pafp Rebels in the making || Unwanted? Visitors

Sep 15, 2022

The wound on his face aches from the cold. He had been doing his best to keep it clean, it didn't feel infected..... But he wouldn't know for sure. His paws were soggy from all this slush and he found himself desperately hoping for spring to come.

Imagine his joy when they were heading to Riverclan, where everything is cold and wet!!!!

He was nervous. Yes, he had just told Sootstar to go to hell, but Cicadastar was different. He was tall and imposing and had the strength to back it up. Sootstar was scary, but Cicadastar was intimidating because of his size. That, and he just.... Had that air about him, honestly. He couldn't place why the Riverclan leader scared him.

"I hope this isn't a mistake....." He says.

They were here for Hyacinthbreath. They had to tell her what happened and he prayed to Starclan she was one of the first ones to find them.

Because damn he did not feel like running for his life a second time this moon.

And so he awaited his possible demise by the bridge, careful not to step on any border lines.

............What does he say.

".......Helloooo?" He calls out.

((Pls wait for @Galeforce and Hyacinthbreath! ))


"It's worth trying, Hyacinthbreath deserves to know what happened. Though I fear we will feel RiverClan's wrath if we aren't careful." Not that he blamed them either given how recent moons had gone. Until WindClan's scent left their pelts for good they would surely be stuck bearing the hatred that the other clans felt thanks to Sootstar's legacy.

The marbled tabby sat himself down after reaching the border, an action that caused him to wince when the wounds on his belly ached from the movement. He wasn't sure if the injuries had fallen infected but he knew they didn't look at all pretty. It was very much a mess. Though what makes him wince all the more was the call that Yewberry gave out. "Really? Just gonna call out 'hello'?" Prior to recent events he might have ended up on the ground in a laughing fit, but he honestly struggled to even muster up a smirk.

"RiverClan, we wish to deliver news to one of your own. If you will allow it. I also must push the fact that we are not here as WindClanners." He hoped his further call would grant any passing patrol an idea of what was happening. He just hoped that they were willing to listen and wouldn't just go for his throat. He was in no state to fight or to run.
@LIGHTNINGSTONE Babysitter tag, @spiritpaw obligatory daughter tag. feel free to reply after this!

Hyacinthbreath doesn't understand RiverClan well, it's been a struggle to merge into their lifestyle and leave behind the one she's known for so very long. But over time, she copes- swims more often, hunting fish; it's all new skills that she adds to her resume of things she knows how to do now. Things that could help her feed her family, protect her clanmates- even learning how to fight in water, just to help.

She's assigned to a patrol of cats to survey the area for any damages, moving logs out of the overflowing river. The smell of WindClan is always subtle, but when it comes a bit too close to the RiverClan border, her shoulders tense. She'd become a lot more wary of her homeclan as of late, after the SkyClan raid. After Sunsetbreeze's death. She grieves the loss of her friend, pain sagging her shoulders. But nonetheless, she was RiverClan now. Her duty was to the river-dwelling cats and their hulking leader. Tiny paws carry her to the border, Galeforce and Yewberry a welcomed sight in her mind despite the nervousness. "Be careful," She warns the patrol she's with, worry itching at her neck. They wouldn't.. They wouldn't do anything to harm her, right? They were friends, both of them.

"Yew, Gale." She greets them curtly with a nod, knowing that she's not a leader in any way in this situation. She knew these cats best, however. She turns to her patrol, resolve in her eyes. You don't have to worry. They're safe. Though, the words Galeforce speaks shakes her to her core. ..We are not here as WindClanners. "She exiled you as well, then?" Hyacinthbreath exhaled a cloud of frosty smoke, paws kneading the ground. Was she going to purge WindClan of its founding members? Who was next, her children? "Are you two okay? You're not hurt, are you? She didn't.. She didn't brand you, did she?" She finds a reminder of her past in the stinging of her chest scar, the X ringing out its resistance. Her paw reaches up and clutches it, the sensitive skin beneath aching. ​

