sensitive topics rain, rain, go away [open, severely injured]

Jul 20, 2022



Violence. It'd been a part of his life for as long as he could remember, and yet he can't remember it ever being this bad. How many nights had he lain there, bleeding and exhausted from fighting over the bones of another cat to try and avoid starvation in that place? How many times had he left someone else in that exact same state just to satify his own clawing hunger?

Who would have thought that even now, months and months out of that hellhole, that it would be that very same hunger that caught him?

Only this time, it hadn't been the hunger of a cat, had it? No. One of those he probably could have dealt with, no longer a scrawnny, starving youth that couldn't handle their own. Duskfire had grown into something stronger and more capable since joining Windclan, but not even the bengal Deputy was enough to stop a dog on his own.

Everything hurt.

He felt like his body was on fire, his limbs burning as if acid had been poured onto them and was now slowly eating away at his skin. It wasn't acid, of course, just the gaping wounds left by the teeth of the mutt, flesh flayed open and left to the abuse of the frigid air around him. All he could smell was his own blood, all he could hear was the blood rushing through his veins as it poured out into the snow around him.

And somehow, he found the strength to walk.

Some insane mixture of shock and adreniline that kept him sluggishly stumbling forward, half blind from the blood pouring down his face. Every inch of him was covered in red, red, red, and his front left leg dragged uselessly with each step, the cause of his frequent misteps.

Ahead of him the thought he saw the barrier to camp. He had to reach it, had to tell them there was a dog loose on the moors. That it had killed and taken one of their apprentices.

That he'd lost another cat on his watch.

As his eyes closed and he crumpled into the bloodsoaked snow beneath him, he couldn't help but think maybe he deserved this.

OOC- please wait for @Snowshadow to post as they're the one who's going to find him. He is semi-conscious right now, bleeding badly from several bite wounds that came from a large dog. The only reason he's still alive is because the dog killed the apprentice he was with and took them as prey since they were the easier kill, leaving a horribly injured Duskfire to stumble his way back to camp, where he's collapsed outside of the tunnel leading in. His chances of surviving dont look good.

windclan deputy - male - 23 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

[] It had been sunhigh and a bi-colored cat sat amongst a group of others, chatting away with a slight chuckle on the breath. Though an anxiety had began to build up over the course of the last few hours. Duskfire had gone out with an apprentice to do some sort of patrol or training, he wasn't entirely sure, but it had been a few hours since then. Surely they would be back by now wouldn't they? It was abnormal for Duskfire to just disappear for a few hours without letting someone know, and this sinking feeling started to setttle into his gut like a rock in the water.

As the sun started to move from sunhigh, that was when Snowshadow rose to his paws. Maybe he should go check on the other? With the sickness growing in the clan, it was better safe than sorry that they weren't also sick or hurt some where. Though what he hadn't expected was the mess that greeted him at the end of the gorse tunnel.


Dual colored paws moved quickly to his side, panic rising in his throat, what had happened? He looked like he was maimed! A white paw was on the deputys' shoulder and quickly soaked with his blood, trying to stop the bleeding with a paw while calling out frantically, "Dandelionwish! Dandelion please hurry, somethings wrong!"


The smell of blood is usually intoxicating, sending shivers of excitement down his spine. These moments were ones where he felt nothing but regret, pain ebbing into his heart at the sight of their Deputy stumbling into camp covered in blood. He looks almost foreign, torn to shreds until barely anything seemed to be left. Owltalon is quick to run over to Snowshadow, tail twitching behind him. Dog. He always hated that scent. Hated it so, so much.

"Doesn't look too good," Owltalon remarks with a grunt, before turning around to go fetch the medicine cat that Snowshadow was yowling for. Poor kid, having to deal with so many things at once. He only hoped Duskfire made it through these injuries. Standing at the mouth of the den, Owl gives a whistle to Dandelionwish. "Monsieur, Duskfire's down." If you didn't hear the loud shouting of Snowshadow already.

Of course he heard the sound of his name screamed like it was a plead to StarClan itself; he felt it a curse at times, how often it was said could be synonymous with a swear given the environment and usually when it was spoken it was not in idle passing but in roaring moments of chaos and blood. It had gotten to the point he reacted on impulse to it now, he had bundled together a little package of his more commonly used plants in bindings of moss and cobweb so he could tote them out to places in a hurry and it was one of these little kits he was grabbing now when Owltalon appeared in his den with an almost casual emphasis to Snowshadow's frantic screams; 'Duskfire is down.' What did that mean.
What did he MEAN Duskfire was down? DOWN HOW? The medicine cat's mismatched eyes widened but he said nothing, mouth preoccupied carrying his molted bundle and he swept past the warrior out into the camp where he smelt the blood long before he even noticed the battered and mutilated form of the deputy at the edge of camp.
Instinct drove him forward but fear overtook him as he got closer, appearing at the bengal's side and dropping his supplies to stare in silent horror for a moment at the actual injuries themselves. Snowshadow's paws were red as a rose, the copper-scent that hung in the air was so heavy he felt suffocated by it. Normally when a cat was injured he could pinpoint the worse of the wounds to focus on first, prioritize where the most blood came out to avoid them simply withering away on the spot as the life drained. He could not do that here. Everything was the worse wound, ever inch of spotted orange and black fur was a macabre swill of torn flesh and gushing holes-he'd never seen the aftermath of a dog attack before.

