RAYS ON PINION ↷ [ family frog watching ]

As per the cracked and tarnished lens of Smogmaw's perception, he felt he could get away with getting his kits away from the camp for a brief stint. Nothing too dramatic, nothing capable of making his mate tear her fur out in messy clumps. No. Just a vacation, a leave from the ever-incessant squabbling that burstened across the hollow. Granted, a hefty fraction of it may have stemmed from the deputy himself, but it left a sworn bitterness on his tongue—a taste, if discernable to him, then certainly detectable by his kits. How the unruly lifestyle in this clan might mould their upbringing was a discouraging notion to entertain. Thus, he aimed to remind them of the little things, the simple pleasures offered by this existence. Similar to stopping to smell the roses, though such pleasant smells were scant in this grotty bog.

"Put some pep in your step, Swankit," remarks the broad tom, whose head swivels over a shoulder to glimpse the drowsy boy. All four of them sat on the cusp of apprenticeship, and all four of them had already enjoyed a merry escapade into the greater marsh (they had the bears to thank for that). And, if his son could sleepwalk into ThunderClan lands without thrusting himself into harm's way, then a guided tour of the territory near camp seemed like a benign enough idea.

Smogmaw traverses on heedful pawsteps, paws squelching in the miry filth. Knowing that Halfshade roamed a couple of lengths behind, also shepherding the young ones onward, made him a tad less uneasy about the dense morning fog. His gait decelerates as the troupe draws near their destination—tucked away just off the beaten path was a divot in the marshscape, lavish with muddy water and jagged stones protruding from the surface. It's profuse with tadpoles and their grown-up counterparts, a swamp pool he'd used to train apprentices, both past and present, on frog-hunting.

"Okay," he says upon halting. "Keep your voices hushed, and your movements slow." Special attention is paid to Garlickit as he addresses them, for reasons that needn't elaborating on. A flick of the eyes is then sent towards his mate, pointed and warm. In allowing her kits to return to the nursery with muddy fur, she once again proves her finesse as a mother. The vague outline of a smile tugs his maw upwards, and he turns around to observe the swamp pool alongside his kits. "Do you think the froggies have clans? I think I can see a leader amongst them." Smogmaw, of course, is alluding to a particularly warty specimen settled amid low-lying reeds near the water's perimiter. Almost looks like Chittertongue, if you tilt your head a little.

// @swankit @valeriankit @Garlickit @APPLEKIT @Halfshade
// please wait for two of those tagged to reply before posting!

She was a little nervous about leaving camp. Last time she did, it was HORRIBLE. But she kept telling herself that it was okay this time. Both her parents are here, there are no bears. Everyone is safe and happy, and thats what matters most. Still, she keeps close to her parents, scanning her surroundings as if something is going to jump out at them at any second.

It would take a little more time for her to appreciate the marsh.

Even with the comfort of her family, she cannot forget what happened to them. They nearly died at the claws of a vicious beast. She has dreams about it still, sometimes.

Thankfully, Smogmaw offers a distraction! He says to be quiet and slow... And her curiosity is piqued. She shuffles forward as quietly as she can to see what he was showing them. And she loves what she sees!

Frogs! Alive ones!

"I've never seen an alive frog before!" She whispers excitedly. Look at them!!! Little green guys!!

Smogmaw REALLY gets her single braincell fired up talking about frog clans. "Yeah!! I bet they have clans!! I bet- I bet there are a whole bunch of them!" She answers, still an excited whisper. She sees the particularly warty one that Smogmaw is talking about, too. "I bet that one is the smartest frog."

Surely the number of warts determined intelligence. What else would those bumps be for????​
The last time Valeriankit had been out of camp was when her family was fleeing from the beasts that had ravaged their home. The constant moving for safety all to the eventual rescue, hadn't really allowed the young girl to focus on the surroundings that made up the territory. Truthfully, she hadn't expected they'd see the territory once again until they were apprentices and would venture into the territory. Of course, there wasn't much to see in the fog, much to her minor disappointment. She knew their territory was mucky, but she hoped to discover something pretty. At least it would've made getting her paws all muddy worth it. She exhaled a silent huff as they finally stopped, attempting to peer around and see what caught her father's focus. Frogs. Live frogs. It was an odd sight, at least for her who hasn't seen them breathing before. Her father seemed intent on humoring Garlickit, and decided to add her own thoughts. "Do you think this is their camp? Or is it like a gathering?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
[sweet like honey]

Paltry delight is laid bare across his lips, which wreathe into his cheeks and forge a narrow smile. Imparting new knowledge holds a significance beyond compare. Even greater is watching his kits so eagerly absorb the experience put out in front of them, They dawdle up to the pool's maw and cast their inquisitive eyes into the miry pulp, latching onto the asinine observations before producing few of their own. The excitement interwoven with Garlickit and Valeriankit's features makes a similar enthusiasm stir within their father's gut. This, this is the zenith of parenthood right here. Raw curiosity. Untainted wonder. That his four sit on the cusp of apprenticehood is a woeful notion indeed. He'll come to miss these moments of unadulterated innocence.

