pafp rain makes you nostalgic ✘ lounging

Sunbathing was the true RiverClan past time, not many clans had the perfect spots for it and while they had lost Sunningrocks they still had the areas around the camp itself that held smooth flat sunwarmed rocks to stretch out upon and blissfully let the day pass without incident. He rarely often did it, but he was feeling a particular sort of way lately and with patrols having been mostly concluded for the day and a well-stocked freshkill pile he didn't have much apprehension in claiming himself one of the stones to lay down. It started fairly reserved at first but once he had gotten comfortable he turned to his side and stretched his limbs out as far as they could go before finally twisting onto his back, belly exposed to the sun and a hum of contentment slipping through his normally stoic facade. The water being so low was worrying, but it had not been blocked off entirely yet, surely they could fix it. Those loners were another story, he wondered how big the group was if there was one and how easy it might be to chase them off; but strangely neither major concern was filling his thoughts so excessively he felt very stressed.
Often he allowed it to get under his skin, bristle his mood and have him sour faced and unapproachable but lately he'd realized the fault of simply existing as the raging inferno he once was when a more carefully cultivated fire could burn just as well.
Smokethroat remained as he was for several moments, heavily considering sleeping on and off before a shadow fell over his closed eyes and he could not help but register the sudden cooling darkness that swept his form; orange blaze erupted, opened and he saw the spotted form of the lead warrior perched just above his head.
"Cindershade..." The dark tom greets, tone quiet and indifferent to her being there; after all, it might be a report or she was also looking to sunbath in which case she could find her own spot. "What do you want?"

Pafp - @Cindershade
The air full of birdsong kisses velvet ears, a peaceful whitenoise that brings an certain calmness to her. An indication that Green-Leaf was upon them and the ever-long brooding sky was far behind. The sun bores down onto her shadowed form, soaking up every bit of heat that is both a blessing and a curse because she is near sweltering. There is not many shaded areas that will shield her from valiant rays, nor cool her from the heat. The sun peaks through swaying willows branches, light dancing upon an open floor. Her muscles are tense, and despite her circumstances, heat always had a knack for relaxing taut muscles. Her paws are doused in the coolness of the receding river, cooling her pads against the warm ground as she walked. It was refreshing despite a prickling fear that lay in the back of her mind. She swallows it down, silencing it with a heavy sigh. It was always a double edged sword, the water giveth and the water taketh away. It's why it is something to always be wary and cautious of, but held to the highest respect.
Cindershade quells her racing mind, coming to stand upon a gathering of flattened stones. Before her, she sees a silhouetted form sprawled upon one not too far from her. Smokethroat, no doubt. His speckled form was nearly unmistakable, someone she could easily pick within a sea of black felines. The lead warrior studies him for a moment, a sharpened gaze tracing over his muscular form till it settles upon something quite—different. A dark brow raises in question, her tail curling as she observes the steady rise and fall of his flanks. If it had been anyone else, perhaps she'd second guess. But this was something she was absolute over. Had Smokethroat gotten—bigger? His usual athletic physique looked softer, more curved than jagged with defined muscle. Perhaps she wasn't the only one filling out, as he had mentioned it to someone else before. How funny that these things happen, how ironic, and the molly couldn't just let it go unnoticed.
Held within her psyche was a familiar situation, the shoe on the other foot as Ravenpaw had the audacity to ask her such a ghastly question. A prank pulled all in good fun, to see her angered and oh—it worked. She had nearly threatened the apprentice with his life in who the culprit had been. It wasn't much of a guess. And now her time had come—she wouldn't squander it even for the plumpest of fish. Shaded paws would begin their small journey, her gait a saunter with a smirk that twisted her usually unreadable features. She comes to stand above him, her head extinguishing the light of the sun that warmed his tired muscles. An eye opens nearly immediately, a smoldering gaze of blazing embers that stare back at her before he greets her slowly. She knows her smirk is still evident on her face—knows that those verdant eyes are alight with mischief and doesn't dare try to hide it.
"Oh, Smokethroat..." The woman sighs, shaking her helm slowly with a tsk. "I just happened to notice something—different about you." Her tone holds on the cusp of steadiness, doing all she could to hold in the laughter that threatens to spew from her lips. "Did you think my sharp eyes would let it go unnoticed?" Cindershade would pause briefly, building up the suspense purposefully to get under the deputy's skin. "I just—couldn't help but to notice how meaty and vigorous you look. You're really starting to fill out, huh? Been eating well?" Her eyes held a certain mirth as she relishes this moment, thick tail curling over her own sturdy frame as she spoke. She'd reap the consequences of her actions later, but karma was just too sweet of a dish to pass up.

Redpath was busy having a moment. Not a grieving moment, but a moment where her mind blanked and she forgot what she was doing. She stood in the middle of camp, staring at the floor with a tilted head and a look that made her look like she was working her brain too hard. She just. Could not remember what she was about to do.....

If she forgot, maybe it wasn't important.

Besides. From the corner of her vision, she spotted Cindershade looming over Smokethroat. This was surely going to be more interesting than whatever she was about to do. So, she listened in. And just in time, too! She heard Cindershade call him meaty and vigorous, and she couldnt help but snort, remembering Snakeblink's attempt to compliment Cindershade.