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : they do not come as windclanners. ghost of the waters, dark ears swerve forward as he nears, head low and eyes sharp against the wintery haze. the man felt as though he'd an inherent ability to sniff out windclan filth these days, knows the moorland reek like the slimy, toadstool and algae odors permeating ever - damp stone — grass and rot. a step from the tall grass and he is revealed, silent as the snow that still melts slow about the riverlands. hyacinthbreath was one of them, a warrior beyond the waves and she is just as protected beneath his paw as the others. long, spidery limbs bring him round the tiny, silver - tinged molly, towering stance almost comical in stark contrast — should pallid eyes have ever wavered from their visitors face, hard - set, ice chips against the mottled shadows of his features.

she’s exiled you as well? brows furrow, head lifting, “ for what now? “ it’s biting, irritable — though not necessarily at the former windclanners themselves. could she afford to keep casting her warriors out, sickly as they supposedly were? we’re they truly so weak now? his ears crane forward, close to hyacinthbreath, long tail low and billowing near her heels. friendly as they seemed, they were former windclanners — they could be here for her, conniving as they were. his ears flick back, pupils flitting down to their chests, searching for any sort of un - starclan like marring. his chest aches for them, but not so much as his stomach does — he could spare no more space for those sootstar has condemned to the horrors of leafbare.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−−−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


He gave Hyacinthbreath a small smile. He was glad to see her well, though it hurt that he couldn't go to her. He was able to push the nagging want to cross the border and embrace her down. They were here on important business.

"Y...yeah..... We...Both spoke out against her... With some very unkind words." He said.

"She had us chased off the territory." He continued, gesturing to the wound on his face that would give him his own X in time. "Juniperfrost did this, though. Not Sootstar."

When Cicadastar appeared through the tall grass, he felt his heart stop. His fur rose and he shuffled nervously as he approached. He was every bit as imposing as he thought he'd be.

But Yewberry couldn't run. They had things they needed to say.

"H-hello, Cicadastar." He greeted the other with a respectful dip of his head.

When Cicadastar asked what they were exiled for as well, he figured there was no beating around the bush.

"Well... First, we didn't agree with the raid." He said. Yewberry would have preferred a stealth mission instead, but he dared not speak it.

He looked to Galeforce. He felt the topic of Sunsetbreeze was his to share.

Stormpaw does not know too much of the clans outside of his own, it was hard to wrap his head around such politics and he found himself caring very little about anything happening outside of River Clan. He does know however that Wind Clan is not one of their friends. Many others have made that clear in the looks they give to their refugee and it had been made even clearer in the skirmish on the border which he is a little disappointed he missed. It would've been cool to use some of the fighting moves his mentor had taught him some time. He was learning that he was an excellent fighter but a poor runner, not fit for a life on the moors he muses. Unless the rumors he had heard were true and Wind Clan did indeed have a fight pit where they fought one another to the death. Then his skills might be put to good use. He's glad Brook and Lightning chose to live here instead of one of the other clans.

Nothing but pure curiosity draws him closer to the Wind Clanners, wanting to hear them speak but also wanting a break from the tedious work he had been assigned by his mentor. Everyone had to pitch in, after all, whether he liked it or not. He is grateful for the distraction.

"Why would you go and do something like that?" he blurts, though not unkindly. Even he knew this Sootstar had a temper. If they didn't agree with their leader's ways, why not slip away in the night instead of poking the badger like they had gone and done? These cats, he muses internally, didn't seem to be very smart.

It was a relief to see Hyacinthbreath again, but he wished it had been under better circumstances. She... she was perhaps the lucky one. Despite his best efforts he couldn't bring himself to smile or anything, not when his grief and rage still weighed him down in the abyss of his darkening heart. The former WindClanner wasn't alone though and Galeforce found himself looking towards Cicadastar, long enough to offer a respectful bow of his head before his attention returned to that of Hyacinth.

"Yes, I spoke out against the bitch and in turn I was exiled. I regret nothing, not even when I vowed to come back to kill her. A promise I intend to keep." He stated bluntly as his pupils narrowed in time with his deepening emotions. "That raid should have never happened, yet unfortunately I was called up and made to take part. That's where I received my wounds, not from WindClan claws. But in that raid..." At last his voice falters and his grief swells forth and drowns out his anger. He finds himself trying to avoid looking directly at Hyacinthbreath, but after a moment he steels himself long enough to look at her as he delivers the grim news.

