private rebooting the system | cicada



જ➶ Breathes hiss and pump from her chest as she races across the ground. Her long limbs shifting and pushing against the earth as she sprints. This is the first time she has ever given chase to a piece of prey, normally ambushing is her tactic. Using the shadows and silence to get as close as possible before striking just as quickly. But this hare, this prey is on the wrong side of the border and she doesn't want to give it up. Though she knows that prey itself can be anywhere, hares and rabbits not locked in the moorlands, she feels like she shouldn't be chasing it. Yet she knows too that any cat would enjoy a meal like this. It is big enough to feel at least almost 3 of their warriors and she lunges again. Claws dig into a leg and it trips, flailing and she keeps herself back so that she doesn't get kicked. Her muzzle curls in annoyance as she tries to find yet another opening through the furry of kicking claws. But it is fast and racing again. She tears off after it, following the blood that it leaves behind. They are coming up on the river and she snaps her jaws as if she could stop it.

But what catches her eye is another cat. A familiar tall and regal form. Her leader. Ears pulling forward she already knows what could potentially happen and so she surges forward trying to catch up. But the hare is faster and so instead she shouts. "Cicadastar! Watch out!" The shadowed warrior raised her voice, straining her vocal cords.