  • TWILIGHTSHADE ; has conflicting feelings with it, not sure if they should hate or love it
    twilightshade is a clan born shadowclan warrior. growing up they have always been bullied or teased for their mismatching eyes and face. initially it didn't matter too much considering their parent's love was more than enough for them. that changed when their parents split, their father gaining a new mate in under a week and seemingly forgetting twilight warped their perception. despite their mother's efforts the harsh words of their peers stuck, and so they view themselves as ugly. despite the constant reminders of their figure, twilight has shown themselves to be determined and persistent. even though there are cat that jeer at them, shadowclan is their home.
    ↳ the suffix twilight was given for their appearance, specifically their face. the prefix shade was given for excelling in stealth during training.
    — afab, nonbinary; they/them pronouns; pansexual
    — warrior of shadowclan, is trying their best; clan born
    — created 01.20.2024 at 15 moons / ages realistically on the 20th each month / 15 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    a short haired blue black chimera cat with heterochromia. their left eye is blue, while their right eye is yellow. they have white fur on their bottom jaw, tufts of white on their chest as well as their legs, and have white toes. twilightshade's pelt is mostly black, but they bear some blue fur. areas of blue are the right side of their face that goes a bit down their neck. oddly enough, their right ear is not blue it is black. twilight maintains their pelt somewhat, but there are days where it is a bit unkempt. as for scars or any other injuries, they don't have any.
    introverted and spends most of their time alone. it's not that they hate anyone it's due to pats experiences being bullied for their heterochromia and face. they genuinely think they are ugly and have accepted as fact from the severe bullying. thus, they hate conversations revolving around beauty or of decorating ones pelt. let it be known for those they care about they'll try and discuss such things but will never talk about themselves and go on for example how handsome a tom would look if he decorated his pelt with feathers.

    the worst thing one can do regardless of whether or not they are close is to twilight is turning the conversation towards them. honestly they would avoid you for awhile about it because don't you get it? i didn't speak about myself for a reason? in time maybe they'll be open to taking compliments for their appearance for now, it'll seen as an insult and quite literally the worst one could do if they were trying to befriend them. as for flirtatious compliments, twilightshade will despise cats who do so. again, they believe they are quite hideous, so it seen as an insult. it's just a tier higher than if one were to say it flirtatiously considering it reads as "you're so ugly i guess i'll give you a chance." very much doesn't want to feel like a last pick.

    anyhow! twilightshade is soft spoken! used to not being heard, they didn't see a reason to screech considering all it did was turn attention to them and be bullied more for such a thing. therefore, they learned that it was much better to be speak softly. it also should come to no surprise that they are withdrawn. while some gravitate naturally with others, this shadowclanner doesn't. they naturally gravitate away from others. don't be too surprised that once a group forms, they'll drift away and leave to somewhere more private. in most cases it is nothing personal! genuinely they need some time to recharge their social battery.

    extremely self deprecating, thinks most things are their fault even if they had no part in the issue whatsoever. growing up they have always felt like a burden to their mother because she remains single after breaking up with her former mate, twilightshade's father. the reason is because their mother refusing to take on a mate unless twilightshade is alright with it. in any case, twilightshade is aware they're in the way of their mother's happiness, but still can't seem to let go of their mother.

    twilightshade when overwhelmed choses to leave the situation. this causes awkward moments where they'll leave without any warning. when nervous, they look down at the ground or their paws which they flex or play with to keep themselves distracted. when frustrated, twilightshade tends to grumble and so clanmates would hear them muttering curses towards a situation or cat along with a specific action they have done. if there is something truly they can't handle way past the point of overwhelmed, they'll rush away from everyone and throw a fit in private.
    slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned they are devoted
    SOUNDS LIKE: ai ohto (wonder egg priority)
    SMELLS LIKE: brambles, pine, mud, and algae
    speech is #f9d158
    NPC xx NPC sibling to npc | mentoring none
    Mate to none | ex-mate to none | parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Fennelfeather, Goatcrash, Olive, Silverfrost, Skywish, Sleepyfawn
  • ► SONG - song
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
  • ●●●●●●●○○○ HUNTING: above average. is able to hunt prey easily, struggles with marsh rabbits.
    ●●●●●●●●○○ STEALTH: skillful. unintentionally scares clanmates due to their silence.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. able to find prey, not an expert.
    ●●●●●○○○○○ COMBAT: average. can defend themselves isn't given much opportunity to fight.
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[box="67%; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/75/84/ff/7584ff409a5a41cb51ed689c6edf7740.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 150px; width: 630px; border: 1px solid #fff; margin-left: 1px;"][color=transparent]x[/color][/box][box=67%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=general ✧][size=20px][b][color=#f9d158][outline=black]TWILIGHTSHADE ;[/outline][/color][/size] has conflicting feelings with it, not sure if they should hate or love it[/b]
[quote]twilightshade is a clan born shadowclan warrior. growing up they have always been bullied or teased for their mismatching eyes and face. initially it didn't matter too much considering their parent's love was more than enough for them. that changed when their parents split, their father gaining a new mate in under a week and seemingly forgetting twilight warped their perception. despite their mother's efforts the harsh words of their peers stuck, and so they view themselves as ugly. despite the constant reminders of their figure, twilight has shown themselves to be determined and persistent. even though there are cat that jeer at them, shadowclan is their home.[/quote]
↳ the suffix [i]twilight[/i] was given for their appearance, specifically their face. the prefix [i]shade[/i] was given for excelling in stealth during training.
— afab, nonbinary; they/them pronouns; pansexual
— warrior of shadowclan, is trying their best; clan born
— created 01.20.2024 at 15 moons / ages realistically on the 20th each month / 15 moons
[fright][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/TwFM5Tx.png[/img] [img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/eaqbmL3.png[/img][/fright]↳ penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/velou.116/][color=#f9d158][b]velou[/b][/color][/url]; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b] (if u have them!!)