"Sunsetbreeze died. I'm sorry. He... he died protecting me... protecting me in a fight that should have never happened." The tears find their way forth and Galeforce finds himself struggling to subdue the choked sobs that seek to break from him. Hell, he couldn't even stop himself from trembling under the weight of his own emotions. "I felt you had a right to know, Hyacinth. But... that's not all, Dandelionwish spoke out against Sootstar as well, but he's being held prisoner in the camp! Sootstar has completely lost her mind, accusing him of being in her dreams!"

The creeping river is his current concern, he pays no mind to much else as they walk; leaning into Cicadastar's side and focusing on the water that is gradually inching in over smooth stones to solid ground like a serpent slithering. Unwatched it would rise up to smother them in its coil, suffocate them and devour them and he gives an almost inaudible sigh in response to the unease he feels; breath spiraling in clouded plumes overhead-a mimicry of clouds shrouding his face. The scent of WindClan sends his fur bristling immediately, its a reflex response to those moorland rats and their vermin queen; if Hyacinthbreath had not spoken to the two with any familiarity he would have attacked without question, given them no room for pause or to explain themselves. He cared nothing for the words of WindClan's soldiers, but even he held a flicker of recognition to the two cats now standing before them-or at least to one of them. The little lilac tom from one of the first gatherings he attended, he'd not seen the tiny tunneler since and hadn't really thought much of it. It would not have surprised him to know this one was cast aside, he seemed a touch too fragile for what had become of the cats out across the moors; their ruthlessness unheard of even to an ex-street cat like himself.
Smokethroat stands tense next to the mottled and worn form of their leader, his claws clicking idly as he taps them along the hard ground in an impatient and anxious gesture; he's still broiling, still wants to attack on impulse, but he lets it go. These two seem fine, if anything being exiled from WindClan was a testament to your morals as a cat. It meant you were not mindlessly obedient and cruel.
These two spoke out against that fool raid apparently, WindClan's desperation had been alarming and their reply had been senseless. Had they not turned every clan against them from the start they might have bartered herbs for rabbits but instead they chose this path and he had no pity for them.
One of their own died in it-he wants to say 'a death with no meaning' but there is a look of grief so heavy on the other tom's face that he decides against it. He wonders how long Sootstar pretended to care about the body before asking for the herbs her people took. The dark tom rolls his lone eye at the thought before tuning back into the discussion. Exiled for opposing the raid and their medicine cat spoke up too and was kept prisoner? WindClan was taking prisoners now. As if it could not get worse.
"That molly has gone off the deep-end, why is she keeping cats there against their will now? Why did they not ask their ShadowClan allies for herbs?"
the scent of windclan is one that beesong has come to detest. from brutally attacking smokethroat on riverclan's own territory, to raiding skyclan's camp for herbs, the moorland-dwellers are more similar to a feral rogue colony than a clan. the moment that the smell of rabbit and windswept grass touches his nose, beesong fears that they've turned to invading riverclan's own camp for supplies. but what he finds, isn't a battle patrol. it's two toms, bruised and beaten, and speaking of their own exile. beesong listens to them in tense silence, jaw set into a hard line and eye narrowed.

the larger of the two reveals that sootstar has turned on dandelionwish, too, and now holds the young healer hostage. the more that beesong learns of the tyrant, the more that hatred nestles itself into their brain for her. she will be her own clan's undoing, before long. they pity the innocent windclanners who'll be caught in the crossfire, if such a thing even exists.

smokethroat speaks on sootstar's apparent insanity, and beesong snorts, derisive. "she's never been right in the head," he retorts, while he watches cicadastar warily for the smoke's response to this new information. it would probably only drive him further towards the path of revenge... beesong wonders if the taste of rabbit would be worth the potential riverclan blood spilled in the process of hunting them?

the healer doesn't, however, comment on what transpired at the medicine cat meeting the moon before. partly because they believe that information to be irrelevant now... sootstar had already retaliated against skyclan for dawnglare refusing them catmint. and partly to protect skyclan's, and dawnglare's, privacy.

