RED FLAGS [ raventhroat plot adopt | CLOSED ]

Jun 7, 2023

  • WHAT'S GOING ON?: Raventhroat is a slightly paranoid, defensive tunneler-warrior in Windclan, currently at 20 moons at the posting of this thread (most updated age will be on their tags as I check periodically.) With this in mind, they are trying to do their best to keep defenses up, and devises a master plan to break a clan code... in order to defend his clan. They will befriend, attract, and 'fall in love' with a Shadowclanner, of which they know is a loose-lipped and easily-trusting cat.

    Raventhroat is going to 'spy' through this Shadowclanner, pretend to love them and give them gifts, in exchange for getting information on Shadowclan's internal movements. This information will be given to a Windclan council member from time to time, or circulate in rumors. The twist to all of this? Raventhroat won't be able to resist the Shadowclanner for long, and actually fall in love.

    Note: There's a couple other twists that I plan to keep secret, but the person I select will become aware of them when chosen!

    SLOTS: There is one slot. Good luck.
    Applications are free-form, but they are not first come first serve. Please include at least the basics! Name, gender, appearance, etc.
    Applications will close on August 5th.
    PLEASE NOTE: You can 'sign-up' with an existing character, or create a new one! I encourage that if you're signing up with an existing character, you have full tags! If you are creating a new one, lean into a full application like you would for a litter.
    Please keep the applied cat within 4 moons any direction! (Currently in the 16-24 moon range.)
    I am looking for someone who can be semi-active with this character, as it may a fast-paced plot.
    Please make sure you keep their personality specifically manipulatable. That's what this plot is relying on, to begin with.
  • Raventhroat: SH black/black smoke chimera w/ low white
    tags (these WILL be getting updated ; toyhouse
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SmudgeflameSmudge- for their tortie fur, flame- for their bright spirit and warm persona

⤹ afab nonbinary androgynous ( they/it/he )
— pansexual ⋆ mono ⋆ panromantic
⤹ from Shadowclan, Warrior
— previously loner
⤹ 18 moons ⋆ ages every 2nd ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by wolfie

APPEARANCE — black and orange tortie with low white and yellow eyes. reference
⤹ carrying dilute, chocolate, long hair ⋆ masking nothing ⋆ etc

Standing at approximately 6 inches tall Smudgeflame is a lithe and small warrior. They are about 7 pounds heavy with short fur that is shaggy and almost unkept most of the time. It doesn’t seem like they care too much for their appearance and rather be playing or something than anything else. They have a dark tortie coat with patches of orange in heart shaped spots along their body. They have orange across their face in a splatter pattern as well with white tipping their ears, top of thier maw and parts of their chin.

Their chest is also white with black spotting it in broken pieces, with a white tipped tail and dipped front paws- they dont see themselves as pretty. They’re pretty average and small for their age and size due to malnutrition as a kitten and their need to eat things that are not food. They also have white back longs and these rounder, almond-shaped yellow eyes like the sun. .

MENTALITY — mbti, ❝ the xxx❞ ⋆ dauntless
⤹ suffers from pica and anxiety disorder
positive traits: Loyal, Generous, Optimist
neutral traits: Stubborn, Outspoken
negative traits: Too trusting, Attaches easily, Extreme emotions

While not the brightest leaf in the pile, Smudgeflame is a very sweet and selfless cat. They wear their heart on their sleeve and overly trusting of cats around them, despite the rather difficult upbringing they had. They always try to see the bright side of things and care strongly, quickly and deeply for cats that show even the slightest bit of kindness to them. Smudgeflame though is also stubborn, feisty and one to always speak out loud when things go awry but sometimes theyre loudly wrong. They’re a loyal cat and love their home in the clans as they had been dropped there as a kit and raised by Roseflurry (NPC). They do have attachment issues and problems with constantly, chronic anxiety that makes them tremble or shake from time to time. They’re always willing to give themselves 100% even if the person in question only gives less than bare minimum. Smudgeflame can be rather bull headed and stuck in their ways though, standing up for what they believe is right and show the clans are a good place to be. Compared to the hellish place they came from at least. Though they have no real ‘memories’ of these days, just nightmares. Regardless, theyre an average, sweet cat and always trying their best.

