ready for fall } a tree swoons?


aka the Dark Warrior
Sep 1, 2023

⋆✦⋆ CRACK. thud.

It is almost not enough time to react as the thin tree falls — right in front of him that he is sure a stray tendril of a branch as thick as a spider’s legs slides violently across his face. Reflexes are quicker still, cat-like to state the cliché and the obvious, and he swipes with a paw to encourage the clanmate beside him backward to safetyeven as he leaps back himself. He lands in a crouch and his eyes are wide and mind clearly racing but he is momentarily wordless.

The small patrol is brought to a halt at the unpredictable interruption. Unpredictable danger even. Asterflame has already rushed to his side, the warrior’s stern look rapidly dissolving into one of relief. ”Thank the stars…,” he would hear him mutter before his mentor raised his voice, somehow finding a way to make even this a lesson, ”It’s alright. You should always be careful around dead trees like this one and you should never climb one because you never know when they will topple. In Newleaf and Greenleaf it is easy to tell a dead tree from a living one but in Leaf-fall and Leaf-bare it can be difficult. The best way to tell then is to check for missing bark or if the tree has many broken-off branches piled beneath it…”

Honestly, he tuned out his mentor as soon as his tone went from concern to a lecture. He only listened halfway. A unpleasant tightness picked at his gut and he wondered if it was…fear? He had almost been seriously injured or worse. But did he need to feel this way? Nothing had happened in the end. Did the Dark Warrior fear anything? No. The tall, needly tree that now lay horizontal on the ground had about the diameter of his whole body which wasn’t that big but it was big enough to have caused some damage. Ha, he could have been crushed!

With a deeper breath than usual, Dreampaw stood, ”The Dark Warrior will keep your wise words in mind. But I must add, I had no idea my dark powers were so mighty that even trees could aptly swoon before me.” His voice was lighter at first as caution constricted his speech but quickly it gained its usual deep, confident tone as if to brush aside the danger of the surprise incident.

/ anyone is free be the cat who also was nearly crushed or can assumed to be an npc

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet but only for short distances, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

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Batwing hadn't been too far from Dreampaw when the tree cracked. His ears twitched, vision shooting up. A hesitated moment too late, and Dreampaw was actually battering him away. His heart thudded, blood raising and screaming in his ears as his fur stood on end. He had taken a cat's length backwards, landing in a crouch, green eyes narrowed and teeth grit. It... had been a long time since he had seen a cat crushed, but thoughts coursed and rushed through his mind at the possibility of even being injured or killed.

Tigerpaw, left to her own. Howlingstar or Flamewhisker would have to tell her about his death or injury. Hailstorm and Redwind, left behind without any goodbyes. And.. Stars, Leopardtongue. He couldn't do that to her. Batwing's ears flattened as he stood straight, Dreampaw already prattling on about being the Dark Warrior- even after the close brush with death. A breath suddenly inhaled, and he turned, words coming out sharper then intended as he addressed the apprentice.

"So, you think it's a fun thing that you and I almost got crushed?" He spoke, face void of that soft amusement he normally wore. Ears stood and pushed forward. A hot breath left the warrior, turning back away to stare at the dead tree on the ground in front of them. He inhaled slowly, then turned to look for Tigerpaw. She had been behind him, not too far off. "Heed Asterflame's words. Dead trees are not to be played with, and far less, walked beneath." Batwing shook his pelt back out, trying to lay his fur flat.

