border RED-HOT LIES ;; stealing prey


this pounding in my ears
Jan 2, 2024
Hush did not know how to fish, nor did he care to learn. There was no point when it was so cold outside and when there were much more opportunities to get food by other means, whether it meant hunting for himself or fighting off someone that had caught something that he wanted. He was curious about RiverClan though, the small stories he'd heard from other rogues and whatever few loners had crossed his path causing a small itch of want for information to form within the tom's brain and so the four-eared feline had moved forward from the abandoned shack he had called home the last few nights to go to the border of the clan. The last time he'd been here there was no borders, no markings to show that cats had claimed the land and the rivers - it was a free-for-all for whoever was able to hunt the way it should be. With that mindset he found his ears pricking, tail-tip twitching behind him as he began to hunt for what little prey he'd be able to find near the RiverClan border.

Greed had fueled the male's hunt as he made a small pile of whatever he could find - measly scraps and worthless things that could hardly be called prey, let alone a meal - and he hunkered down and began to eat, unwilling to take his small claims with him knowing that there would be many rogues that would see his success as a challenge and try to fight him for whatever few bites they could take. Taking bites from each of the prey below him Hush's head shot up as he heard the tell-tale sign of cats splashing along water, the small quips of cats talking to each other as they walked towards their make-shift border and quickly the chimera shot up, a partially-eaten shrew hanging from his jaws and just as the face of a cat peeked out from the reeds Hush offered a smile and a wink before sprinting off, leaving his half-eaten meal of a mouse and another shrew behind to be cleaned up by whatever RiverClanners or predator happened to care enough to mess with it.

  • Feel free to have your character be the one who saw him before he ran off!
  • uglyass_redeemed.png
  • HUSH NPC x NPC || adopted by Hazel
    -- He/Him || 42 Moons || ages every 1st
    -- large tom, lh tortoishell x blue chimera with duplicated pinnae and large teeth
    -- unsavory, cannibalistic tendencies, enjoys fighting just for fun
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Leafbare was unforgiving. Swiftfire hadn't been in Riverclan for long, but she didn't really need to be a clan cat to know that much. The chill in the air was sharp and enough to strangle a warrior if one let it, and prey often ended up scattering as a result of it all. Not a bad idea, honestly, if only we had somewhere warm to go. The warm, comfortable environment of the warriors' den was hardly as relentless as the frost of outside of it, but it wasn't like any of them were allowed to just curl up and hibernate like so many other animals seemed to do. They all still had duties to attend to and mouths to feed, regardless of how brutal the weather decided it intended on being.

Especially now, with kits in their nursery and a warrior on the verge of starving to death.

The thought of the state Petalnose was in sent a shiver down her spine, head frantically shaking as she tried to focus her mind on the task at hand. The border needed to be checked and food needed to be searched for, and she'd lose her mind if she spent all her time worrying about others instead of what she was doing. A sigh left her as she lowered her nose to the ground, jaws open slightly as she checked for anything unusual - or, in the best case, the scent of prey nearby. And surprisingly there was, beneath the fresh scent of water and the sharp sting of something else. A scent unfamiliar and new, bicolored ears immediately twitching back at the smell of it. "Guys, do you...?" Swiftfire didn't even bother finishing with her question, paws carrying her towards the scent and through the reeds that formed a natural wall between them.

She unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on your perspective - only caught the briefest flash of the tom beyond them, face recoiling with a gasp away from the grinning face and wink sent in her direction. "Hey... hey! Stop, that's Riverclan prey! Get back here!" Her shouting was a lost cause though, pawsteps not fast enough to catch up with the fleeing form of the rogue. Swiftfire stood frozen in place for a moment, before her attention turned to the half-eaten meal that Hush had left behind. An annoyed huff left her muzzle, tail lashing as she turned towards the rest of the border patrol. "Gross... did you all see? There was a cat... some kind of loner, I think." At least she could be certain that the whole encounter wasn't just her imagination, considering the poor half-eaten mouse and shrew sitting near her paws.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
die with memories , not dreams .
“Swiftfire?” He mumbled, standing beside her, plumed tail twitching at the sight. “Rogue.” He uttered, staring at the half-eaten meal. “Cross borders.” He added, mismatched hues narrowed in thought. “Loners don’t.” His muscles tensed, glancing wearily around them. Sasha and Deacon? Had they come back? His heart squeezed painfully, horror-struck and maw filled with hay, drier than the desert. It made his chest ache in ways he hadn’t thought possible.

“Bury it.” He mumbled. “Predators.” He elaborated, padding forward toward the messy sight, although nothing that made his stomach churn. He remained indifferent, claws scrapping against the frozen ground, leafbare curling cruelly at their backsides when he shoved the half-eaten carcass into the ground, covering it with a small mound of dirt. “Leave.” He uttered, a command perhaps, but Dawnstorm had always been blunt and simple-worded, never one to elaborate.
thought speech