private reassurance - lichentail

It's been sometime since he's talked to her and he knows it. Life has just been busy and it isn't anyone's fault really. He was there when to give approval at Smokestar's choice in her becoming deputy and he was there to shoo away Shellkit during Hazecloud's kitting. He couldn't say anything. He didn't have the proper words and so he gave her space. Space has always been between them. When was the last time we got to have fun like kits? He had meant to speak to her before Leaf-bare approached, but clearly they were a bit into Leaf-bare. It was only going to get tougher from here on out. With the additional mouths to feed, prey scarcity, and all of the mess that's been going on without a doubt these were stressful times.

When he lands on her form, he pads over to her. She must be tired. He feels a twinge of guilt to request her audience, considering she not only is busy with her duties as their deputy but she does have a family now. "Lichentail, I'd like to speak to you alone." If she said no and if it could be moved to some other time he wouldn't throw a fit. It is a privilege that she decides to allocate him some of her precious time. She would be amused when he perks up and a smile creeps past his lips when she agrees. Let's not waste any time.

He leads her to a more quiet place within camp in their own little corner where no one would bother them if they knew better. Once they're settled and comfortable he begins, "It's been awhile, huh?" Not only does this establish that he has nothing to report whether it's patrols or something that is bothering him, it also sets the tone that this conversation is going to be light. Just a chat between two friends. "I k-know we've both been busy, you especially with everything going on. But, uhh, I wanted to say t-that you've been doing amazing. You're crushing it at being our deputy, but that doesn't mean work even more after this. You need rest too and e-e-even though you're deputy, that doesn't mean you can't ask others for help." It may seem that he's talking about himself, but he hasn't even considered himself yet. He knows that he's not the most reliable.

Pikesplash has been changing though. That much is certain. Although he would like to forget that moment where he was publicly enraged at Nettlepaw and put him in his place not too long ago. Who could fault him though? Nettlepaw was telling Snakeblink to chose who of his friends to fall and die. Actuallyyyy... The silver tom chuffs suddenly, "Ooookay maybe not Petal, she might t-tease you at first and make you regret asking. Snakeblink is nice and even though uhhh, Willowroot is not a lead anymore she's very wise. I-i-i'm sure! If you asked anyone would like to help out!"
  • @lichentail the thread i promised where they catch up and he tries to motivate her at the same time
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
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If it weren't for the fact she could barely keep things straight long enough to do more than keep her feet moving ever forward, she might be more willing to stop and relax. It had been a request made of her by Lilacbird once... how long ago had that been? Surely it was yesterday, wasn't it? But that had been before even the kittens had arrived... They were already big enough to open their eyes, listen with tiny, twitching ears that had begun to explore the world. Where had the time gone?

It slipped through her toes like summer sands, hot and impatient. Like blood between her claws while pressed in tense panic against a crimson-soaked neck.

Relentless cold air streaks through ice-inflamed sinuses and her chest aches for it more- a tickling cough pulled between shuddering shoulders. A ginger voice prompts her from a sluggish preparation to leave again- she had work to do after all and she pauses like she has been caught with her mouth wrapped around prey that belongs to unfed kittens. Eyes turn to find a smile-creased face and she wishes she had the strength to return it.

"Pikesplash," she says and it sounds almost whispered, in disbelief he is there. They were friends... right? When had she lost track of them?

"Of course," and he looks like he has been given a tasty treat of honey in the spring to have been rewarded her attention. They move aside, away from the center of camp where they might be able to have a conversation free of half as many eavesdroppers. She sits in a way that hurts her bones, muscles stiff with cold, with hyper-aware rigidity.

He starts harmlessly, suggesting in a small wink and nudge that they needed to be more consistent with each other. "Yeah... sorry about that..." He doesn't hesitate to dive into his piece, what he wanted to say and why. It's refreshing, to hear praise where her own mind says nagging reminders of inadequacy. Willowroot had done the same.. congratulated her, offered reassurance she would be great, that she would do great. If only the record of reality showed it... if only they could have a couple more successes than losses it might feel more actualized. "Ah... thank you," and she says it such a breathless way she thinks maybe Shellkit learned it from her and not the other way around.

The suggestion for rest is... laughable... though she means no malice in the dry chuckle. Asking for help wasn't a bother... the problem was that there weren't enough paws to see everything done. Hazecloud couldn't hunt with three tiny saplings nestled at her belly all day. And they were going to be sorely missing her skills soon, if they weren't already. "Believe it or not Snakeblink and I are actually friends." She'd already asked for his help in keeping her kittens alive long before their birth. Asking him any further favors after accidentally humiliating him would be a little too much, she assumed.

"I assure you I'm trying to find time to relax, now's just a bad time. Besides... you can't tell me you're not equally overwhelmed with your apprentice," she mews, a teasing smile lingering on her face. Nettlepaw was a handful and she had been witness to the end the blue tom's patience. "I'm just trying to keep us floating until new leaf. I'll take a lonngggg nap when we see the first new blooms..."

