pafp Reaching for Potential -- [ Mosspool / Prompt ]

Perhaps it's the zealousness of success that fills Bubblepaw's spirit with energy and spontaneous energy the most. It's certainly the reason why she finds herself darting through the trees that dot the shoreline of RiverClan, kicking up snow and ice along the way. The freshly fallen powder proves as being especially difficult to traverse, causing her paws to slip and slide every once in awhile, but Bubblepaw remains steadfast in her hot pursuit along with Mosspool. She gives her best effort, not wanting Aspenhaze's former apprentice to think poorly of her newest assignment.

The pair had been gathering some red lilac- something that Bubblepaw admittedly would likely need to check with Moonpaw on its usefulness before using it for decor- when unusual shuffling through the underbrush had caught their attention. It seemed as if a rabbit had found its unfortunate way across the river from WindClan's moors, and there had been little discussion between Bubblepaw and Mosspool before they'd both decided to give chase. The pursuit is all in good fun, though. RiverClan's prey source is still bountiful especially with the fish who find themselves closer to the surface in search of sun's warmth, and (unfortunately for them) closer to cats' claws as well.

Though its no secret RiverClan are not the quickest across land, Bubblepaw still crashes through the undergrowth with a grin on her face. It has been shockingly easy to keep track of the darting rabbit. Bubblepaw thinks it may be a sign that StarClan has sent it to them as a symbol of gratitude for their loyalty- unlike what those dirty WindClanners across the river deserve. As the pair streak through the trees together, Bubblepaw can't help but to feel exhilarated. With each stride they draw closer and closer, finally coming within striking range after an exhaustive chase so far.

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𓆝 . ° ✦ With narrowed eyes, Mosspool raced after the rabbit ahead of her. She was not going to let it escape. It was a sign from the stars that this rabbit had crossed the border, a chance to show that Windclan wasn't anything special. She could be fast too, when the moment called for it. More importantly, in this season the clan needed every piece of prey it could get. It would not do to let one that had practically walked into her paws get away. The snowy terrain was treacherous, but she did not let it slow her down. Experience gained in her trek to the mountains allowed her to navigate it far better than Bubblepaw was.

That said, the apprentice was keeping up with her surprisingly well. Aspenhaze must be teaching her well, which did not come as any surprise. She knew firsthand what a good mentor they were. Mosspool was glad that Bubblepaw had been assigned to them, she had taken a liking to the apprentice.

Though, that was in no small part due to how much Bubblepaw looked up to her.

Mosspool had found that she enjoyed being respected and admired, especially since it felt like she had earned it. She had been a model apprentice and now was a model warrior, after all, so it was only natural that Aspenhaze's new apprentice would look up to her. Natural as it may be, it still made her heart swell with pride. She could not wait until the day she had an apprentice of her own.

With one final surge of effort, she came into striking distance and leapt. Mosspool crashed into the rabbit, slamming it into the ground with a force that killed it before it could even let out a final cry.
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  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Being able to hunt prey with her clanmates is one thing, but being able to engage in such an intense chase with a warrior she sees as a role model is more exhilarating to Bubblepaw than the act itself. She keeps up with Mosspool to the best of her ability, engaging all of her senses to avoid falling behind by way of some thoughtless blunder. She is sure if she faceplanted or tripped over her own paws Aspenhaze would certainly be hearing about it.

Bubblepaw's jaws part as she races onward, drawing short and heavy breaths into and out of her lungs with her increased effort in giving chase across the ground. The winter air makes every breath feel like it requires that much more effort. She's just a half-stride behind Mosspool. The silver molly feels pride at her ability to keep up with the warrior, and even moreso that both of them have basically kept this wild hare underpaw. Her mind recalls all the praises at her first catch- the applause of warriors and envy of younger apprentices. What would they think if Bubblepaw and Mosspool can catch this rabbit, too?

Mosspool surges ahead, crashing into and effectively dispatching the rabbit. It doesn't even cry out as its life is cut short, an impressive feat if you'd asked Bubblepaw. The silver molly skids to a halt just past Mosspool and her quarry, and she turns to face the warrior with a wild grin. "That was awesome!" she pants "You did it!"

/ ur so good! don't worry about it!! :3
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It was all the noise that had drawn Minkpaw toward the pair. Originally part of a hunting patrol the young apprentice had convinced her mentor that all the sounds were worth checking out. What if something super important was happening? Or dangerous? Minkpaw couldn't help the twinge of disappointment upon finding out it was just Bubblepaw and Mosspool pounding through the trees like a pair of ThunderClanners. The indignity of it. Oh well, better them than me.
"Oh my, is that a rabbit? That's quite the catch," Minkpaw purred as the two caught their breath. "I bet Windclan would kick themselves if they heard." A grin twisted the young molly's face at the thought.​