// @tigerpaw. apprentice tag! ​
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The crack is all she hears, and it promptly alerts her to pick up the damn pace. Tearing her gaze from bird amongst the treetops she had been considering going after, she would dash to catchup to the rest of the patrol, immediately catching sight of the clear cause of the noise in the form of a skinny, fallen tree. " Shit, you okay? " she asks Batwing, decidedly ruffled – and for good reason. She'd think Dreampaw to be too if it had taken them a little longer to say somethin' stupid. The warrior rolls her eyes, unsure how fond it should even be in a situation like this. Surely the guy should know when and when isn't a great time for his shtick. " Yeah, your dark energy. We might jus' have to lock ya up in camp till you can control it, huh? "

The warrior momentarily inspects the fallen tree. " Thought somethin' like this would've burnt up awhile ago... Guess all the fire did was prime it for surprise murders. " Though a joke, she says it with a frown, beginning to inspect the surrounding area for any similarly flimsy - looking things in nature. " Surprise attempt murders, " she corrects. " Glad you all are okay. "

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Leaf-fall was not a terrible season but it definitely wasn't one of Little Wolfs favorites. In her mind, the yellowing leaves was a sign of harder times to come. Leaf-bare was just around the corner, and with leaf-bare there was always hunger, suffering. The stars above knew that it was the last thing they needed among the sickness plaguing her clan. Patrols are a welcome distraction from the current troubles, but she cannot help but allow her mind to wander while she follows along, taking up the rear of their little group.

When the tree falls she startles, fur along her spine raising and green eyes flying wide. When she sees that everyone is okay, however, she relaxes. "That was a close one..." she observes quietly. Dreampaw says something about dark powers and she raises an eyebrow in his mentors direction. What in StarClan's name was he talking about? Batwings advice makes her flick an ear in agreement, it was not wise to mess with forces of nature.

"Thank the stars no one was crushed" she says in agreement with her niece "Hopefully we dont have any more surprises on todays patrol" she can tell by the way Wolfwind is looking around that she agrees with the sentiment.

* ˚ The snowy warrior had tagged along with the rest of the patrol, he hadn't really been focused on his surroundings and when the tree ends up falling near Dreampaw and Batwing, his heart practically jumps out of his chest and he almost calls out his friends name but is relieved to see that he's okay. He let's out a low breath and can't help but be a little unamused by what Dreampaw says next and it takes all his willpower not to roll his eyes, alright, the Dark Warrior business had been funny at first but now... His ear flicks and shakes his head. He snorts at what Wolfwind says and agrees as he mews "That sounds like a good idea... Maybe you can use your dark powers to destroy the ticks on the elders or make moss appear at your will." A little mean from his usual warmth but he means no ill will by it.

His gaze turns to Little Wolf and nodded in agreement "I agree," Hailstorm glancing over to Batwing and mumbling as he asks if the other was okay, he couldn't imagine potentially losing his friend. The thought makes him tense as he shoves it away with a shake of his head, no, he mustn't think that way. He was safe and he would stay safe, Hailstorm would be a lot more attentive and hoped that the Dark Warrior could keep himself in check.

⋆✦⋆ His next breath catches in his throat when Batwing turns his sharp tone against him. Already he is repelling the sense of dread that had threatened to engulf him moments ago. Somehow his paws haven’t shook to betray his true surprise and so far his bravado is as true as the stars that shone in the night. Who was to believe in him if he had to eat his own words, if he showed he wasn’t all that he talked himself up to be? Could he still believe in himself if he cried or shrunk in fear?

His burning gaze alights to meet Batwing’s and for once no dramatic words escape his black lips as he digests what he thinks is a mistake. He gives the moment some space as he stares, feeling the temptation to set his own words on fire as much as his eyes.

But he does not. Out of respect or perhaps understanding stemming from the haughty apprentice that didn’t seem possible or from something else entirely was any cat’s guess.

”Batwing,” his words are steady but the domineering and jeering tone the Dark Warrior possessed wasn’t there for the moment, Nothing happened. We weren’t crushed. And not only because my dark powers wouldn’t allow it because…because…we’re looking out for each other, huh?” It’s not the most eloquent affirmation in all the clans. It’s mostly stating facts. It comes off a little short and steeped in the fake idea that he doesn’t care either way. But he feels, despite everything, that Batwing would have shoved him to safety, too, and if they both had hesitated then someone else would have saved them and if not that then the damn stars wouldn’t have allowed it or something. Thunderclan was supposed to defend their own with ferocity of a storm after all.

