camp ready to explode * swimming

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Bitekit approaches the water at first, with a bright eyed confidence, certain that he's finally going to conquer his attempt at swimming. From the encouragement offered from inside the nursery, determination surges though him spurring him onwards. He's getting big for the water by the nursery, kicking his legs off the bottom of the floor and keeping afloat is pestering him. He's known what he can do, and admittedly it's not much. Frequenting the water to stare at or otherwise entertain himself the venture is one he's attempted before, with what is to be similar results.

Head afloat, looking around, the kitten's briefly filled with pride at the accomplishment. It's temporary, staying afloat for a good while, paddling in the water until he gradually trends downwards. Kicking his legs hard while sinking he gets the ground under his feet, emerging from the cold water, with his sizable body trembling. Anger is familiar to him, it sits dormant, never not there. Black fur dripping, he spins around to hiss at the water, smacking it with a paw. He can't seem to get it right, his attempts leading him under the surface. Body rising and falling heavily with his breath, he struggles to tamper down the temper controlling his body - that has him wanting to swipe his claws into the dirt and throw himself to the floor. "Flea-brain." he mutters to the water as if it's sentient.
THE HERMIT ─── Rookfang knew all too well the frustrations that blossomed upon arriving at Riverclan as a rogue kitten. His pelt was different, his body figure contradicted the usual sleek and slender appearance of a Riverclanner. He had wondered if he had been meant to be a Thunderclanner once he noticed the different figures that outlined the general demographic of each different clan. Alas, destiny had woven him under the name of becoming a Riverclaner, including the connection to the river and the water that flowed without hesitance. His first natural instinct to the water had been out of rigid fear, the male horrified by the thought and even more by the sight of swirling figures among the currents. His very diet was difficult to adjust to the scales and peculiar texture of fish, and the unusual distinct scent that came from such an odd group. In bitterly laced fear, his younger self had believed that he would never adjust, never change, and only fail those who had taken their time to save and raise him.

He had half the mind to silently thank his rigid mentor. The warrior had been cold but efficient, harder on him due to the apprentice's heated stubbornness to accept being in such a cluster of felines and the mockery of having to train an outsider. Their interactions held such tension it was sharp enough to slice through the air but eventually, they grew to appreciate the differences. Now, that he had joined Starclan, Rookfang remained in the same clan, dedicating his time and heart to it in every way he could. His mind was preoccupied with sharpening his claws on the bark when his ears pricked at the sound of awkward splashing, causing his attention to self-maintenance to one of concern as his half-lidded stare dragged upwards towards the direction of Bitekit. His eyes slightly widened as the warrior noticed the water that clung to the kitten's pelt and he quickly strode over, ears pricked with energy as he halted, glooming raven brown figure's frown deepened as he aimed to drag his tongue over @bitekit - -'s shivering form while in between licks, spoke in a hushed but sharpened tone."What were you thinking?! You could have gotten caught in the current if you'd gone in too deep, then what?" He knew how adventurous kittens could get (awkwardly remembering his own reckless ways as a youth) and with Bitekit, he knew that the child was more than eager to prove himself. This caused Rookfang's thoughts to drum with the worry that Valekit would attempt to do the same foolish act but his younger brother seemed gentler, not anytime eager to stress any other warrior like the one he was attempting to warm up.
While her family had lived as rogues before joining RiverClan in its early days, Feathergaze herself had been born within the clan's walls. She had a bit of a mixed upbringing, surrounded by clan culture, but growing up on her grandmother's stories of life elsewhere. She had taken to the river like a snail to its shell, a lucky mix of genetics allowing her to grow up as though made for the water. While a warrior by now, Feathergaze enjoyed swimming near the nursery. She liked watching the new kits find their bearings, and she liked being close by in case anything went wrong. She emerged from the water a few fox lengths downstream, ears pricked at the sound of Bitekit's complaining and Rookfang's chiding. Oh, poor thing.

"Shake it off, Bitekit. You'll be swimming like a fish in no time." For a moment she raised her head to Rookfang, the urge to defend the kit's actions rising on her tongue. He's twice your age, sludge brain! What on earth do you think you could accomplish by mouthing off to him? Swallowing back her words, she focused back on Bitekit. Much less intimidating. "He's got a point, you know," she said gently. "Did you let one of the queens know you wanted to try swimming so they could keep an eye on you?"