"Hmm," hums Smogmaw, leaden eyes peeling over the oversized puddle for noteworthy points of interest. "It looks like a gathering, Valeriankit," he says passively, gesturing to purported groupings amongst the frogs. "I see RibbitClan, CroakClan, and... FrogClan. What do you think they're talking about?" Black-tipped ears flick at Garlickit's analysis, and he swivels his head to glimpse the bicoloured she-kit. Whomever's smartest wore the most warts? What an atrocious line of reasoning, based neither in fact nor logic. "That's Wartstar," he declares, head lowered to be on Garlickit's level, "she's named for her warts."


Heathershade was not oblivious to the deputies dislike of her- to the several clanmates who held their noses up at her.
Normally, they’d be met with wary avoidance from the warrior, but Smogmaw was Halfshade’s mate, and besides, she’d be a liar to admit that the moment she happened to stumble upon was a rather adorable one.
Despite her accidental arrival, the molly catches on to the quiet demeanor quickly, dropping to a crouch to avoid scaring the clan of frogs away.
"A toad gathering, what a find!" She’d hum in a whisper, her excited tone directed more towards the kits than anyone else as she’d join, putting herself somewhere beside Halfshade.
She was optimistic towards Smogmaw, but that didn’t change the fact that she would rather stick by her former mentor if given the chance.
"What important froggy matters do you think they’re discussing?"

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————— ☾ —————

Swankit is perfectly happy with staying in camp, despite what some may claim about him sneaking out (when he was asleep! how was he supposed to know!) but he follows his father dutifully nonetheless.

"Put some pep in your step, Swankit," says Smogmaw. Swankit does not.

Oh, but at least they're doing something interesting... Looking at frogs, Swankit likes frogs. He doesn't see alive ones very much, though. And there's so many of them... Voices hushed, movements slow; he doesn't need to be told, that's his natural state.

The talk of Clans and gatherings has Swankit intrigued, and he takes it on himself to answer Smogmaw and Heathershade's question. "Froggy matters..." he murmurs, eyes fixed on the frogs. He finds his mind running away with ideas, a small smile curving his maw. "Hmm... those two..." he gestures loosely to two frogs sitting close to each other. One of them ribbits. "They're arguing... Over who has the prettier croak..." He tilts his head, considering. "They both know it's Slimebelly, but Greenleg doesn't want to admit it..."

He turns his eyes to the warty frog. That's the interesting one. "And Wartstar..." he starts, then pauses. Considering. "She's a very important frog. She wants to... overthrow ShadowClan so froggies can rule the marsh..." He stares at "Wartstar" for a moment with surprising intensity, before relaxing with a soft laugh. "But the other froggies are all too busy relaxing in the pool to listen. They think she's a little silly, 'cause she acts like she's more important than the other froggy leaders," Swankit concludes airily.

He can't actually understand the frogs of course (he'd much rather talk to birds anyway — they'd have better stories), but it's fun to imagine. He almost believed his own words for a second, he got so caught up in coming up with them.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 4 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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Applekit tries to squish any anxiety she feels about leaving camp, especially on the heels of a cat that could drop you at any moment. Applekit bunches her muscles and fluffs out her fur, attempting to put the larger form she was growing into to good use. A monster could see that she was far to big and tough to chew in more than two bites, and decide she isn't worth the effort. Plus, with a scary face like that, it's clear she wasn't scared at all, and eating her would be far too much trouble. Besides, without any maw dropping her, there were much tastier and softer looking cats around her, before she'd be the first target of anything. Applekit casts a rueful glance to Swankit.

Keep your voices hushed, and your movements slow. Applekit is too attention, dread threatening to creep along their spine even though, surely Smogmaw would not walk them into the jaws of a monster. Were they hunting? Spying on Windclan? Applekit blinks in question, and then her shoulders sink, realizing they were here to talk about froggy politics. Frog Clans. Applekit is impassive as she listens to her sisters prattle on about frogs. Weren't they a bit old for this? That's what she wonders as she looks up at their father. But Smogmaw looks like there is nothing more important in the world than froggy politics right now, and Applekit's not sure what's right.

Maybe... not all cats were destined for greatness, and it was okay to be stupid with those cats sometimes. She probably won't see them so much anymore, anyways...

The she - kit shuffles on her paws. " Um, Wartstar... FrogClan chose her thinking that all her warts make her the best, and Wartstar's bought into it too. She doesn't realize she stands no chance against ShadowClan. " She'd cast a glance to Heathershade and Smogmaw, hoping the narrative aligns as she meant it to. " RibbitClan elects their leaders more... sensically, they picked the biggest frog, Spotstar. But he knows even he couldn't overthrow ShadowClan. "