camp RAINBOW FISH // rolling in scales

Twinklekit watches the warrior descale the small, blue fish with a look of curiosity. The light of the noon sun gently cascades from the fish’s discarded armor, a beauty RiverClan cats have long learned to take advantage of. Twinklekit has seen cats adorn themselves in the shimmering scales before, always she had wished to try it out herself.

As the warrior walks away to cram down the now naked fish, the silver she-kit rushes forward. Purposefully she tumbles to the ground, her fall sliding her right into the pile of fish scales. Giggles flow from her maw as she rolls and twists her body, allowing her fur to collect her new accessories. When she rises her pelt glimmers, almost sparkling with the touch of the sun.

”So pretty.” Twinklekit tells herself, for though she could not see it she felt it.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Lounging around camp often introduced Quickjaw to how weird his clanmates could be sometimes, it was an oddity he delighted in; once to mock and now to enjoy sincerely. It was a motley crew of creatures that surrounded him, he only wished he'd seen the good in it sooner. A twinkle caught his eye and, like a magpie searching for shiny things, the flame point's head whipped around to face whatever had embraced the sun so suddenly. He squinted at what appeared to be a kitten covered in scales, a choked chortle escaping the warrior as he tried to make sense of the sight. Interacting with kittens wasn't Quickjaw's style (or, rather, it 'ruined' his style), but some things were simply too difficult to ignore. "Y'know..." He started off, walking closer with his mouth moving in a silent cackle. She was certainly living up to her namesake.

"I've heard of fish with scales, I've heard of lizards with scales, but I've never heard of a cat with scales," Quickjaw quipped, head bobbing left and right as he assessed the mess done to her fur. As cool as they were, he doubted everyone would be happy with it, for example, the parents that'd have to fix her fur and free it of its new stench. That was a problem for another time though and, graciously, not his own to fuss over. "I bet you'll swim faster than your mother now." The swimming capability of a fish was stored in its scales... or something like that, he hadn't been paying attention to his lectures that day.


"Unfortunately the scales will just wash off in the water and have no barring on our swim speed." Otherwise it would be mandatory to roll in them, the benefits outweighted any complaints regarding the shimmering luster that would spread across a cats pelt as a result. It also had the added benefit of bothering other clans who were not as accustomed to the fishy scent of the river and its cats and wrinkled their noses at it; if you asked him it was far more pleasant than the moorland musk or whatever filth it was that ShadowClan rolled in.
"But if you would like to twinkle like your name, little spark, you go right ahead and roll in it." Hazecloud would enjoy grooming all of that later he was sure. The dark tom glanced briefly at Quickjaw - newly named and hard to get a read on whether or not the young tom was serious or joking when he spoke half of the time so Smokestar took it in stride.

Twinklekit, Quickjaw and Smokestar are an interesting combination of Clanmates to find together, and Minnowpaw wants in on this conversation. Her wispy tail is held high in a friendly greeting as she does so, trotting across the camp (it feels permanently waterlogged in the snowmelt) to listen in. It looks like Lichentail's daughter has found herself some new accessories! It's not a practice Minnowpaw herself is particularly interested in, but she must admit the little she-kit is so, so cute all dressed up in the iridescence of discarded prey-scales.

"Did you know you can groom your fur to look like you have scales, Twinklekit? That way if the fish-scales fall out, you'll still look all sparkly." Minnowpaw coos, her blue eyes sparkling with a friendly glint as she meanders over to the trio.

Fish-scales and Smokestar. It was the start of a bad joke, she was sure. The near-warrior apprentice had gotten a glimpse into his life, the stale nest in a dim den. Empty, and cool. Mismatched golden optics stole towards the King of the rivers as she settled down not too far away.

Personally, Claypaw would never adorn her own fur. It was for two reasons, one she'd never admit aloud except for perhaps in the most tender of moments- one: being decorated by another carried it's own weight. It meant that someone loved her enough for the effort, and Claypaw wanted that to be special. Who could blame her? Two: She wasn't going to ever get it out on her own.

