
Jun 9, 2022
crimson soaked earth ; phantom hauntings of a hunt gone wrong. still can hear her mother's fervent cries and prayers upon a despondent body — starclan don't take my daughter from me ! — as if she had any control over their celestial ancestors as coyotepaw remained in limbo. negotiating over a near corpse never fared well, and she shrugged off anyone who told her otherwise. her coyote will pull through, her coyote was stronger than a hundred mongrels that would dare to enter the forest, her spirit was still young — and by starclan, will she live again ! perhaps it was divine intervention or perhaps her mother's words finally rattled through her skull ( more likely the herbs finally brought her back out of her catatonia ) and so did the apprentice finally rise, shaky and wide-eyed and alive. smothered in shouts and surrounded by kin, it didn't take long for everyone to realize that the once hyper and warm kitten had turned into something more grisly, some unholy amalgamation of wildcat and cur. welcoming a viper into their nest, shed of this feline skin and becoming a wild-dog ; sometimes, in the back of her mind, her mother wonders if her daughter was better off among the stars. sometimes, coyotesnarl wonders the same.

from a vague recollection : she should've died. the only offering she gives to anyone who asks what happened between the coyotepaw from before to the coyotesnarl of now. a separation of spirits, one who died with the mongrel within the pines, another rising from this mystified grave where her blood once fed the grass. a wink of a half-lidded eye, she asks not to stare too long at someone who wrestled with death and won. yet she can't help but wonder if winning was truly a twist of fate or if she is delaying the inevitable ? decrypted and closer to starclan than even she, her old mentor treats her as an evil spirit still roaming this burial site — " you aren't the same coyote i once knew " — and she relishes this thought, as if she was once untethered and brought back by some covenant between the heavens and the earth ( " i ain't a lot o' things anymore " ). she knows the truth. within citrus hues of a morning long passed, she was weaving betwixt trees that touched the heavens and skirted past the words of her mentor to ' don't go where i can't hear you ' . yes he was elderly and perhaps a bit too old to keep up with her rambunctious spirit, but truly what trouble could she get into her own clan's territory ? her ignorance was repaid swiftly — never dismiss the words of the elder, and trust that nowhere is truly safe. this is where the memory becomes muddied : is she choosing to feign forgetfulness or does she still fear the forest ? hungry jaws takes her body and almost kills her were it not for her mentor following her shrieks of terror. when she falls back to the ground she can't focus on the blurred figures that rushes her to the medicine cat's den, she doesn't even notice that her hearing is distorted and her fur is missing. coyotepaw has bled enough for nearly a hundred lifetimes, coyotesnarl is determined never to bleed again.

summer's breath is excruciatingly hot, trembling trees sway to take refuge from a rogue wind. a ragged breath and her flesh begins to sing a cruel song, old wounds begin to breathe and enflame — she'll have to endure these rogue pains from sunrises before. she dares not growl a word of discomfort, instead she swallows down and continues on. she hears distantly of the apprentices shouting that they caught some meager winnings during this wild hunting party, a competition of who could catch the most lizards during dusk. the older warriors instead pile up their prizes in the middle to discuss who truly was the best hunter of these slithery devils. with a shaky sigh, she tosses another body into her own pile before speaking, ‶ so. i hate to be the bearer o' bad news, but someone oughta start countin' who won this lizard hunt. it's almost night an' surely someone lost badly.

Smogmaw hadn't a fighting chance at staking victory in the lizard hunt. For one, he loomed well above apprentice-age, which struck him as the contest's intended demographic, and it wasn't feasible that he'd ever be so young again—least not in this life. On the other paw, he'd only caught frogs. Thusly, whatever prize awaited the champion - an extra helping of fresh-kill, or more likely mere bragging rights - were moot, irrelevant to him. Tragic, insofar as pride went.

"Who's winnin' what, again?" raises the tom, neck coiled serpent-like over a broad shoulder. His visual trajectory carves a trail through the ashen strands, down across leaflitter and dewy underbrush, and comes to settle square on the cat who'd brought the matter into the open. Coyotesnarl, if naming names provided a much-needed clarity. Brows knit by a nominal margin when Smogmaw hails her. A brief flare-up of recognition, before his head ultimately returns to whosever trophy pile lay at his paws. "Fox-dung, better not be a good prize. All I caught was friggin'-." Frogs.

➼➼ When he’d first come to ShadowClan’s border with Forestshade and Sharpshadow, he’d hardly been able to catch any prey that had legs to move with. A hunter of only stationary, already--deceased prey, he’d been. Now, with Forestshade’s training, he’s still not amazing—but his hunting is passable, at least. He’s not a complete embarrassment to his father’s name, and he’s not going to rush starving because he can’t catch a single mouse again. Now that summer’s here, he’s even more grateful to be out of the carrionplace. The heat only makes the stench worse, and while the marshland still doesn’t smell great in the height of summertime, but it’s leagues better than where he’d been before.

He’s managed to catch two lizards; he’s not the most stiff participation in the competition, but at least it’s something. At least he isn’t in Smogmaw’s paws, with nothing to show for his effort but frogs. "Guess we know who lost badly then, eh?" His voice is low, filled with amusement. Smogmaw is a strong clanmate, smart and… capable. He’s still caught prey for the clan, even if it doesn’t apply to the competition. "I caught two, so I definitely didn’t win," he adds, turning mismatched eyes on Coyotesnarl. He’s got to admit that he’s curious—what does the winner get?

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    BLACKSTRIKE ❯❯ he/him, shadowclan warrior
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
  • Angry
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