camp REBIRTH || naming the kit

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His paws are sore, claws filthy and black from soil upturned. Morningbird had stayed with him as Churrodream and Quillpaw had returned to camp, the little blind, bitten-eared kit in tow, and the two toms had worked in silence to dig a grave for the kit's deceased mother.

How long, he had thought, nose-blind to the stench of rotten flesh, had he been cuddled up to this corpse? How long had she been dead? It had not happened within the last day or so, that was certain. The flies were horrific, clouds that still fought to claim their prize even as pawfuls of earth were flung onto her pelt.

How had the kit survived, being eaten alive as though he were crowfood himself? Though he hardly looks alive, with those raw ears, crusted, unseeing green eyes, missing fur. Blazestar thinks the kit must have escaped death by scavenging those insects he'd been attempting to feed his mother at Churrodream's arrival.

Scavenging. Cats don't scavenge, traditionally, unless they're rogues on the brink of starvation. Certainly not kits -- kits turn belly-up, bereft of milk and meat, and die within days where a grown cat could survive a moon or more.

It's admirable, but it's also terribly sad. Blazestar thanks the stars Churrodream had found the little scrap. Who knows how long he'd had left -- especially with the creeping cold, the snows that would come soon.

He arrives again at camp, exhausted and with a grim expression. He ignores the fresh-kill pile, the curious eyes of his Clanmates, and pads straight to Dawnglare's den. He hopes there's no strange plague they cannot see -- why else would the flies feed off of him, as though he were roadkill himself?

"Is he okay?" He murmurs to the medicine cat, to Churrodream. "He seems stronger than he should, doesn't he?"

His eyes flash, briefly, before returning to their dull and sad slate-blue. A name, a Clan name, for the little kit who has defied all odds. He says, "From this day forward, little one, we will call you Vulturekit, for your black pelt and your resourcefulness. May your arrival in SkyClan be a rebirth."

He reaches to touch his nose to Churrodream's flank, gratefulness in the creaky gesture. "Don't forget your warrior duties, but you may check in on him as he recovers. It seems he trusts you already." He turns back to Vulturekit and mews, voice feather-soft, "Welcome to SkyClan, Vulturekit."

- ,,


Just a few weeks ago, Stagkit had suffered much of the same scenario. His mother had been killed, and the young kitten had been left behind, discovered by a SkyClan patrol and named by their gentle deputy. Stagkit was younger than the newcomer, though, so his trauma would likely fade with age. Still, there's a sense of connection there, a comradery. These were two youths that had suffered much the same kind of fate. For now, Stagkit is unaware of the circumstances as he pads toward Dawnglare's den to meet his newly named clan-mate. Vulturekit. With wide eyes, little Stagkit attempts to get a view of the new child, and perhaps his future friend.

"Vulturekit?" The tiny bi-color squeaks, "I am Stagkit!" And he smiles.
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Nothing new— what is really ever new in Skyclan? Certainly, certainly not the strange faces, in-and-out. Here and then there, gone and then not. Too long, all of them linger for too long, so long that it's suspicious; and, 'they're here to stay,' they say, they say. But truly, why would anyone? Anyone not born and already trapped within these wretched walls. No one shared his circumstance, and so, why would they come and stay other than to spread plague? Sabotage, he bets. And for what, for what? Why crawl here from the hellhole you came from, only to return, only to let the witch win her own game? Only to give back what, rightfully, was taken from her...

Nothing— nothing new. Barely does he bat an eye. A blue pool blinks open just to see the scrap of void carried in the maw of that monster, and just as easily, it slips shut again. Soon the thing would be hauled off to where the other sleeping fleas lie. Another face in the crowd of maggots; wretched and abhorred; another obstacle to sleep past and avoid. But then, then, there are pawsteps at his den, and Blaise's woeful, little face. Open eyes, open like a cloudless sky and the freshest of flowers, and the— he— his eyes are...wide, and a brow is raised. And still his friend treads and treads until Dawnglare has no choice but to push himself up with a scrunched nose and tight frown.

Horrible thing, scrappy and bitten by a million curses and blood-sucking bugs. Buzzing, buzzing plague. Nearly, he asks if Blaise is sure it isn't diseased, only for him to give up the answer himself, and then, well... "Eh..." noncommittal musing, hint of a whine. A paw lightly bats at the thing's ears, and near-instantly, he regrets it. Full-body shutter, chills and hellfire, front and back. "Whoooooo's to say!" and— a snort, suddenly he's giggling, because he's to say! Isn't that something? Only the natural order of things, and yet, it's funny. Warm and fuzzy to be acknowledged for what he was. "I- I mean..."

Smiling... of course he's smiling like the sun and moon and everything in between. But it's... gross. Not the smile, but the child, and- and in turn. ...Pinched expression that oozes something strange. Stronger than he should? He fixes Blaise with the funniest, funniest look, neck loose and head tilted for the right angle of funny. And his teeth flash and his ears sing. "It- they- kid.". Lightly (for he would never be forgiven otherwise), he aims to tap at the thing's nose with a paw. Lips pulled tight, giggled words, yet strained face, "Kid looks sucked of all his guts and blood!" Only the truth, no harm meant... scrappy, but, maybe if you... if. "N-not any less healthy than... kh-" than anything Daisyflight could bring into the world, he wants to say, but maybe... maybe he shouldn't. Maybe he wouldn't. There are a million bees and bugs...

There's a sidelong glance, squinted like like a pine's needle and narrowed at the second-newest little- little- curse. Black and white and brewing, brewing, ready to burst into- into evil incarnate. Blaise... senile surely, but... not news- no, it isn't. A name so vicious for something so puny. Easily, Dawnglare could be ten times the namesake himself. If-if- he...wanted to. "Fine!" suddenly declared like the stars declared their land. Odd inflection, approval of the name, or of his health, Who's to say? (And, he's to say, truly).
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She feels older than time itself as she brings him to. He’s small, he’s so tiny as he rides her back that she could phaze out the pricks of claws in her skin. Kitten claws, a thing so innocent, did not deserve what had happened. The scene plays over and over in her head, theres claws against her skin and it reminds her so much of the fight, Stars, when will it be over?

When will Skyclan be happy?

Its a blur as she drops him off. Did he get off first, did she reach around to grab him? She cannot remember. The seconds turn to minutes and eyes are glassy, distant as if distracted in thought and she very much was. Blazestar brings her back to the living and she fixes him with a thousand yard stare, almost staring straight through him before she slides her gaze to the kitten. So tiny, so, small, undeserving. She almost feels guilty. She was anything but a saint and yet this kid had so blindly trusted her, let her take him away and fear builds in her stomach. What if she hadn’t been the first on scene, and the rogue that killed Centipede had come back for him?

You know you wouldn’t have let that happen without a fight.

Her inner thoughts comfort her, allows her to relax as she smiles at Blazestars words. “A little fighter, surely.” her voice is a soft coo, blinking in warmth. A fighter indeed and shes so grateful the universe allowed him to continue, allowed her to find him. Perhaps the misfortune brought upon the clan was just testing them, yeah… But Dawn’s voice grates on her ears and she fixes him with an even stare.

Why had she been so annoyed lately, so upset that even the smallest thing said set her off? She looks away. Honestly, she chooses to ignore the giggles, a voice screaming in her to read the room, but it was Valentine, Dawn that they were talking about. Ever eccentric, she cannot fault him for his personality. Regardless of how hard she tries to ignore it, her tail twitches irritably.

And then Blaze names him and touches her flank, says not to neglect her duties but she can check on him, and thats all the reassurance she needs. “Do you hear that, pajarito? You’ll be stuck with seeing me, now!” she jokes, aiming to ruffle the fur on top of his head. As she lowers her paw to the ground, theres a heavy sigh that leaves her mouth. She doesn’t want to tell him.

Hey, little birdie…” she lowers her head, a conflicted expression on her face. “You- You come see me if anyone gets on your nerves, yeah?” a forced smile. She just can’t do it, she doesn’t have the heart, she can’t. She cannot will it out of her mouth so she looks desperately around. If no one will, she will have to, but she doesn’t want to, no, she’s grown so fond of the kid. She’ll crush his heart if she does. Perhaps Morning would be better suited, but with how she sent a glare to him earlier out of fear of spilling the secret, she highly doubts he’ll want to.

She bites her lip, leaning her head to lick the top of his head.You know your mama, right? She had to go to a place very, very far away- er… But shes okay, now. And shes waiting for you, and… And, she’ll see you again eventually. But your mama… She was very, very sick. And so she had to go live up in the stars. They healed her there, but shes gonna stay. But she loves you, and like I said, eventually you’ll see her again okay?” she has tears in her eyes and her lip trembles, her head hangs. She puts a paw besides the kid incase Vulture wanted comfort. Stars, she wasn’t cut out for this! She had been a good older sister to her siblings but as soon as it came to dealing with motherly things, parental things, comfort that his mother should have gave him, she freezes up. She waits nervously.
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Basilpaw watches the small group ad they make it into camp, head lifting from the meal he had been eating to look at the scrap of a kit that is brought here. Ugly creature. He cannot keep the mean thought from his mind, nose wrinkling as the smell of death hits it. He is no stranger to the topic of loss. His own mother had been taken from him before his eyes, no body to bury. His whole family wiped out by a battle he had been too young to understand. He understands now though. Life is unfair.