Ears twitched as Minnowpaw also spoke, the tones amusing except for Smokestar's flat-fallen one, in direct statement of why it wouldn't make them faster. A dip of her chin towards Smokestar. Teaching the kits young that there was no sense in myths or legends early was cause for approval from the near-warrior apprentice.

But, as much as Claypaw harbored the dislike towards the conversations and long-standing traditions of fish-clan, Claypaw spoke softly. "They are pretty, Twinklekit. You are." Claypaw couldn't like about the soft spot she still beheld for the younger in the clan, head moving to dip towards the kit.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
Iciclefang lounges in the sun just outside the nursery, watching the kits tumble and play as warriors filter in and out of camp. Part of her still yearns to join a patrol, and she watches one return, soaked with river-water and smelling of salt and fish and moss. Her paws itch to join them, to thrust herself head-first into turgid waters, to feel the river close in around her ears and her eyes. Soon, she reminds herself. Soon she could teach her children to swim; soon, she could show them the beauty of RiverClan’s territory.

Blue eyes snap to attention as Twinklekit bowls headlong into a pile of discarded fish scales. The queen’s nose wrinkles, knowing how much fun it would be to get them out of her fur, but she can’t deny Twinklekit looks radiant, happiness glowing in milk-pale eyes. So pretty, she pronounces herself.

The rest of the Clan approaches in good spirits. Quickjaw quips that she’ll swim faster than Hazecloud with her newfound plumage, but Smokestar is quick to crush those dreams. The tortoiseshell queen lets out a quiet mrrow of amusement. “We should send her on border patrols. The other Clans would really think twice before crossing after that smell,” she jests, her tail curling up. Really, she’s hoping one of them can catch Twinklekit before she goes and rolls in all the moss in their den…

Iciclefang watches without comment as two of the Clan’s apprentices wander over, though secretly she approves of Minnowpaw’s suggestion. After a few heartbeats, Iciclefang says, “What a brilliant idea. Maybe you two can show her how to do that.So we don’t have a repeat of this mess-making, she thinks with a put-upon sigh.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Seeing her Clanmates gather around Twinklekit, doting upon her so sweetly as she innocently played with the aftermath of descaled prey warmed the queens heart. Decorating one's fur with fish scales was not entirely uncommon. Such accessories were discouraged by her parents and she had sought and followed their demands for so long she never entertained the idea of putting things in her fur even after she broke away from their control.

Pale fur shined like the waters surface from the sunlight, and she smiled at how much fun Twinklekit was having with it.

"Faster than Lichentail, surely, but I'll wait for the day anyone out-swims me." Hazecloud mused to Quickjaw from the stone she sunbathed on. The queen had relaxed over the surface, practically draped over it as she warmed her silky pelt.

Smokestar encouraged the she-kits antics and its hard for her to read if its out of innocent joy or another subtle jab for her. Maybe she could send Shellkit to his den while he slept to tuck away little scales across dappled fur, if he liked the look so much. The rest of them coo and applaud her daughter and she can already tell how delightful the attention will be for her. No doubt after with the suggestion the apprentices spend time with her.

"Just don't keep her past her next nap. I don't want to stay up all night again."

Blue eyes widen with excitement, she’d be able to swim faster? Really?! She looks to Smokestar only to find that the scales will actually have no impact on her swimming performance- darn! ”Yeah- it’s still pretty though!” She agrees even if it had no practical use.

Minnowpaw informs her of information she did not know, she looks at the apprentice intrigued. ”Can you? How?” She’d like for her pelt to have the shimmer of fish scales all the time! Claypaw agrees that the scales make Twinklekit look pretty and the little she-kit beams, happy to have the approval of her clan-mates.

Iciclefang jokes that she should be sent on border patrols, and though just a jest the idea still gets Twinklekit’s heart racing with excitement. The fish scales were kinda stinky… but if they worked in keeping the enemy clans at bay, she’d take it!

Hazecloud approve of the apprentices showing her how to groom her fur to look like scales. She grins knowing her litter-mates will be SO jealous once they see she’s hanging out with the apprentices! ”Come on guys, show me how!” Excitedly she prods, little tail high in the sky.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing