camp ready for this - o; stargazing


I got caught up in your affliction
Nov 11, 2023
Coyotetooth normally did not understand the meaning of settling down, relaxing. It wasn't in his nature. However, in that moment, the tabbied tom looked up towards the sky as he sat in the center of camp. Silverpelt was beautiful. The stars lit up the sky alongside the waxing moon. His golden optics were scanning the skies as if looking for something. His tail unconsciously swayed side to side gently, a soft flicker. One signifying that he was deep in thought. His brows were furrowed, but yet there was a softness to it. Wonder filled the aurelian pools as he continued to look at the stars.

The warrior's mind was calm, not thinking about the next thing he had to do or the next patrol he had to attend to. Coyotetooth was just happy to sit there, thinking about what Silverpelt was like - the stars. The peace that they brought to him at least. He believed in StarClan with all of his heart. He finally regarded his other companion. "Hey...Dogpaw..." The warrior began, his voice barely able to be heard. "You believe in StarClan?"

The marred feline looked over to Coyotetooth with a curious gaze. They hadn't much believed in StarClan for some time. After their incident with the dogs, it seemed rather...childish to believe in such tales. At least in her mind. They barely could understand those who believed in the folklore, but Dogpaw had no room to judge others. The stormy-furred feline lifted their paw and rasped their tongue over it before swiping it behind their ear. "StarClan...I can't say they don't exist, but I can't say that they do. They only seem to interfere with leaders' lives and mess with the medicine cats' minds. My parents told me tales that if I believed in StarClan I would never be harmed except for when in battle with fellow warriors. That StarClan doesn't exist." The feline grows quiet and looks back at the stars above.

They grow quiet, pondering for a moment. Thoughtful about their next words. "I'd love to believe that StarClan is for cats like us, but I can't imagine that to be the case." Dogpaw stopped talking, wondering if any other cat would join them to watch the lights above.

*+:。.。 Singekit probably wasn't the best person to butt in on this melancholic conversation, yet here he was. "I don't care if they do or don't!" he announces, as though he'd been personally asked and found the question offensive. Stomping over to the older cats, Sin would plop himself down beside them as though they were all equal in experience, and hell probably even height, though perhaps he'd yet to figure out that his big-headedness didn't exactly count toward the measurements.
"Starclan is for the dead and the medicine cats, I'm gonna live my life just fine without 'em!" he says with a determined nod, his boiling blue gaze defiant as he stares up at the winking stars. There was no one up there he needed to impress, not when they were all dead and gone. His mission was to become the best warrior in Shadowclan, possibly ALL the clans - in what way did Starclan come into that? It was ridiculous to worry about it, he figured, so it was weirder still to find two grown adults worrying so much about it themselves.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


Such sacrilege was bound to attract the attention of a more devout ShadowClanner eventually, for now, only Ferndance appeared, content her kittens had been put to bed, content she could watch the night sky without fearing the worst would come to pass. "Oh... StarClan exists," she mewed, eyes wide. "They're just really, really quiet. Like a whisper from a fallen friend... so easy to miss." Eternal peace could be found amidst the starry plains, souls shed of their mortal traumas and reborn anew, adorned with pretty flowers and feathers. It was not a surprise they didn't want to ruin their good time by interfering with the lives of the living. When she ascended though, she wanted to be the one who gave medicine cats silly prophecies - to see if they would promote a mouse, to see if they would start a war with bees if asked by one who was long gone. "Your parents lied a little though," she mewed bluntly to Dogpaw, the Queen lying down a short distance away. "Belief doesn't stop the pain of a dog bite or a poison burning you alive, it just lets you know that if the worst comes to pass... you will not be alone."


[ ༻❄༺ ] The only thing that Snowpaw had in thoughts of Starclan were those told by the elders, their leaders or even the medicine cat. Of course there was also the silverpelt, something they're taught about and discussed within the clan but... other than that, there wasn't any real proof that Starclan exist aside from well, Chilledstar's supposed lives and yet even that was hard for Snowpaw to wrap her mind around.

Her gaze flicked to the sky before her while joining the small crowd that begin to form, all discussing their own thoughts of Starclan. "I'm sure they're there... but I'm still on the doubt end of things" she stated softly. Until she witness Chilledstar die and come back or other damning proof all Snowpaw really could do was put a bit of doubt in the thoughts of Starclan.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — The thought of not believing in Starclan was totally foreign to Onyxpaw, her eyes widening a little when she heard the hushed words of both Coyotetooth and Dogpaw from nearby. Her parents had instilled a sense of devotion to the stars in her from a young age, a way of coping with the losses that they had suffered alongside her birth. They chose to believe that it was faith that had made them lose her siblings so soon, and that their faces would one day be there to greet her when she ended up being one with the stars too. It was an inspiring story for a child that had been left all on her own for so long, but it did leave her with so many questions. Like why had Starclan decided they needed to take her siblings from her?

What fate was she heading towards, where she wasn't allowed to have them alongside her?

The shy chimera wasn't sure, but what was she was sure about was how much she enjoyed being close to the stars. Staring up at them and taking in their beauty and the sea of faces that must have been up there, looking down over all of them. So much so that it was enough for her to push through the nerves that usually kept her away from crowds, settling near the relatively familiar form of Snowpaw. "I... I think Starclan is real. And that they're watching over us all the time. It's just that sometimes even they can't keep the bad things from happening, even when they might want to." In her mind, Starclan were benevolent and watchful, but clearly their power wasn't unlimited. If it was, wouldn't they just make it so that every leafbare was gentle and abundant with prey, and so every clan was at peace with each other?

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    5 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

If there was any bloodline that could reasonably swear StarClan to a fiery end it would certainly be Lilacfur's. Made an orphan before she and her littermate could leave the nursery. Their aunt betraying their only home on a foundation of delusion. Watching her brother succumb to the fragility of his own mind until it undid life after life. Her family had become scrutinized to the point where she feared making even the simplest mistake would warrant retaliation from her Clan. Time may have healed the scars left from her family's wreckage but there was always be faces among the crowd she knew were merely waiting for them to fall again.

Despite that, though, Lilacfur's faith in their ancestors always remained strong. It was an unbreakable bond knowing all the family they lost would greet her upon her final breath. Her understanding of StarClan's limitations came very quickly to her due to the tragedy in their lives and for that, perhaps it is what made her connection so steady.

"They're very real, it's undeniable given a leaders ability to cheat death nine times over. Ferndance's explanation is true, though. Their purpose is to preserve the Clans and keep the forest united despite our differences. They cannot keep us all safe from every dangerous turn. We wouldn't be warriors if that were the case."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]