⤹ littermate to no one
— other kin Hawk (uncle/NPC)
⤹ friends with who
— admires who ⋆ likes who
⤹ enemies with who
— dislikes who ⋆ loathes who

interaction information here: how they react to others (clanmates, outsiders, enemy clans, etc) ⋆ how easy they trust others (family, clan, other clans, outsiders, etc)
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at what ⋆ poor at what
— sounds like who ⋆ smells like what

⤹ plot 1 .
— plot 1 impact
⤹ plot 2 .
— plot 2 impact
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FAWNHEART — named fawn after their grandfather, given heart for his compassion towards others and loyalty

⤹ trans masc ( he/him )
— afab ⋆ mono ⋆ demisexual
⤹ from Shadowclan, warrior
— clanborn
⤹ 19 moons ⋆ ages every 5th ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by velou

APPEARANCEgreen eyed long haired cream tabby with low white
⤹ carrying sepia, long hair ⋆ masking blue

A long haired low white cream tabby standing at 15" in height. While the size is impressive, body mass has been sacrificed as a result, the tom is extremely skinny that it is a bit concerning. Perhaps if his fur was as dark as night, he would have been imposing with cascades of fur and glowing emerald eyes. However, the shadowclanner has terrible posture, remaining in a hunched position most of the time. While fur can hide his lack of muscle compared to others, the uncertain way he carries himself gives away the frailness of his frame. A good swat to his long legs is more than sufficient to end a fight. And yet, while his posture is atrocious, the shadowclanner takes great care in grooming himself. Though it is impossible to fully manage his mop of fur, so there may be areas in which fur is wild. The most noteworthy areas would be the top of head and cheek in which he loses a war of unruly fur often. So much so that the tom has given up on taming locks of cream.

MENTALITY — infp, ❝ the mediator❞ ⋆ melancholic ⋆ 4w3
positive traits: considerate, thoughtful, patient
neutral traits: cautious, rigid, shy
negative traits: anxious, pessimistic, excessive

A kind tom who is considerate and thinks of others before himself. He tries not to draw too much attention to himself, preferring to play a supporting role. It is not because he is unable to, but it will take some encouraging from those he is close to, or peer pressuring will work just fine. Fawnheart has a quite a difficult time saying no, unwilling to deal with the aftermath of hurting someone's feelings and the shame that stems from letting others down. It is reasonable to say that he has a low self-esteem. Even though he excels in certain aspects such a hunting, he will refuse any claims and have a hard time believing in his worth.

Fawnheart is keenly aware of his flaws by constantly comparing himself to others, yet this has made him blind to his strengths. He doesn't view those he considers great in a envy, no he pities himself. While he carries the rank of warrior, he doesn't believe it is a earned title. This is due to the bullying he endured growing up which resulted in a close friend becoming injured, their training was put on hold. Their relationship hasn't truly mended from the incident. They still converse and are friendly with one another, but their relationship is built on guilt. Neither is honest with their feelings and swallowing down their hurt from the events that transpired.

He is not one to dare voice his true opinions, opting to bottling them up. However, the bottle will eventually overflow one day. That is a day he dreads and actively tries to prolong, even if it means self-sabotaging relationships with others in order to prove that there is something wrong with him. Something that proves that his narrative of being the victim.

And yet, despite his flaws he will always want to do the right thing. To contribute and help others even if it involves dragging on conflicts that everyone wishes to move on from.

⤹ littermate to none
— no other kin
⤹ friends with tbd
— admires tbd ⋆ likes tbd
⤹ enemies with tbd
— dislikes tbd ⋆ loathes tbd

When it comes to interacting with all manner of cats he is quite shy and would not approach others so easily. He lacks confidence to go up to anyone and ask how they've been or if they've seen something interesting. When it comes to enemy clans, while he understands conversing with them is wrong he likes to give them a chance should they dare come up to him and inquire something. He would simply be more wary and fidget more often as the conversation continues. Despite his demeanor he trusts others easily, always giving them the benefit of the doubt. Even though in the past he has more than enough proof that cats can be cruel and unkind. Perhaps it is out of desperation that he choses to trust in others so readily? As if to forget that chapter of his life? Who can say?
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 70% ]
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
excels at hunting, stealth ⋆ poor at fighting, swimming
— sounds like who ⋆ smells like what
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So sorry, getting back to this late!!
Going to give an extra THREE DAYS after today, so we'll be ending on the 9th!
(There's been a lot more going on outside of TT then I expected, apologies </3)
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