Because usually there was no need for him to oversee a dead cat.

"...h...hold pressure, just-do what ye can!" The split form of the other cat was already making a feeble attempt but Dandelionwish felt the need to speak anyways, hoping his worried tone could impress just how bad this was on the other. They were going to lose Duskfire, he could already feel the dread of it creeping on him as he tried to stuff moss and cobwebs over ever area he could get to in a desperate attempt to keep the tom from bleeding out. They couldn't move him like this-not without several stronger cats to help, he was too afraid to even suggest it...


Mutt and blood scent pours into camp, it goes from a fairly quiet day to shrieks and cries spreading all through the camp. The fur on her body spreads upwards like wildfire causing her to appear twice her size as she pushes her way torwards the attraction of the fear. It was Duskfire, his Bengal fur caked in blood, he looked as if he was already deceased. It takes Sootstar a moment to realize he was actually alive as Dandelionwish begins to apply what he could to the fallen deputy.

For the longest time Sootstar just says nothing, with so much loss she's already come to accept that Duskfire was likely dead- if not now within the next few minutes or days. Even if he did survive... how would he possibly be fit to act as deputy in the near future at all? Sootstar needed a second in demand, someone to have her back, to help keep things in order... now more than ever.

Sootstar decides she will help, she bloodies her paws by placing them in a gushing wound and applies as much pressure as she can. Sootstar shakes thoughts of deputies for now and focuses on stabilizing Duskfire, even if it was no longer a deputy they saved the bengal was still a true and loyal warrior.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Yewberry felt ice in his veins when he emerged from a nearby tunnel to smell dog and blood. He went racing towards it, stopping short as his breath caught in his throat.


Duskfire was hurt. He was bleeding out, mauled by one of those horrible creatures.

He forced himself to snap out of it. He shakily approached in time to hear Dandelionwish say to apply pressure....Do what you can.....

He didn't want to lose Duskfire. He was a good friend. A good deputy.

He did as he was told, put pressure where he could with shaking paws.

"H-hold on Duskfire..." He managed, afraid to accept the possible reality that Duskfire might not make it.
( ) The stench of blood brings Weaselclaw back to Duskfire's first patrol, in shambles after being preyed upon by hawks. He remembers the chaos the bengal had brought into their camp, the blood and broken bones and resounding wails from the injured cats.

But this time, their deputy returns alone. His spotted golden pelt is soaked with blood; his body has been torn and mangled all to hell. Weaselclaw stares with astonishment at the damage wrought upon the young tom he's come, after many moons, to begrudgingly respect.

Snowshadow's cries brings them running, Dandelionwish barking out orders to the cats around him to hold cobwebs tight to Duskfire's wounds. Sootstar is among them, her face grim. Weaselclaw cannot read her expression -- he wonders if she is mourning, for surely there's no way Duskfire can live through this?

Even if he can, a tiny voice whispers in the back of his mind, He may never be fit to succeed her.

Weaselclaw follows Sootstar and Yewberry's example, pressing his white paws into swaths of cobweb gauze. The blood seeps through the material, colors his feet pinkish. He's sick at the sight.

"Duskfire, what happened?" He murmurs to the deputy, his voice shaking. And then it occurs to him, that Duskfire had not left camp alone. "Wh... where's Littlepaw?"

He's remembering Rosepaw, Wisteriapaw, Nettlepaw who had barely escaped death's clutches. Were they doomed to have all of their apprentices picked off one by one?
Firepaw has always held a amount of admiration for Duskfire, he was their deputy and examplified the best traits a windclanner could have alongside Sootstar. He was strong and loyal, someone worth looking up to - someone she wished to strive to be like. But the strength of one cat could crumble so quick beneath the jaws of beasts that simply could never be beat. The scent of his ichor infects the air, a blossoming aroma of gore that brings his clanmates running and makes every fur on Firepaw’s back stand on end. She’s seen warriors hurt before, she’s been told of so many death even recently there was the death of Wisteriapaw but that’s nothing like this - she runs as fast as she can towards the commotion just a few foxlengths outside the camp eyes wide as she looks over the mangled bloody form of their stalwart deputy. She knew of the realities of living in windclan knew that despite the security she felt in camp they were never truly safe - her mother always warned her of those with bigger teeth of dogs and badgers and it’s one thing hearing about the damage they wrought upon their victims it’s another seeing it.

She wants to vomit, she sucks down the dryness in her throat and tries to keep herself from collapsing. Her legs wobble.
She can’t understand how he stays on his paws, there’s blood everywhere it’s coating him coating the ground, it’s not a pretty color it stains and soaks leaving it’s ichor to dry into the snow and dirt. She can see it clearly through the tangle of legs of her clanmates. She tries to Will herself to take a step forward, opens her maw to yell out that she’s here and she can help somehow someway but nothing leaves. She’s frozen watching the scene unfold, it’s the first time she seen something so grizzly.

It’s something eventually she will grow used to - such was the way of life of a clan cat but she’s still so young so naive. She can’t put together the visage of their deputy to the mangled body of a barely breathing tom on the ground. It could happen to anyone could happen to her. Her tail curls close to her body as she slumps closer to the ground seeking comfort through her own warmth.