camp raindrops and lavender & slush puddle




[] The weather had gotten warmer, thank the stars, and everything was starting to melt slowly. It left behind that of slush and ice on the ground, mud coated paws and less prey than before. Though now things were mud covered and worms started to poke up from the ground in their attempts at not suffocating to death in the waters dirt below. A white paw had been prodding at a pinkish grey thing in the ground for about twenty minutes now, and they seemed very trained on the creature. Pushing it down into the mud with a white paw, making it dirty and stained a dark brown color, and then let it crawl back out of its hole. Did this back and forth for a good minute and then looked up at the cats around camp.

Silentkit wasn't usually one to interact with the clan, often keeping to themselves or to their mother, and he looked with those deep orange eyes as cats passed by. Watching some sit about and feast upon prey, some were busy healing and resting, and everything seemed peaceful for a moment. There as interest behind those rounded eyes as they seemingly blended into the background of the camp and sat down, watching, waiting, but for what? He didn't know but Riverclan was interesting to watch.

The black and white kitten crouched down to the ground before returning back to playing with their slush puddle. Smooshing down the wet snow and pushing it around, mud caked to their paws and chest now at this point, but they seemed content. The mud was squish and soft, oozing between his toes and over the bald patches that nestled in his toes. Silentkit then grabbed the worm in his jaws and pulled it out of the ground with a grunt of triumph as it slide out. He caught something!



She has been cautious about letting her kits out of the nursery but she has been told tales that Skunkkit has gone further than he has supposed to. It worries her but at least their father has been keeping tabs on them as much as possible. As she steps from the nursery herself she looks rather amused at now wet everything is right now. Snow melting and causing water to run off camp into what she can hear rushing around them as the river. It's so strange really and she sighs as she steps across the muddy grounds with ease. It's as if the mud can not touch her with how she moves, a lesson she has learned growing up in the marshes. Her eyes glimmer gently as she sets them upon one of her kits, watching as they play with the slush puddles and even with something else. As she gets closer she can see what it is.

A worm.

The woman makes a face at the idea of it but she is sure during her own youth she dabbled in wormsmanship. Tossing them around, stepping on them, maybe even eating them. Shaking her head a bit she goes over to her child then and she gently licks the top of his head. Worms are okay and they look happy to have pulled it from the ground. "You are going to need quite the bath after all this hunting you are doing. What's that you have there?"
Despite her misgivings about Boneripple, Wolverinefang, and Fogpaw, the tortoiseshell can't help but have a soft spot for the former ShadowClan queen's tiniest kits. They've never known a life outside of the riverlands, the reeds and willows surrounding their camp, and so far have been raised on fish-produced milk, have played with only RiverClan kits. She has no reason not to think of them are her Clanmates, and even she has to admit they're kind of cute... in a scruffy way.

Silentkit in particular is amusing to watch, taking her mind off of her worries about the rising waters, the river's thaw that sees the levels increase. He's moving about in a puddle of sun-soaked slush, playing with a worm. Hunting it. Iciclepaw's smile is small, but genuine. Kits were so amusing. Did she do things like that when she was tiny? She must have, up to her ankles in mud with Darkpaw, Fernpaw and Steeppaw.

"A worm is more like a fish than a vole," she suggests mildly to Boneripple and her son. "Perhaps if you treat it like a fish and scoop it out of the water... it will be just like fishing for real." She blinks at the kit, neither warmly nor otherwise, before beginning to groom herself. Just watching the little scrap splash about in muddy water is making her feel like she needs another bath.

In every situation you give me peace
With all of the snowmelt causing endless puddles around camp it was becoming increasingly harder to avoid the mud the subsequently came with it. Ebony paws carefully picked her way though camp by leaping atop hard caped snow piles or the occasional dry patch. Eventually as she draws near Sablekit grimaces at the sight of Silentkit thoroughly covered chest to paws in mud. She loved her siblings to death. But she'd never begin to fathom why they were so messy and held a strange enjoyment for bugs. Skunk actually managed to entice a warrior into eating a snail of all things. Now Silent was drenched in mud, chomping on a worm. "Quite the bath indeed." Sable pipes up. A shudder runs down the girl's alabaster spine, opting to stand further back during her spectating. "Honestly Silentkit, you might need a dip in the river itself after this." Frowning she focuses on the rapid wiggling of the worm flailing around in their mouth.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Ever the collector, Fernpaw had experienced his fair share of sifting around in garbage to find gold. But- well, when he found gold it was white literal. Something sparkly, shiny or otherwise worth keeping- not a writhing little creature pulled from the depths below, held in tiny jaws like it was a prize! Still, fascination gleamed in the bulging eyes of the ginger scrap; something between awe and disgust, at least. Surely to spend this much time wading through sludge to cradle the wiggling... thing, Silentkit had to see some sort of value in it.

