RED ROVER, RED ROVER // chilledstar

// retro thread before meeting! @CHILLEDSTAR.

Her kits are only days away from being apprenticed, and while she is positive her leader has already selected mentors for them, she won't rest until she at least states her case for what she wants. The blind she-cat stops just outside their den, clearing her throat to announce her presence as she stands among the gnarled roots that cloak Chilledstar's burrow. "Can I come in and talk to you for a heartbeat?" She calls in, tone remarkably casual despite speaking to a leader. They were her mentor, after all. She feels completely comfortable around them, as if they are the oldest of friends. And she knows all too well they harbor a soft spot for her - stars, it's why they allowed her to request Orchidpaw as an apprentice! She hopes they will honor the similar request she is about to make now.

they don't think they've ever had a good night's rest since they were given these lives. too much responsibility on their shoulders, forcing them awake at night. stars, they're tired. they roll over onto their stomach stretching and looking around for their mate who seems to have slipped out. hm. with a blink, they raise their brows at the sound of someone outside their den. their apprentice. former. they're still not used to that but she's a mom now. they really should be. they yawn, clearing their throat.

"sure, it wasn't as if i was sleeping or anything."

they forced themself to sit up.

"i hope you have a mouse or something."

they don't actually know why they've asked. they're not hungry. oh well.
// OMG SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY I took a break with Forest for a bit <3

At their allowance, she strolls in with a casual flick of her tail. Her ears twitch and she offers them a wide grin in apology. "I promise to bring you one first thing. Fattest mouse of the morning," She vows, voice clearly filled with excitement. She seats herself in front of where she can smell them, her tail flicking against the cool ground. "I wanted to run something by ya, and before you say no, just take a look at Orchidpaw's training and tell me she isn't on track to be one of the clan's best hunters!" She barely pauses to let them think about it. Leaning forward, Forestshade's ears prick and she trills, "My kid, Sweetpaw - I wanna mentor them, too. Who better to mentor them than me?" A blind warrior is the best choice for a blind apprentice, and she obviously wants the best for her offspring. Eagerly, she waits for their response, unseeing eyes wide with expectation.
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their silent and brooding nature has never worked for forestshade. she relies on her ears, nose, and whiskers entirely. paws following in step with what she first senses. she cannot see the look on their face and maybe that was for the best. their tail flicked back and forth with agitation. she already stretched their graciousness with her when she asked for orchidpaw, and now she wants another. her child, no less.

their ears manage to push backwards, agitation dancing in a gaze unseen. they only close their eyes, trying to hold back the toxin that wades upon their still tongue. their nose scrunches and they finally answer.

"do you know what your asking? you want two apprentice? do you realize that sweetkit, soon sweetpaw, is not the only other blind cat? what of caterpillarpaw? what if another one goes blind? will you train that one, too? or is this simply because sweetkit is yours?"

they sigh with a grunt.

"fine, forestshade. but do not ask me for another favor like this. you've run out."
She pricks her ears with interest, hearing the bitterness on their tongue. It doesn’t faze her. Chilledstar is a special cat, one she could never be afraid of for she knows they care for her too much, and vice versa. So the venom they spit rolls off her shoulders like water and she sits straighter, mewing, “I’ll train all the blind apprentices you want me to, Chilledstar. I’m what’s best for them anyway!” Her voice is confident as she puffs out her chest. “But yes, I do want Sweetkit, I want them to succeed because they’re mine. It’s my responsibility they become a great hunter, just like me, just like Orchidpaw.”

She sniffs and tips her chin up, waiting. And when Chilledstar accepts, she grins a grin that is all too big, flashing her fangs with a gleeful, “Great! Thanks, Chilledstar!” She moves forward to roughly bump her shoulder against theirs in an unprofessional gesture, but one that she sees as affectionate. “I’ll go get you that mouse!” Waving her tail, she trots out of their den to leave them be. She’s got a mouse to catch, and that won’t be easy to find in the marsh.