Though she knows she is not supposed to wander too far she finds herself standing near the group with what appears to be two Windclanners at the border. But not just any Windclanners but another batch of exiled ones. The situation is almost laughable with how Sootstar can just give up her able-bodied warriors so readily. Shaking her head she gets closer, burning gaze narrowing as she listens to the whole ordeal. The moment Dandelionwish is spoken of the molly feels her heart twist. Her eyes widen and she can't help but to think of how much danger the medicine cat is in. Keeping him there trapped against his will? She must really be mad. The white streak down her back bristles and she steps forward then, weaving her way through the others to stand before the former Windclanners. "What is she doing to him? Is Dandelionwish okay and why keep him trapped there if she doesn't...." Her words halt for a moment.

Because at least he isn't dead. At least she hasn't killed Dandy. Yet that does little to assuage her worries about the situation. The snort that leaves the black and white woman is clear as they talk about Sootstar and dreams. "I bet she used Starclan as a means of doing this. That molly should have never been made a leader of anything. She's just a killer, a taker." Same as herself and her ears pull back before she shakes her head. Then she contemplates what Smokethroat asked and she sighs almost regretfully. Her eyes hold a small sorrow but only for one in that clan. "Shadowclan would not have been able to give anything. When I left we barely had...anything."
The familiar smell of heather moorland grass and heather whisps within her nostrils, the coppery tang of blood mixed along with it. Instantly Cindershade forgets her failed attempts at hunting again to see what all the fuss is about. An irritated scowl cements onto her round face as she emerges from skeletal fronds to find a—rather large group gathered already. The fur along her spine lifts immediately as claws drew from their nail beds, ready to take on whatever threat had been thrown upon RiverClan. She moves lightly, pushing through a couple of clan mates to see two WindClan warriors standing before them. Yewberry and Galeforce looked rather roughed up, their faces gaunt with exhaustion and fresh wounds upon the lilac warrior's face. She listens intently to everyone talking, her ears flickering back and forth to indulge in all the conversation. Sootstar, that wretched snake and that cacophony she called a clan at it again. The shaded warrior's expression twisted from stoicism into disgust, her top lip curving over sharp incisors.
The warrior doesn't speak though, as it wasn't her place she felt like. Cicadastar was here and would grant the final decision, a king deciphering his ends and odds to either add to his fortitude or turn them away with the risk of more mouths to feed. Upon hearing about Dandelionwish's imprisonment, a growl began to edge in her throat, slowly rising as she continues to listen. Sootstar really had gone off the deep end, had she? More so than she realized. Exiling warriors left and right, keeping her own medicine cat a mere prisoner. Cindershade feels the singing burn of anger rile within her chest, aching to tear out of her and rip those moorland rats apart look the vermin they were. She wouldn't even spit in their direction. But what if she didn't actually exile these two? Could it be another one of her antics? Send her warrior's off in hopes to infiltrate RiverClan? Her eyes narrowed, observing the two toms with disguised suspicion. "I just hope this isn't some ploy of hers." The black molly finally mutters to no one in particular, her light rasping voice barely above a whisper. But then, Hycainbreath's face came into view then. She had once been a WindClan warrior, a lead warrior at that. She was exiled and now is becoming a well trusted warrior within RiverClan. Cindershade had not interacted much with her, but she was proving herself each day and that was worth her respect.
♚ Before anyone can speak, a shadow is cast over Hyacinthbreath but she finds nothing but comfort, for once. For the longest time, taller cats standing over her- watching over her shoulder, judging her. It made her paranoid, terrified that they would judge her for her actions. But now, it was security- safety. Cicadastar protected her, and while she was still earning her new clanmates trust, it was ever present the mistrust in Cicadastar's eyes weren't directed at her. But her friends, once WindClan and now exiled.

They spoke out against her. Of course, something so small would lead to their exiles. "I'm sorry you had to experience that," Hyacinthbreath exhales another shaky breath. Her mind is going a mile a minute, exhaustion weighing heavily on her shoulders. Even now, she couldn't protect those she loved from that tyrant of a woman.

