ready now -- ashenclaw

The stress of Orangeblossom's feelings weigh lighter than they have in moons, cascading from her taut shoulders like water off a duck's back, lightening her steps and mood. She feels ... refreshed. Sore, with her bad leg acting up in the latter half of the trip back from Tallpine, but refreshed. A confrontation turned confession hadn't been in her plans, and there's still a part of the deputy that is confused by the suddenness of it all, but she can't deny her curiosity about the situation she's found herself in.

She keeps an eye out for a familiar heart-marked pelt among the SkyClanners that crowd camp as the sun begins to set, sharing prey and tongues and catching each other up on the events of the day. Apprentices chirp to their denmates about their days, kits complain about the baths they're being given, warriors gossip and bicker playfully ... the standard she's grown used to, one she's thankful for. This is her home. And there she spots Ashenclaw, a little off to the side, turning a mouse over between large paws. Orangeblossom hobbles over, ears twitching in greeting. She feels a little awkward, aware of curious eyes turned her way, but stands over the tom with a far gentler expression than the one she'd faced him with that morning.

We can talk now, if you're ready." Orangeblossom meows, quiet.

  • @Ashenclaw :]
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

The mouse he had picked up seem- meek in comparison to the whirlwind of emotions swirling in his gut. Maybe he should go see Dawnglare or something but part of him doubted the red tomcat could do anything about nervousness. The confrontation had turned into something more than he had tended to bit off. He had wanted to make a big show of it and really sweep her off her feet. Then again things never went according to plan in Ashenclaws' life it seemed. The outburst had been sudden, but what else could've he had done? Lied? Lying is what got him into the mess in the first place. So, he just told the truth.

The blue tabby cared for Orangeblossom more than he thought one cat could care for another. Sure she was intimidating and harsh on the outside, but inside she was a sweet person with a large heart for her clan. She was brilliant and fierce- didn't need no cat to tell her what to do. Yet some how he managed to get her to like him. A bumbling, stoic idiot with nothing better to do than make things worse by lying. Ashenclaw sighed and shook his head at the thought before pushing the mouse aside, maybe he should bring it to Firefly or maybe his mother.

Pale paws then entered his line of sight and he lifted his head up to look up into deep brown eyes- Orangeblossom. Ashenclaw shot straight up from where he had laid down for his meal and swallowed a bit harshly as a lump started to form in his throat. Was it possible to throw up if nothing was in the stomach? Guess he would find out at some point today.

"Can one ever be truly ready for something like this?" He joked softly and gave a light, sheepish chuckle in response. His bushy tail flicked behind him for a moment before he nodded, "But yeah, I'd-I'd like to talk now" Curisng himself for the stuttering, way to be smooth.


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Orangeblossom makes a surprised noise as Ashenclaw shoots to his paws, scrambling up to stand with a speed she's rarely seen from the thick-furred tom. The mouse lays abandoned at his paws, and the ginger-and-white deputy sends it a pointed look before her gaze strays back towards Ashenclaw.

"Clearly you can, since you told your littermate first." She meows, dry, though there's a small measure of amusement to the comment that hadn't been present in their confrontation that morning. Like she has in the past, Orangeblossom jerks her head to the side and takes a step towards the camp entrance. Ow. "C'mon, I don't want the whole Clan to hear this."

She turns, not waiting for him to join her before trotting out of camp. He'd follow.

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

She jerks her head for him to follow, and of course without question Ashenclaw followed after her. The blue tabby was silent until they reached just outside of the camp walls before he finally broke the silence between them, "I am sorry- I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that or have it be this way," He confessed softly, "I had this whole cheesy romantic thing planned for to tell you but seems my sister has a bigger mouth than I do," He shook his head slightly and gave a soft sigh.

Orangeblossom deserved nothing but the best in terms of romance and love. She deserved someone who didn't lie, who was more like her- maybe he wasn't the right cat for the job. He wasn't a pureblooded Skyclan warrior like she was. He wasn't born into the forest with hardened shell- he was just some house cat playing pretend. It felt like pretend anyway. Ashenclaw looked at her quietly for a moment before back up to the tree branches, just trying to find something to say. Anything he could say.

"But- it worked out I guess," He continued once he found the right words, "You like me too- and thats honestly pretty cool," Ashenclaw gave a slight chuckle in amusement and flicked his tail before gently nudging her with his muzzle, "Or we that just cause I put you on the spot?" Those green eyes looked at her solemnly- he'd understand if she didn't feel the same.


✦ ★ ✦
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While Orangeblossom is mollified by the fact that her assumption had been correct, she's wary of Ashenclaw's confession. She notes down the blame put onto Moon's shoulders once again when he had told the lie to her in the first place. Silence falls between them, deputy's nose turned towards the sky and tracking the path of a lark as it swoops between branches and retreats into a nest far above their heads. She closes her eyes for a moment.