She looked over and noticed....Smokethroat really does look a little more full, doesn't he? So she bounces over.

"You do look a little rounder...." She told him. "I'm glad you're eating well!" It was unclear if she was bullying him too, because of course she's glad he's eating well. But he IS looking a little pudgy there, and what are friends for if not to tease them.​

Her smile is wicked as a viper posing to strike but he does not flinch as she begins to speak, wandering eyes briefly lit up in amusement before she gets to her point and well, he is surprised to hear it; but not in the way she expected. Far from being bothered, after all being wellfed was indication of the clan's success in hunting recently, he found himself irritated by something else entirely. Smokethroat rolled to his paws with a groan, pushed himself up to stand and with head tilted he glanced to his shadow cast long across the smooth stone to examine. It is Redpath's agreement with Cindershade's assessment that has his head jerk back up in narrow-eyed alarm. Ridiculous. Already? Surely, it wasn't. The dark tom's tail flicks as he turns to creep to the water's edge and examine himself down in its reflection without reply to either-not yet; at a glance it seems almost vain, but after a moment of silent contemplation he begins to pace back and forth along the pebbled shoreline with growing trepidation and head lowering parallel with his back.

"...are you sure?" He asks, pausing to glance back to the two she-cats, "..or are you just poking fun?" There is an almost uncertain meekness to his tone that did not match his imposing figure, but his ears pinned back as though wary of what might be spoken back in reply. Was this just a silly little game? Some back and forth banter? Or was it a genuine observation?

Smokethroat could not lie to himself over how he'd felt so antsy and uncomfortable in his own pelt lately, that he'd seemed more prickly than before and the rare moments of peace were only when he was allowed to go stationary and rest. He didn't like it, he didn't like any of it. And he was not sure how to feel.
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  • Wow

Wisely, Snakeblink does not jump in on Cindershade’s ribbing of Smokethroat — he’s learned his lesson when it comes to commenting on his clanmates’ appearance, and the newly-appointed deputy would be even more likely to claw out one of his eyes than Cindershade was. He does spare the black-furred molly an exasperated look: he does not appreciate his kindly-meant words being used in such a manner, for all that it is, perhaps, warranted.

Instead he hums agreeingly at Redpath’s comment, careful not to look too agreeing — the hope that in the event of Smokethroat deciding he would rather not have any kind of comment on his appearance, he will go for the more outspoken mollies first and allow Snakeblink to escape with his pelt intact. Expecting antagonism, the tom’s uncharacteristically meek tone gives him pause.

”Are you… trying to fill out?” He asks hesitantly. ”Leafbare is still many moons away, but your… proactiveness is admirable…?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

( 𓍊𓋼 ) the patched tom has heard tell of gossip revolving certain comments made in friendly jest about cindershade's frame. the words 'meaty' and 'vigorous' come to mind, with whispers from apprentices speculating on whether the she-cat might have been pregnant. it's been several weeks since there has been any mention of these incidents- coyotecreek had been later informed that the lead warrior was not in fact pregnant, nor had gained weight, but rather was, and is, quite healthy. he barely cared when he was told, and certainly does not care now. still, as he raises his head from his pallet of reeds a few fox lengths from the gathering of warriors, an eyebrow raises in worry. cindershade stands above smokethroat, mirth clear in her gaze, while the coal dark tom speaks with uncharacteristic anxiety. hefty paws heave the warrior's body up from where he lays, and he shakes bits of moss from his fur as he pads over. "i dunno if it helps, but i don't see a difference, smokethroat," he tells the deputy.

snakeblink asks after the man's intentions, and coyotecreek tips his head, still trying to see what it appears everyone else is seeing. he supposes if he squints he can see softness rounding out the sharp muscles and bones of the deputy. cindershade is brave in pointing it out- although it might be farm chivalry that tells the warrior it's not the best idea to comment on one's appearance. "besides, there ain't any harm in a bit of extra cushion. keeps ya comfy on long guard duty nights." odd eyes blink kindly at the deputy as the tom takes a few steps back and begins grooming the remaining twigs from his pelt.


If looks could kill there was a high possibility they would be having a vigil that night for Snakeblink, but fortunately for both Ravenpaw and their lavender supply he could only give the tabby a reproachful look and nothing more, but he hoped he knew he was smacking him in his head.
If it was just normal weight gain from the freshkill pile being full he was fine with it, there was nothing more respectable than RiverClan cats filling out from fish and looking almost like pampered kittypets from the will of their own hunting and durability; a surviving clan is one where every individual goes to bed without a grumble to their stomach and appetite stated. Coyotecreek's observation was a fair bit more quietly polite than Snakeblink's but still enough to make him bristle uneasily.
"I'm not....nevermind, everything is fine. Was thinking of something else..." It was dismissive without explaining anything and his lone gaze drifted past them all to the medicine cat den sheltered away in the reeds at a distance before he turned to awkwardly sit back down and try to once again recline back on the stones but now he was hyper aware of everything around him; the eyes, the feeling of hard rock against him, the wind pushing his fur the wrong way, no. No, he couldn't relax now and he was back on his feet again marching off along the riverside before breaking out into a sprint, "Going for a WALK."
