rain, rain go away - rainy weather

It's early morning and the patrols have yet to be sent out for the day, but Flycatcher isn't looking forward to going out. They are well and truly in the throes of leaf-fall as the weather has taken a turn for the worst in recent days. Not only was it chillier, it was windier too, and now they also seemed plagued by rain. Sat in the relative dryness of the warrior's den, the blue tabby peered outside pulling a face to himself in regard to the miserable weather. The clouds were grey and showed no sign of letting the sun through, and though the rain was not heavy it was very constant and he had no doubt in his mind that they would all get drenched after spending a few minutes outside. He hears movement behind him and turns to see another cat approaching, giving them a friendly greeting when they appear next to him. "Lovely weather today isn't it?" He joked.

Every day’s a lazy one for the likes of Viperstrike—at least these days, they are. While he’d love to be out running through the forest, climbin’ trees and pouncin’ on squirrels, his old bones just don’t allow for that sorta activity no more. He mostly hovers ‘round camp, bein’ questioned by kits and bothered by apprentices tryin’ to put some frankly horrendous mouse shit all over ‘im. Today, he’s menaderin’ from the elder’s den to the warrior’s den, not minding the rain much ‘til it gets heavy enough to bother him.

At Flycatcher’s question, the old tomcat lifts his chin, staring up at the sky. A raindrop lands directly in his eye. "Nah." His tone is gruff, clipped, and he shakes his head sharply, sending raindrops scattering about. How could anyone like this weather? "Nah, hate this dog-crap weather."
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If Morningkit had not happened to already be near Viperstrike, she would not have lent her voice to the conversation. Flycatcher is a kind tomcat, but he is a lead warrior, and despite her father being SkyClan leader and her grandmother being ThunderClan deputy, the little she-kit has a terrible aversion to authority if she can help it.

But they're talking about the rain, and she goes cross-eyed as a drop lands square on her nose. She blinks at Viperstrike and Flycatcher with a serious expression. "E-excuse me, but... what is 'dog crap'?" She knows about dogs; she's never met them, but she knows they are scary and kill cats. But what does that have to do with rain? What is the 'crap' part?

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"It's the coward's way of saying 'shit'." Blackmoon chimed in as he approached, sodden down to the skin after daring to chance the rain. The black tom looked like he had seen better days, especially with his fur plastered so flat against his muscular frame. He attempted to wedge himself into the shelter of the warrior's den, pushing past anyone daring to block his way, and once inside he shook himself vigorously and cast forth a spray of water in all directions. Did he care if anyone was caught in it? Not really. "I don't think I'll bother leaving my nest for the rest of the day."

Flycatcher nodded his head to Viperstrike's words, smirking at the elder tom's comment about the weather being dog-crap. Whilst hr would not have used the same expression, but he had to agree that it was a thoroughly miserable day. They are talking when Morningkit approaches, and with a serious expression on her face, asks what Viperstrike meant by that. Before either can respond, Blackmoon appears from outside, chiming in with his crude words about what it really meant. Flycatcher narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering that it wasn't so long ago he had chewed the warrior out for swearing in front of the kits, but decided against saying anything now. "I take it it wasn't raining as much when left," Flycatcher said, turning to look at Blackmoon who had retreated into the warrior's den. "Either that or you must have been feeling brave."
( ) To say being stuck in the camp was making her under the weather would be an understatement. Flamewhisker peeked up from her nest at Flycatcher's words. Now that she looked, it did seem pretty dreary outside. Her nose wrinkled slightly as a cold breeze whisked through the den. "I suppose being injured is an advantage today.." she sighed, before laying her head back down and curling her tail over her nose. You should be training Jaypaw...not stuck in here. she cursed herself silently in her head.
"No, it isn't!" Emberstar cried back, completely missing Flycatcher's joke as she flung herself into the safety of the warriors den with a wet splat. She had been so entirely occupied hunting that she hadn't even noticed the gathering storm. Caught in the worst of it, she had ended up soaked and freezing cold. It was terrible.

"Just kill me now." The leader whined, dragging herself over to an empty nest. She was miserable enough as it was, there wasn't a chance she was going back out there into the cold again. "Maybe then the stars will bring me back with a dry pelt." With that she collapsed into a pile of wet fur.


"Tch! It's been miserable ass weather all bloody day. My patrol is done, I'm not going out again." Blackmoon huffs with a slight growl before he began the tedious work of grooming his sodden pelt. Though all he truly wanted to do was to sleep, but doing so with his fur in such a state would surely seal his fate by offing him with greencough or blackcough.

The tom peered up however when Emberstar appeared, another victim of the awful weather. "Heh! If only it were that easy. Guessin' you're gonna hide in here for the rest of the day?"