The Dark Warrior can’t manage much of a smile but the fire in his eyes evolves from indignance to one of hopeful uncertainty. And he turns his head away from the tall blue-grey warrior as he feels his cheeks warm in an angry, confused blush. Batwing probably has a lot to live for, he thinks absently, He’s strong and got a lot of friends in the clan. I may not have that but… Idiot, the Dark Warrior never contemplates his worth. He knows it for he has a legend to sing.

Wolfwind rushes to inspect them and the fallen tree and he welcomes her if only to put some space between himself and Batwing at his sudden feeling of awkwardness about the whole nearly being crushed thing they had going on. Little Wolf and Hailstorm, too, are welcome distractions from his thoughts and the incident he now wants to put behind him. ”Yeah, thanks,” he agrees to his clanmates’ remarks of he and Batwing’s miraculous state of being generally unharmed, ”My dark powers need no such reigning in! And my abilities have no issue dispatching the likes of vermin such as ticks and the finest moss is easy to detect with eyes as wicked as mine.” A smile returns to his maw as he slips effortless back into the theatrics of The Dark Warrior, deflecting the words of his clanmates with ease. He’s honest though, as an apprentice whose worked hard for five moons, he has lived and breathed a mass of troublesome apprentice duties and knows there is more to come.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet but only for short distances, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

Tigerpaw was following behind, not too close, but her head snapped up and foreward when cracking and a large thud would happen before them. The tree had fallen down almost entirely on Dreampaw and Batwing. But they were safe, thankfully. Dreampaw announced the tree was swooning, and they continued saying dead trees were nothing to play with.

"You should be careful with those powers, what happens if someone gets hurt," she said with a shaky breath, her paws guiding towards batwings side to try to give what little comfort she could. "How'd you get these powers, Dreampaw- erm, dark warrior..?" she asked. She was genuinely curious, but she had heard thunderclanners didn't have powers. Oh wait, that was just that they couldn't control thunder!

⋆✦⋆ ”Hrmph, only enemies of Thunderclan should worry about getting hurt,” Dreampaw would reply to Tigerpaw as he watched her join Batwing’s side. But he would nod at her as if to confirm that he would promise again that he’d be careful when using his self-proclaimed ‘dark powers.’

”My powers were destined to be mine by the stars! But I didn’t notice them until I was about your age,” he would casually say to Tigerpaw, remembering that it was upon his own early apprenticehood that the idea of a ‘Dark Warrior’ was born, ”Maybe you’ll develop some of your own…or not.” Now his last sentence was a bit of a tease but even if she wasn’t the Dark Warrior he was sure she could be powerful, too, with enough practice. But no kind of practice would allow a cat to topple trees so he was also sure the Dark Warrior couldn’t be beat. He’d flick his flame-colored tail as if to encourage the patrol forward as they’d been before, though he’d be eyeing trees suspiciously for the rest of the day and prayed that no more unlucky incidents occurred.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st 2023
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ small tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average, and short stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes
    voice ▹ when speaking as the dark warrior he has a deep tenor and a commanding and villainous tone, his natural voice is actually higher-pitched but rarely used
    demeanor ▹ laughs menacingly often but it’s usually more amusing than outright evil, uses flowery and dramatic language, smiles fiercely by showing all of his teeth
    injuries/scars ▹ n/a

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it is mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw, batwing, flamewhisker, nightbird, falconpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or situation / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles, believes the ultimate victory is to leave the opponent dead

    adept at ▹ quick on feet and is very fast (only for short distances and can be beat in lengthy sprints or long-distance dashes), very agile in his moves, can climb well, capable of being remarkably stealthy, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade, intelligent and will have a maturing skill in strategy for his age despite his idealistic and eccentric attitude
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, knowing when to quit, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!