"No." She sighs, tilting her muzzle downwards to face him properly. The tip of her tail twitches, ambivalent. "It's not because you put me on the spot, Ashenclaw."

Her feelings are ... complicated. On the surface, still, annoyance is buoyed like a leaf on the breeze: Ashenclaw had lied to multiple cats. His sister, his kin, and the very cat he was hoping to confess his love to - and his Clan, one he had chosen to live in full-time. Yet under that, though for now it is soured by his untruth, sits that same affection she'd been steadily kindling for a full season.

"I do feel the same way. But if you love me as much as you say you do, Ashenclaw ... Promise me you will never lie like that again." Her words are quiet, steady. But under her suddenly fragile mask of strength is a small waver in her meow, uncertainty that she doesn't normally show. She's so close. So close to having something that she didn't know she wanted for so long.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Those tufted ears flick back and he looked down at his large paws for a moment, before nodding, "Of course, I promise- no more lies," He responded softly. Would he be able to keep up such a thing? He wasn't suppose to lie in the first place, and he wanted to make good on his promise to her. No more lies, no more trying to be someone he wasn't. Orangeblossom liked him for him right? So why did he feel the need to be someone stronger? Someone who was more impressive and cool- someone less of a kittypet.

Thats all it boiled down too.

She was a wild cat, born through and through. He was just- Ozzy. Some lazy, large cat that couldn't do anything right even if he tried to put his mind to it. Ashenclaw sighed through his nose and shuffled at the ground slightly, "Are you sure about this? I-I understand if you'd rather be with someone who is wild-born. Someone who can fight and hunt," The insecurities came flowing through the blue tabby, voicing what had been on his shoulders for the last few months.

"Like Slate would be a good option, or even Silversmoke or anyone else that is wild born that I can't remember the name of," Ashenclaw continued onwards in a ramble of rare nerves. Those large shoulders sagged slightly even though she had said she felt the same- he couldn't help but feel it was cause of the on-the-spot moment. It didn't feel genuine. He didn't feel genuine.

The blue tabby shook his large head for a moment, "I'm sorry...for everything,"


✦ ★ ✦
His promise mollifies her somewhat. But ginger ears prick upwards as Ashenclaw launches into a ramble, curious and concerned. Someone who could fight and hunt? You can do both of those things. She keeps her mouth shut for once though, and lets him finish; recommending Slate or Silversmoke as a better potential mate than he.

"Half of my immediate kin are daylight warriors, Ashenclaw, it doesn't bother me." And it doesn't. She takes a few steps closer, and sits down beside him with a small wince of pain. Stupid leg. "Look. You chose to be a full-time SkyClanner; I'm a kittypet's daughter, Ashenclaw, I know the security you give up to do that. We might not be having this conversation if you hadn't made that choice, though; when you were late for patrols, or got kept in ... that was terrifying, not knowing whether you would be allowed back home the next day." She squishes the queasy feeling, phantom though it is. It's not something she has to worry about anymore.

"Slate had his chance. Silversmoke is a friend and nothing more." Were she slightly more observant, she would also have noticed the way the gruff lead warrior had been drifting closer to her cousin; and even if she was interested, Orangeblossom would never do that to Auburnflame if she knew. As for Slate ... they'd been young once, drifting in and out of territory she now recognises as flirtatious. But between SkyClan's founding and his own disinterest, they'd drifted apart (so imagine her confusion when he'd arrived on the border).

Awkwardly, she leans her head over to rest on his shoulder, light enough that she can jerk back if he recoils. "I do forgive you, Ashenclaw. Thank you for apologising."

  • Crying
Reactions: wolfie

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

The blue tabby stiffened slightly on the fact Slate had his chance, what did that mean? Then of course there was Silversmoke, but he didn't think Silversmoke like anyone in the clan really.

Ashenclaw watched her as she spoke, his ears flicking back slightly as she pointed out the obvious- something he tended to forget about the she-cat. Suppose his own worries clouded his brain of the obvious logic behind everything. Though then Orangeblossom admitted to beign scared for him. That'd he'd be trapped forever in his twoleghouse and be unable to get back to Skyclan.

The reasoning behind joining Skyclan full time was in fact due to her, and of course many other factors like he loved the clan and being outside. Being free. Though what really pushed the decision was his own worry about never seeing them again, never seeing Orangeblossom again. Now he had Termitepaw and Thistleback to keep him here too.

Dark hues softened slightly and the worry tensing his shoulders seemed to melt away, "Ora, never worry about that," He moved closer to her as she rested her head on his shoulder. The large blue tabby cat wrapped his tail around her to pull her in close to him, and gave a rather serious look into those dark brown eyes of hers, "I will always find a way back to you,"


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