichentail once she had moved to the nursery, but that truth had quickly been revealed at Nettlepaw's loud observations of her scent mixing with Lichentail's so much.

The quiet mutterings behind the patch of reeds had told Hazecloud well enough that the pair were not trying to be very social. But Ferngill couldn't read a room if it was painted to him, and had disrupted the moment between the mollies. The smoky queen lifted a paw to her cheek as she felt the secondhand embarrassment for the fiery tom.

"If I knew you'd need a privacy guard I would have suggested letting Pebblekit keep watch for you two. He's very good at giving direction." She teased mostly to Ferngill.
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — It was actually sort of amusing, how little Swiftfire had contemplated the actual logistics of a relationship. For a warrior so endlessly curious and invested in the world - and cats - around her, she had never really thought about how dates with a true mate would go, or how privacy might be in limited supply. Part of that was surely because of how chaotic her life had been as of late, leaving her with almost no time to even think about mates or romance. Another part of it, though, was just a blind spot in her thinking. The solution to her had seemed obvious, keeping away from cats that clearly wanted some time to themselves and time to enjoy the company of the companion that they cared for the most.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though Ferngill hadn't gotten the memo.

Having intentionally put some distance between herself and the couple, Swiftfire had been trying to let them have their moments. It wasn't even really that hard, considering her focus was instead on the thin fish that she was ripping into now that others had been fed. Her attention was yanked back to them though when she heard Ferngill's embarrassed and awkward call, wincing when she realized what had happened. That had to be mortifying, but at least Hazecloud seemed intent on bringing some levity to the situation? "I'd say maybe you need a bell, but... well. It doesn't seem like it took Lilybloom very much to notice you." Her words were teasing alongside Hazecloud as she approached, although they were free of any annoyance. Ferngill had just made a mistake, it wasn't as if he was intentionally trying to intrude.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"It's alright, Ferny," Lilybloom mewed, calling him by the childish nickname she still associated him with. Grown as he was, he was still her baby brother. "There was no harm done." Well, hers and Lakemoon's quiet moment together had been interrupted but well, there was always time for more.

If Ferngill had any hope of escaping from the scene unscathed, it was quickly dashed by Hazecloud and Swiftfire lightly teasing him, making light of how swiftly he had been detected. Hazecloud even offers to assign Pebblekit to them as a privacy guard of sorts, which Lilybloom chuckles at. Her green eye flicks towards her mate, and she tilts her head in a questioning manner. "Hmm, what do you think Lakemoon? Should we recruit young Pebblekit?"
Minkpaw approached on light toes. She'd been drawn in by the crowd, by the warm laughter and bubbling words. What do we have here? Ferngill somewhere he shouldn't be, again. It was almost admirable how he ended up in these situations. I bet he knows all sorts of things just by bumbling about. She wondered what sorts of information she could pull out of him if she tried.
"Is this going to be a habit, Ferngill?" the apprentice mewed. "The whole nursery will need to be recruited as guards at this rate." Her gaze crackled with humour, but it was difficult to tell if Minkpaw was laughing with him, or at him.​
LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Her evenings with Lilybloom was undoubtedly one of Lakemoons most cherished things, especially with their promised future of scraps running underfoot.
Blue melted into brindle, Lakemoon touches her nose to Lilybloom’s ear as she speaks, content in their small space away from the rest of camps busyness.
Until, at least, there is a snag of fire caught in her sapphire gaze.
Turning away from her mate by instinct, it would seem they had caught the fleeing form of Ferngill at the same time as Lilybloom calls out to him.
While there was no genuine anger in the tabby’s gaze, the mollys brow still quirked, mostly in amusement but… well, her facial features often turned any emotion sharp.
Their sanctuary of privacy is swiftly put to an end as Hazecloud and Swiftfire find their way over, the former suggesting to place Pebblekit as their guard for next time.
Lakemoon’s maw quirks as she turns to Lilybloom who has a new question on her tongue.
"I don’t know. Does he have any references?" A rare joke for an audience, but Lakemoon has been walking amongst the clouds since her and Lilybloom’s decision to start a family.
Minkpaw stumbles upon the scene, and Lakemoon turns her gaze back into a fumbling Ferngill once more, "don’t worry, it’s important to have unique talents." A small part of her feels bad for adding on yet another quip, she simply couldn’t help herself this time around.


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