pafp RAISED ON LITTLE LIGHT / history lesson

"SkyClan's history?" Orangestar echoes, blinking brown eyes at Denali with a brief narrowing of thought. It's fleeting, though, and she twists herself to face the split-faced apprentice with a firm nod. The robin at their paws is pushed closer to them, her appetite absent, her mind backtracking to her youth.

"This part of the forest was the Pine Colony before it was SkyClan. Rain was our leader, not chosen by StarClan nor given nine lives, but because he was a good and just cat." Orangestar shuffles her paws, gaze flicking skyward, fighting her timeline to remember important things to the story. The death of her kin at Marsh Colony claws, her brief entanglement with Slate, the abandonment of Apricotflower at the Clans' formation... all unimportant here. Her tongue swipes across scarred lips. "StarClan intervened after the Great Battle between us and the Marsh Colony, who lived close to Highstones; ShadowClan lives closest now, I believe. Five leaders were chosen, and five medicine cats. For SkyClan, that was Blazestar and Dawnglare. Both had been kittypets before that, and SkyClan has welcomed them ever since."

Orangestar spares a glance towards the cobwebbed, herb-scented den on her left side. Then, she turns her eyes back to Denali. "Any questions so far?"

// mobile + @DENALI
જ➶ To be able to speak with the leader of the clan feels awe inspiring to them. He never really thought that he would be able to have this chance until he had grown more as a Skyclanner. But here he is asking about Skyclan and the history of the group that he wishes to walk the same path with. Sea colored dream washed gaze loweres to the robin that she pushes toward him and for a moment he thinks to take it and eat. Yet he is learning his lesson and he wonders if the others have eaten already. Someone might want this more than himself, even if hunger gnaws at his belly as it were. "Will it be okay if I have this?" Not to say that the leader doesn't know her own clan but they just want to be sure that everything is okay. Slowly he lowers himself to the ground, vague shifting to get as comfortable as he can. They are still not used to the ground here, it's not as soft as his former home used to be. A worry sparks in his gaze, eyes averting as he thinks of their siblings. Do they miss them? But just as quickly he drives those thoughts away. Focusing on the here and the now as the leader speaks to them.

Rain. A leader that came before. The first some would say and he finds that immensely important, earning respect. The Pine Colony lived here first among the trees and then there was a Marsh Colony. They fought a large battle and then she speaks of Starclan intervening. Starclan? He has heard others speak of them with such reverence and he hopes to understand. Slowly his tail curls against himself as he nods his head, thinking about what she has shared. "Oh, so there is Shadowclan and Skyclan. Are there more? I've yet to learn of the others that live here in the forest. Who are the other leaders? Are they just as nice as Skyclan? What makes them so different? Do they have warriors and apprentices too? Follow the same mandates? How many leaders has Skyclan had?" Questions keep bursting forth from their maw like a flood gate. Realizing they snap their jaws shut and look down sheepishly, shaking their head before taking in a slow breath. "Sorry...I'm just so enthused about everything. You don't have to answer all of that...."
An inky body saunters towards Denali and Orangestar and then pauses. The tabby lingers, still as a statue, to listen to the story of the Great Battle and the formation of five separate clans. Kite had teased the histories from Silversmoke, filled in the gaps with tidbits they gather from conversations eavesdropped upon. They are quite proud of the knowledge they have of the forest cats' histories but Kite listens intently to Orangestar all the same.

Kite's ears flick forward with surprise when the multi-colored tom asks if there are other clans, but they quickly wave the surprise away with a dismissive shrug. Kite oftentimes left the Twolegplace to travel for long stints, giving the forest territories a safe berth but even then the stench of each clan found its way to her. Maybe Denali did not travel, or a newcomer to this region... Even if Kite did not have an exact name for the recognizable smells, they could distinguish them apart, knew there were five plus the dishonorable warriors that split from the moor clan. With a self assured sigh, Kite pads forward, round head dipping in greeting to Orangestar and Denali.

"Three more clans... Riverclan, Thunderclan- our neighbors- the latter smells of oak... leaf litter. Windclan, they run the moor... tall cats with swift paws!" Kite's dim gaze flashes to Orangestar, lingers upon the scars that adorn her face before settling on her brown eyes. Is the orange-and-white molly given supernatural talents, by Starclan? Kite continues eye contact with the much larger she-cat. "You are... Skyclan's second leader?" Kite asks, sitting back on muscular haunches besides Denali. They twist to look at the tom and murmur, "Better... to have questions than to be disinterested... now that would be a bad look, surely?"

  • black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 38, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed
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Orangestar nods, gently nudging the robin in his direction once more. Butterflytuft had eaten already, and she's pretty certain Lovage had. If Denali was to stay with them, they should keep their strength up in the season where prey was easiest to find. The leader makes a noise of agreement, first once and then twice, at Kite's answers as the dark-furred tabby joins them. It seemed that Florabreeze was teaching the warrior-in-training well. Kite would be ready for their assessment soon, if she recalls correctly, and it is promising to see them contribute to this conversation.

"I am our second leader, and was Blazestar's third deputy. Daisyflight and Deersong served before me, but I was Blazestar's second-in-command for the longest time of us." She confirms for Denali, tail sweeping around her paws. "RiverClan is led by Lichenstar. ThunderClan by Howlingstar, though they did not attend the last Gathering..." Ochre eyes narrow for a moment, though that squint is directed at her own thoughts and not anything else. She would take the next patrol to ThunderClan, she thinks. "WindClan by Sunstar, and ShadowClan by Smogstar. They are all honourable cats, suited to their own territories as much as SkyClan is suited to our trees.

"Every Clan has warriors and apprentices; just as they have a leader, their deputy, and a medicine cat. It is good fortune to have queens and kits in the nursery, and a sign of strength to have elders thriving."
She muses, swiping her tongue across a paw. It's not exactly a thoughtful action, but it buys her a moment to think before continuing. "However, SkyClan is the only Clan that has daylight warriors. The others turn their noses up at kittypets, and so we see the most hopefuls from Twolegplace."

What was the last question? Mandates? Right, yes. There was only one answer she could give to that. "Each Clan has its own laws, but all five follow the Warrior Code. They are rules that are proposed at the Gathering, which is where all the Clans meet on the night of the full moon. If all the present leaders agree, that rule will become important for all Clans to follow."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; mentoring ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.