[tab=appearance ✧][fleft][quote][bimg width=205px]https://i.imgur.com/09o3t9b.png[/bimg][/quote][/fleft][b]SHORT-HAIRED LOW WHITE BLUE BLACK CHIMERA[/b]
a short haired blue black chimera cat with heterochromia. their left eye is blue, while their right eye is yellow. they have white fur on their bottom jaw, tufts of white on their chest as well as their legs, and have white toes. twilightshade's pelt is mostly black, but they bear some blue fur. areas of blue are the right side of their face that goes a bit down their neck. oddly enough, their right ear is not blue it is black. twilight maintains their pelt somewhat, but there are days where it is a bit unkempt. as for scars or any other injuries, they don't have any.[/tab]

[tab=mentality ✧][quote][b][color=#f9d158]INTROVERTED / WITHDRAWN / SELF-DEPRICATING / NAIVE / DETERMINED / PERSISTANT / LOYAL[/color][/b][/quote]introverted and spends most of their time alone. it's not that they hate anyone it's due to pats experiences being bullied for their heterochromia and face. they genuinely think they are ugly and have accepted as fact from the severe bullying. thus, they hate conversations revolving around beauty or of decorating ones pelt. let it be known for those they care about they'll try and discuss such things but will never talk about themselves and go on for example how handsome a tom would look if he decorated his pelt with feathers. 

the worst thing one can do regardless of whether or not they are close is to twilight is turning the conversation towards them. honestly they would avoid you for awhile about it because don't you get it? i didn't speak about myself for a reason? in time maybe they'll be open to taking compliments for their appearance for now, it'll seen as an insult and quite literally the worst one could do if they were trying to befriend them. as for flirtatious compliments, twilightshade will despise cats who do so. again, they believe they are quite hideous, so it seen as an insult. it's just a tier higher than if one were to say it flirtatiously considering it reads as "you're so ugly i guess i'll give you a chance." very much doesn't want to feel like a last pick.

anyhow! twilightshade is soft spoken! used to not being heard, they didn't see a reason to screech considering all it did was turn attention to them and be bullied more for such a thing. therefore, they learned that it was much better to be speak softly. it also should come to no surprise that they are withdrawn. while some gravitate naturally with others, this shadowclanner doesn't. they naturally gravitate away from others. don't be too surprised that once a group forms, they'll drift away and leave to somewhere more private. in most cases it is nothing personal! genuinely they need some time to recharge their social battery.

extremely self deprecating, thinks most things are their fault even if they had no part in the issue whatsoever. growing up they have always felt like a burden to their mother because she remains single after breaking up with her former mate, twilightshade's father. the reason is because their mother refusing to take on a mate unless twilightshade is alright with it. in any case, twilightshade is aware they're in the way of their mother's happiness, but still can't seem to let go of their mother. 

[subquote=#f9d158]twilightshade when overwhelmed choses to leave the situation. this causes awkward moments where they'll leave without any warning. when nervous, they look down at the ground or their paws which they flex or play with to keep themselves distracted. when frustrated, twilightshade tends to grumble and so clanmates would hear them muttering curses towards a situation or cat along with a specific action they have done. if there is something truly they can't handle way past the point of overwhelmed, they'll rush away from everyone and throw a fit in private.[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=relationships + interaction ✧][quote][b]SINGLE; PANSEXUAL; POLYGAMIST[/b]
slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned they are devoted
[b]SOUNDS LIKE:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/s0iLC4qWaKY]ai ohto (wonder egg priority)[/url]
[b]SMELLS LIKE:[/b] brambles, pine, mud, and algae
speech is [color=#f9d158]#f9d158[/color][/quote]
[b][color=#f9d158]NPC xx NPC[/color][/b] sibling to npc | mentoring none
Mate to none | ex-mate to none | parent to none
[b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] [abbr=played by anemovictorious]Fennelfeather[/abbr], [abbr=played by antiigone]Goatcrash[/abbr], [abbr=played by halimede]Olive[/abbr], [abbr=played by blueblossomtea]Silverfrost[/abbr], [abbr=played by wolf]Skywish[/abbr], [abbr=played by kitty-kat]Sleepyfawn[/abbr]
[b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] n/a[/tab]

[tab=playlist ✧][columns=2][b][color=#f9d158]► SONG[/color][/b] - song
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist[/columns][/tab]

[tab=skills ✧][columns=2][box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●○○○ [color=#f9d158][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]above average[/i]. is able to hunt prey easily, struggles with marsh rabbits.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●●○○ [color=#f9d158][b]STEALTH[/b][/color]: [i]skillful[/i]. unintentionally scares clanmates due to their silence.[/quote][/box]

[box=100%][quote]●●●●●○○○○○ [color=#f9d158][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]average[/i]. able to find prey, not an expert. [/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●○○○○○ [color=#f9d158][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]average[/i]. can defend themselves isn't given much opportunity to fight.[/quote][/box][/columns]

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