It would be unfair for her to say that she dislikes a kitten. Right? She's not certain. If it wasn't though she would freely admit in a heart beat that she does not like Bitekit much. So young but still he seemed to like to cause problems on purpose, seemed to revel in other cats misery and he wasn't entirely bright. When she looks over at the small group that had formed around him, angles her ears to listen and hears that he had jumped into the river, she has thoughts that she is not entirely proud of. Life in the wild was all about survival of the fittest though, and if Bitekit could not swim then here in RiverClan he would certainly drown. Of course, he could always join the ranks of the dry paws but in her own opinion, she would rather chew off her own tail then ever be condemned to a life on the shores in a clan notorious for their swimming. There would be nothing more embarrassing.

When she makes the decision to approach, there is no sympathy in her tear-drop eyes. She looks at the ebony-furred kit for a long moment, allowing the adults to speak, allowing them to chastise him for such a foolish venture. "The shallower waters by the nursery would be the best place to start, it is where many of us RiverClan born cats learn to swim." there is no malice in her voice but she recognizes the coldness in the intentions of her words and immediately regrets it. RiverClan born. She had not meant it like that but it is how it came out but truly could she be blamed? Why were they forced to take in outsider kits when they had their own to worry about? Dipperpaw has never been a huge fan of change. Or outsiders... (though she supposes she is a hypocrite for that isn't she?)

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. It's possibly the worst timing to attempt the venture of fixing the issues with his swimming, the chill to the water being a shock. He's stock still at first towards Rookfang trying to get the cold river water off, but it isn't long before the dripping wet kitten is squirming away. A scowl crawls across his face, something bright and feral behind his green eyes. "I can do it! I don't care, I want to!" He insists shrilly, willing his body to cease moving of it's own volition. He really wishes Sneezefur were a leg he could hide behind. Fur sticks up on his head from his wiggling. Despite his brash nature, he's been careful around the water, dipping his paws in easily enough, but not much beyond that.

Although Feathergazes' words are considerate, he doesn't receive them as such. His ears press back, "My mother's in the nursery. 'S not that far away, it's getting too cold out here for her anyways." He's purposely not mentioning the way in which he did not mention the attempt to stay afloat. Sure he could have asked Apricotflower, but did he want to? The answers likely going to be a no on the heels of leaf-bare. It's a venture he's determined to accomplish of his own foolish volition. As far as he knows he's got RiverClan in his blood, not privy to the information of his adoption by Sneezefur.
As Dipperpaw approaches with words of her own, the silver warrior winces at the implication. The straight-forward apprentice didn't appear to mean any cruelty, but the perhaps unintended prejudice of her words hung in the air like frosted breath. Feathergaze at least was RiverClan born; even if her parents and grandmother hadn't joined immediately after the clan's formation, they had arrived soon enough to be accepted in its early days. Bitekit was fully adopted, his true mother's whereabouts unknown, at least to Feathergaze. What's it matter if he didn't take his first breaths here? He came here young enough, enough that it's all he's ever known.

Bitekit made his indignation known, squealing through chattering teeth that he wanted to swim. His determination sent a compassionate glow through the silver warrior's veins, and she crouched down to the feisty child's level.
"Well, of course you can do it, little fish," she purred, pale eyes sparkling like dew-soaked moss. "It's in your blood. But even the strongest RiverClan warrior steers clear of the water on chilly days. It's just no fun at all to be soaked through and freezing."

She cast a glance to the nursery, wondering if his mother had any idea he was outside. If Bitekit had really let one of the queens know of his plans, one of them would have been here by now. She focuses back on the brooding child.
"If it's too cold for her, perhaps it's a bit too cold for a swim, Bitekit," she reiterated, the warm glow of her expression never dimming. "Let Rookfang warm you, at least. If you really want to try swimming again, I'll just have a word with your mother, and then you could show me your best swimming strokes for as long as you liked." Then at least he would be looked out for, even if swimming at all was still a terrible idea.