private Ready, Set, GO! ✿ Roosterkit


You are my beautiful macaroni <3
Dec 5, 2024
*+:。.。 It wasn't often that Fidgetkit had good days, but whenever he managed it, there was one particular sibling he always turned to for no other made for the best partner in crime than his slightly older brother, Roosterkit.

"Betcha can't climb that faster than me" Fidgetkit would challenge, mismatched eyes glittering as he pointed with his nose towards the tippy top of a massive bookshelf. Fidgetkit had been stuck in bed - or rather, his government-assigned window pillow - all day yesterday which lent him plenty of time to stare at that oh-so-tempting bookshelf. It looked like a bigger challenge than climbing the Christmas tree, so of course Fidgetkit needed to know if he could do it!
And with Roosterkit by his side, he was certain to have fun trying!

"What'cha say? In three?" Fidgetkit asked, already certain of the answer as he lowered himself into a crouch, ready to leap.

    DMAB— He/Him
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daylight Skyclan kit
    Son of Jhonnyflame and Silversmoke
    Brother to Crashkit, Dashkit, Quailkit and Roosterkit

    Physically very easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #85ed58

    injuries: Suffering from ASD, currently presenting no symptoms, hooray!
Roosterkit's sisters are like him — full of energy, spitfires — but his youngest sibling is a little different. He'd known that since his eyes could peel open, since Fidgetkit began to fall behind in games the others had no issue keeping up with. There are good days for Fidgetkit, where he can run and play and jump just like the rest of them, and there are bad days, where he has to sit on his pillow and watch miserably as the rest of the kits tumble on the carpeted floor.

Today seems to be a good day, and Roosterkit is grateful. One of his ears smarts from a sister's teeth, and he's more than ready to play a game he's more suited for than play fighting. "Betcha can't climb that faster than me," Fidgetkit challenges. Roosterkit smiles, his golden eyes glowing. "Betcha half my bowl of kibble I can," he says, immediate; he puffs out his chest, his bobbed tail flicking behind him.

Fidgetkit lowers himself; Roosterkit doesn't have to, he's so low to the ground already. (But he's only three moons. There is plenty of time for him to grow. Johnnyflame says so.) "What'cha say? In three?" Roosterkit gives him a nod. "On your marks... get set... one... two... THREE!"

He takes off, not stopping to wait for Fidgetkit to move beside him. His paws fly across the rug. They barely touch the floor, he's so fast! He bets he's the fastest anyone has ever been! And then, right before he gets to that silly bookshelf, he launches himself as high in the air as he possibly can, and —

Roosterkit's underdeveloped claws scrape uselessly at the smooth material on the outside of the shelf. He slides back down, his momentum spent. His eyes narrow. "It's too slipp'ry," he reports.

  • ooc:
  • Roosterkit, he/him with masculine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 4th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — skyclan kit, kittypet-born. silversmoke x johnnyflame, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh red tabby with amber eyes. decisive, excitable, adventurous, hyperactive, hotheaded, brash, easily offended.