Vulturekit. The child has a name now, given to him by Blazestar himself. Basilpaw, sniffs, trying not to say what he is thinking. That Vulurekit reeks. That would be rude considering what the tom had gone through and so he bites down hard on his cheek in order to keep himself from commenting on the scraggly toms appearance or smell. "Do you need someone to show you to the nursery Vulturekit? I could help you pick out a good spot! I used to live there y’know." he is careful to keep his distance as he speaks, lest he catch whatever had caused him to look the way he did.


For much of the badger ride he has been silent. The little tom is taking this moment to relax, to breath, to be. It's a strangeness for the kit to be so high up and he lifts a small paw to swat at the wind that breezes past him. His ears twitch and he hears something, the telling of others. Many voices all blending together. It scares him and he becomes unsure so he presses closer to Churro's back. Yet he doesn't get to stay there and he has to get down. So he clambers down, with a small huff as his small paws hit the ground a little too suddenly than he anticipated. Lifting sightless eyes he blinks as he smells someone. The smell from before, he speaks and he listens, partially confused on what is happening. That is until he says his name is Vulturekit. Confusion swells in his facial features and he upturns his head towards Blaze. "Not Boy anymore?" His small voice mutters out befoee his attention is grabbed by another. A child just like him and he becomes curious, lightly sticking a paw out. Searching. "Hello,...Stagkit." There is so much going on that he doesn't seem to process it all.

One cat is saying things that go over his head before declaring a sharp fine. It jolts him to turn his head in that direction before he feels Churrodream touch the top of his head. He gets to see her? See? He blinks his gaze but he tried to understand. His mind just thinking she means something else. Everyone sees like he does right? "I like that. Very much." He mutters softly as he keeps himself close to the other as she speaks to him. This time it is about his mother and he angles his ears to hear better. His mother had to go somewhere very far away? To get better? And she won't come back? Not even for him? Grief wells up in those useless eyes of his. A sadness that he can not fully comprehend. His mother is gone and she isn't coming back. Yet all he mutters is a soft and sweet. "Okay..." In the stars. He wonders what that is before another is talking to him and he gets onto shaky legs. They want to take him somewhere and he tilts his head before nodding. A place to sleep will be nice. [
The idea of a new kit joining the nursery now that he no longer slept there was like a treasure discovery; he had a new friend! When he wasn't training (Which seemed to be constant, with having two mentors. Two! StarClan has truly blessed him!), he was spending time bothering the kits in the nursery. He didn't really like to not know everyone, and as long as he recognized the faces around him, he was comfortable with not seeing people too well. His eyes squinted against the darkness, tail flicking behind him.

"Vulturekit, huh? Such a cool name! I'm Fireflypaw, Blazestar here is my dad! Isn't that just rad?" Firefly quips with a grin, using the strange word he often found Deersong chirping out. Dawnglare is there, too, he notices- and he makes a point to stare pointedly at Dawnglare as he spoke, soaking up the words he spoke like it was holy gospel. Was he that odd looking? Firefly glances down to the kit, tilting his head as they begin to walk to the nursery.

"You'll have lots of cats to play with. My suggestion, go and visit Morningbird in the Elder's Den! He's super cool to listen to. His stories are awesome, too!"

Dawnglare speaks, and Stagkit can only tilt his head, stare at the medicine cat with unblinking, owlish eyes of molten amber. Then, finally, the boy speaks, "Words are hard. You make them harder." The tiny kitten observes with a rather blunt statement. "Mind spinning, tongue twisting, words all tangled up. It's okay. I don't mind it." A small smile flashes across his maw before Stagkit's eyes return to the newly named Vulturekit. Churrodream was telling him about where his mama had gone, and Basilpaw was offering a tour. Fireflypaw was giving suggestions, and so what would Stagkit offer?

"Play chase? Later." Tag! That was what he would offer. Vulturekit needed friends, and Stagkit was happy to help!
"Be careful around Morningbird, he can get grumpy if the apprentices are around." Orangeblossom calls out from her spot lying in the sun as the little procession nears, but while there's a gentle warning in her voice it's a teasing sort. She doesn't really mean it. Brown eyes twinkle as she regards the kitten, having overheard Fireflypaw's announcement of the kit's name, but she can't help the way her nose wrinkles at the stench of death that clings to the kitten and to Blazestar ... just what circumstances had this poor kit been found in? Stars above. She'd have to ask Churrodream about it later. "Nice to meet you, Vulturekit. You'll be safe here, rest up."


  • orangeblossom, warrior of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.