The silver tom shakes his head and waves his paw, "It's not your fault. Don't worry about it." No one was to blame. If anything they could both blame Leaf-bare and Windclan for making their lives more difficult and busy. To emphasize that she should just shut up and accept it, he gives her a glare. Say I'm sorry again, I dare you. Don't make me fight you on this! When no apologies come from her, his gaze softens.

You see... He didn't think about the fact that they had too many tasks and far less paws to do them. Yes, some of their warriors such as Hazecloud were in the nursery taking care of their kits until they were grown enough to become apprentices. Although, the chuckles is baffling to him. A head tilts. Did I say something wrong? What she brings up is Snakeblink. The mention of his name is enough to perk Pikesplash up again and beam happiness. Then, he's given news. News that has him dumbly answer, "Hmmmm... No it's not uhhh, unbelievable. I can see it. That makes me happy!" My friends are friends too! Hey, hey, we should go out! The three of us! Maybe go hunting and bring our catch to Hazecloud and have a little hangout? Yeah, that sounds nice! Let it be known you should actually speak these thoughts out if you really wanted to. The only reason why he didn't was... Because he genuinely forgot to say it. Oops.

"I assure you I'm trying to find time to relax, now's just a bad time."

He understands, he does. Relaxing these days was difficult and pushing her more to rest would have the opposite effect. The last thing he wanted was to stress her out. As long as you're resting even just a little bit is okay. Better than nothing! At the mention of Nettlepaw however, his own apprentice... His face falls. It's as if he's eating crowfood that it's almost laughable his own apprentice has this effect on him. "We! Just... Don't get along. He's a good apprentice I promise you, but he just. Lichentail, how do you tell an apprentice that hey. You can't learn everything in one day and become a warrior in a week?" Now he's dumping his troubles on her. No. She's going through enough as it is.

With a sigh he looks at his paws, "I'm sorry. I really am. For that day, it must've been awkward to see me like that. Normally I'm better than that, but with Nettlepaw it's just hard. And now I'm dumping this on you, great. Forget whatever I just said Lichen." Obviously telling her to forget is easier said than done. How can someone forget when their friend tells them a problem they have and genuinely being at a loss on how to work through it? Maybe Lichentail would move on, not wanting to add more on her plate. That is something he would never blame her for. In fact, he'd rather her do so instead of taking his issue and telling Nettlepaw off.

I want to take a long nice nap too. I guess we're both just trying to not to drown. The thought of Lichentail snoring away makes him smile. It would be rest well deserved. Her kits would be apprentices and Hazecloud would be back in the warrior's den. Lichentail is going to cuff him in a second when a devious thought comes to mind. "I guess I should tell Hazecloud that her mate only wants to sleep at the first chance she gets, without thinking of her. Especially when she's back in the warrior's den." It's a harmless joke he's making. By no means is he actually going to snitch and go tell Hazecloud while she's busy with kits that Lichentail says she wants to sleep as soon as it's New-leaf, but without her.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
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Not too unbelievable? Lichentail was certain that her relationship from Snakeblink from afar looked like a pair of siblings hissing, spitting and slapping each other over their favorite toy. The toy being... their job? She supposed... But he instead exclaims of joy and the blue molly shakes her head with an amused smile. Of course you are... He didn't seem the slightest bit phased that she and Hazecloud had suggested at a more romantic connection between the two striped toms.

At least the conversation moves away from her, even if only temporarily... she hates to lounge about and whine about her problems (most of them self-inflicted lately) and the conversation of apprentices is one she can actually relate to and understanding. Bossy, self-assured apprentices? Yeah... she knew that feeling... had dealt with it twice even!

"He'll have to figure that out on his own honestly... Every kit is over-eager to get the 'freedom' they think we have but... the reality isn't quite so sweet," she hums thoughtfully, thinking of a spitfire blue girl now dampened and tempered with time. "You're doing great- long as you don't let him walk all over you, he'll figure out he can't shove his way to victory!" That and she'd start slapping him upside the head if he turned that attitude toward her.

Her friend seems mortified to have even pried for any advice at all, backing up quickly to apologize and asking her to forget it- ah... too late. She offers him a small smile, shrugging her shoulders as if to say 'No big deal, already answered.' Besides... it was a welcome, distracting topic as opposed to other current events they could dig into.

Playfully, gently, with paws free of claws, the molly cuffs Pikesplash over the ears to imply she longed more for a nap than a comfortable nest to cuddle in with her mate. "Just gonna get both our noses bit off saying things like that! She's beautiful but she bites," the deputy chuckles, "Besides... who needs a cuddle partner when Snakeblink is so easy to lay on top of! He doesn't even complain- he started purring the last time."

"Hazecloud gets plenty of kitten cuddles, it's only fair I get to take a nap with my friends sometimes."