Cautious in his approach, the tiny apprentice made his way forward, abyssal pupils seeming to stare somewhere beyond sight for a few long moments. What... what could possibly be the appeal in keeping this? Hopefully this was not a souvenir Silentkit would want to take into the apprentice's den... he did not think he could ever fall asleep knowing that his hoard could be covered in- worm juice. "W-what are ya gonna do with it...?" Nervous question, it flitted from his lips a little more apprehensively than he might have liked.

He didn't want people to think he was scared of it- he absolutely wasn't, not at all!
( penned by pin )

[] Catch in between their teeth, the young black and white cat looked up at the sound of a familiar voice; Boneripple. The nearly mute kitten purred happily at the sight of their mother and lifted their head up to show off that of the worm they pulled from the mud. Then set it down on the ground and spat a bit onto the slush puddle, dirt didn't taste very good. Rounded amber eyes watched their mother for a moment as she spoke about needing a bath as well, and they shook their head in protest to the notion. They were completely fine! It was just a bit of dirt, nothing too worry about.

Though seemed like their little hunting in the puddle had caught more than just their mothers' attention. Iciclepaw offered some- advice? It was hard to tell what exactly she meant, she spoke in social idioms that they didn't understand fully yet, and they kinda just-stared at her? Was she smiling? What was so funny? Silentkit furrowed their brow at the apprentice, "Fish?" Silentkit echoed back at Icicilepaw and tilted their head to the side for a moment.

Sablekit approached next, agreeing with Boneripple that they needed a bath and they stuck their tongue out at their sister. She was never one to get her paws dirty or have a bit of fun, plus they weren't doing any harm anyway. Though they could understand not wanting to be dirty, they could feel themselves start to shake slightly at the cold seeping into their bones from the wet mud and ice. Silentkit shook out their black coat and splattered out around them from the force.

Orange hues then moved to Fernpaw, Icicilepaws' sibling or something, and there was the question of what to do with the worm. Well they had planned to eat it or watch it drown, but neither seemed like a solidified answer to her question. Or maybe more socially acceptable to in fact not say they wanted to watch the worm die. Silentkit gave a small, thoughtful look at Fernpaw and gave a small shrug in reponse to the question. Then nudged it towards Fernpaw as if to offer it to the apprentice instead.


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Observation- wariness, really- kept his gaze still upon the worm. Could worms jump? If they could, and this one did, it might get... get slime on his paws, and he's have to wash them in the river, and- the river would be cold...

Inconsequential things really, but still... fundamentally, within him dwelled something within him that was entirely averse to getting any closer to this wriggling thing. Unfortunately for him, Silentkit seemed... pretty intent on offering it to him. She nudged it toward him, and for a few long, long moments he could do nothing but stare. Blankness overtook the void expanse of his pupils for what felt like a thousand days and nights, simply staring at the worm. Oh, oh, Stars. It was a gift, but he didn't want it! Gifts were wonderful- he loved them, loved adding them to his hoard, but... but this would ruin his collection!

"Um! Um, are you sure? I mean, you.... you worked so hard to find it...!" Fernpaw was terrible at many things, and lying was one of that myriad.
( penned by pin )

Wolverinefang practically prances up when he realizes that one of his children is doing one of his favorite passtimes- eating slimy things out of the ground! "Yeah you show that worm who's boss." His chest swells with pride and he chuffs, almost canceling out his mate's mild distaste and his daughter's horror of filth. Iciclepaw mentions fishing but he too is lost on her comparison, even though it's pretty obvious. For him it's more that he can't imagine comparing anything about a stinky slimy fish to a superior, stinky slimy bug. Completely different things. This one is extra gushy looking and cold too, like a nice chilled treat and Wolve is almost aghast when Silentkit offers their trophy to someone else. "Mmm. It does look pretty good to me, kid." He watches Fernpaw squirm just like that wriggly bug offered his way and while Wolverinefang is tempted to let the poor kid suffer, he's never been one to be able to draw out social torture that long.

"Althoughh, you can always give it to dad, the large tom beams, practically wagging his tail. He'll take one for the team, oh so generously. Of course, Silentkit could always give it a try too. He's sure if they gave it a nibble, they'd learn to love it just like he did. Or they could stomp it back into the ground, sling it into a tree, or waterboard it some more if they wanted. Wolve doesn't really care about the poor bug's fate, as long as they're having fun.
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Iciclepaw is not prepared for the kit to stare at her as though she's speaking badger. They even echo her -- "Fish?" The tortoiseshell stares back at them, unsure if the kit is minnowbrained or just too much of a ShadowClanner. "Um... yes? Fish?" She gives Wolverinefang and Boneripple a cool look. "Maybe I should've compared it to a tadpole."

She shrugs her shoulders. There's time for all of the kits to learn, she supposes, but she isn't sure how this kit has never seen a fish before. Wolverinefang gives her a puzzled look too. The tortoiseshell wonders if she is the one going insane for a moment, but dismisses the thought immediately. It's certainly not her.

Her expression changes to a sly smile as the kit offers her squeamish, squirming littermate the worm. He balks, struggling to maintain the balance between politeness and get that thing away from me. "You should put it in his nest," she suggests. "That way he won't forget to take it."