I regret nothing, not even when I vowed to come back to kill her. A promise I intend to keep. Hyacinthbreath remembers those who had vengeance sworn against their Queen of the Moors. Hyacinthbreath turns her gaze away from her friends, leveling violet hues towards the arriving RiverClanners. Smokethroat pushes himself to Cicadastar's side, and she sighs in relief; two people she knew she could trust, it was okay. She anchors herself to their presence, boosting her own confidence once more. "mein König-" She meows to Cicada, voice calm now.

But Galeforce's words reaches her ears first. Sunsetbreeze died. I'm sorry. He... he died protecting me... protecting me in a fight that should have never happened. Tunneling, tunneling- back down the hole she went. Agony, agony. Before she knows it, she feels tears slip down her cheeks once more. That one, he'd come to her for advice and changed his life because of it. He'd found who he really was, trusted in her to help him. She'd done something good for another person, made their life easier- and he.. Died..

Beesong voices his opinion, she can't help the small inkling of wanting to defend one who gave her a place to belong first. But he's right. Ever since they came to the Moors.. Something has never been right. "She believes WindClan is closer to StarClan because of the open skies. There are no trees impeding their sight of the stars above." She remarks simply, scuffing her paw in the mud idly. She turns to the medicine cat, a desperate look in her eyes. She wants to ask him to help the two toms, but knows better- turning away soon after. Bonejaw voices her concerns, What is she doing to him? Is Dandelionwish okay and why keep him trapped there if she doesn't.... She trails off. Hyacinth already knows. "She's paranoid at heart. Dandelionwish knows too much for her to let him go." She replies simply, biting the inside of her cheek. She sniffles away tears, meeting her friend's gazes.

"Don't.. Don't blame yourself for Sunset. He was.. a good soul. I know you loved him in your own way, Galeforce. You two were inseparable." She reassures the tom, wanting so achingly to cross the border and nuzzle them both for reassurance. Nothing was ever that simple. Was she so horrible, as to be so useless to help her origin Clan? Was she a horrible person, starting a life here in RiverClan while others suffered? Cindershade remarks that she hopes it's not a ploy, and Hyacinth shakes her head. "Sootstar has her own plans for her Clan, but she's pregnant now. Her priority will be preventing war, with everything going on right now. She put herself in a tight spot with that raid on SkyClan, tactically." The soldier hummed softly to herself, turning to look at the RiverClan Leader.

"Es ist nicht sicher für die, sir. Sootstar doesn't care if she loses her original clanmates. Her newer soldiers are more willing to take orders without questioning her, and that's dangerous. For everyone." She shudders at the thought, wants to cross over once more and nudge Yewberry. It must have taken a lot for him to speak out against his Queen, he's always been less prone to acting out. He had enough. She turns back to her friends. "Thank you for telling me this, Yew, Gale.. Mein König, I ask for permission to guide these cats through the outskirts of our territory and into twolegplace, if possible. I would be happy if a patrol came with me, we could even hunt on the way back."

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞
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"Yes, Dandelionwish knows too much, and I do fear for his safety. Right now he is likely being used to train up the next medicine cat and to continue aiding the sick." Galeforce couldn't help but worry that Dandelionwish would be executed rather than exiled. If he had the means he wouldn't hesitate to raid the WindClan camp in order to stage a rescue. But that option wasn't available to him, a frustrating reality.

The tom swallowed back his grief as he mustered up his composure once more, even though Hyacinthbreath's words nearly had him crumbling yet again under the weight of his emotions. Right now he had to focus on his next move. "Thank you, Hyacinthbreath, but I will not be heading for twolegplace. I intend to remain close to the clans, and maybe I'll seek out those formerly exiled from WindClan. I don't know yet, but I won't take my exile lying down."

Galeforce took a couple steps back before he let out a low exhale. "I'm glad I could see you again, Hyacinth, please keep well. I'm glad that RiverClan stands strong, and I hope that it continues. Cicadastar, may StarClan bless you and your clan. May you never stride from the right path." He offered a small bow of his head before he cast his sights towards Yew. "Anything else you wish to say or bring up before we head on our way?"
  • Crying
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