It was important to learn your way around trees in Skyclan, and Sweetybee was going to make sure Pocket knew how to navigate and climb the towering lines that made their home.

The weather was kind today, and perfect for a lesson on traversing the branches above. She felt a little nervous, worrying about what could go wrong with this lesson, but Pocket had to learn somehow, and risk was always present out in the forest.

She led her apprentice into the territory, still close to camp in case anything went wrong. Pausing by a pine, she looked to them.

"We're going to practice climbing and jumping today." She says.

"Show me how well you can climb!" She encouraged with a smile.

The brown tabby was eager to learn. And when Sweetybee began talking about climbing trees, he leaped with joy. Though, climbing is what got him in trouble with twolegs, he was ever so eager that he was actually able to out here.

"I bet you I can climb to the top!" he said, already leaping into the trunk and sinking his claws into the bark. But it wasn't working like the curtains he would climb, and already was proving to be a struggle. He couldn't get a good grip, and would slide back down the trunk, his paws flailing to try to get a good grip. His ears flattened in slight embarrassment.

"I can try again?"