border REAL PAIN FOR MY SHAM FRIENDS ✧ thunderclan dusk patrol

The sky is painted with embers, violet clouds streaking across a flaming landscape. Raccoonstripe leads his small patrol toward the SkyClan border with his chin held high and his tail curled into a question mark behind him. He tastes the air, inhaling the familiar scent of pine needles and sap, the acrid strangeness of kittypet accessories, the ingenuity that is their neighbor’s Clan. He dips his head toward the border, glancing at first Badgerstripe, then Thistlepaw. “What can you tell me about SkyClan, Thistlepaw?” His little test has a purpose, because Raccoonstripe has plenty of information to share about them to share. He wonders if things have improved or worsened under Orangestar, but he can only imagine they’ve improved. Their previous leader had been incompetent at best.

His paws brush through scattered leaves and needles. He lifts his cheek to mark against a thorn bush, relishing the feel of the brambles combing against his cheek fur. “And tell me,” he continues, eyes dark as they level any other stares from across the border, “what makes them different from us?

  • ooc: @badgerstripe @THISTLEPAW but no need to wait!
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


The patrols along this border always left Howlfire with some mixed feelings. Things had gotten better with time but sometimes when walked this close to ThunderClan land, saw familiar ThunderClan pelts, she was reminded of awkward and fiery words exchanged over the border. "Lovely weather for the dusk patrol isn't it?" Howlfire hummed, looking at her clanmates, but gaze lingered on her daughter a little longer. "It's nice to have some more light whilst we ensure the borders are marked."

Howlfire had just moved ahead slightly, rubbing her cheek against a brush and taking a stray leaf with her briefly, when her ear flicked at the sound of movement ahead. "ThunderClan," She mewed, looking back at the rest of the patrol to alert them of their presence. Inviting Hawkpaw to follow, she pushed on ahead a little, continuing with her work, but deciding to share a few pleasantries at the very least. Her amber eyes land on Raccoonstripe briefly and she gives a small nod to him and the other ThunderClan cats. "Raccoonstripe," She greeted. The tone isn't overly warm but it's civil and respectful at the very least.

// apprentice tag: @Hawkpaw
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SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — Out of all the clans that she had been taught about since she had been only young Pollenkit, Pollenpaw probably had the weakest feelings regarding Thunderclan. The other clans conjured up plenty of mental images whenever she thought of them - Windclan was violent and hostile, Riverclan seemed to take more to water than they ever did the land of warriors, and Shadowclan was dark and mysterious. Thunderclan, though, she knew of only through some of her clanmates carrying Thunderclan blood. They just hadn't left much of an impression on the older apprentice, though she supposed that was better than leaving a negative one.

She'd been so focused on the action of marking the border itself that she didn't even notice the other clan's patrol at first, gaze only flicking upwards once she heard the warning tone of Howlfire nearby. Pollenpaw was quick to squint in the direction of the Thunderclanners to see if there was anyone she recognized, though she came up as blank as ever. At least Howlfire was providing her with an out, the patrol lead's name being tucked away in her mind. "Hello, Thunderclan. Raccoonstripe." Her own voice was meant to be a reflection of Howlfire's professionalism, yearning to seem like a proper warrior in front of the other apprentice that she could spot. Though her ears pitched forward a little to hear what they were all talking about, wondering if she might get good gossip out of the whole encounter.

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
"Evening, ThunderClan!" Hawkpaw offers brightly, paying no mind to professionalism and choosing friendliness over civility, her spike-furred tail waving in a friendly greeting as pawsteps pick their way through the thicker undergrowth to meet SkyClan's border. The apprentice brushes her long pelt against a moss-covered tree, a smudge of green coming away with her, and turns a hazel eye to the patrol they've met.

Raccoonstripe, Howlfire greets the tom at the head of their neighbours' patrol, and Hawkpaw's attention flickers over him in an attempt to memorise his features. Dark mask, dark eyes. Howlfire doesn't like him much, does she? Hawkpaw's ears twitch upwards towards her mother, sending a quizzical look her way. Since Howlfire is on her left, she can't quite tell if it's met, but she makes a note to ask more about it later. Hawkpaw wants to know more about who Raccoonstripe is, and why Howlfire is using her disappointed voice.

The other apprentice, close to her age, does capture Hawkpaw's attention quite readily. All sharp edges and deep eyes, he strikes an imposing figure that stirs curiosity within the SkyClanner. How would he reply to his mentor's question? Much like Pollenpaw, she wants to know the latest from their neighbours.
"Uncle." Fireflypaw rounds his sister and nibling's side, milky hues narrowed as he waits for a jab at their kittypet heritage. Raccoonstripe had never been happy about them choosing to stay in SkyClan, let alone them being half kittypet. His eyes flick blindly towards the direction of Hawkpaw, then to Pollenpaw who speaks curtly and professionally to the patrol of ThunderClan cats. "How has the situation been? No more wolves left over, I presume?"