pafp RED SKY AT NIGHT [nighttime chat]

Dec 12, 2023
➼➼ Night has fallen across the territory, the sun’s last rays having faded a while ago. The rest of the clan is sleeping—or at least, it seems so—and yet, the black and white tom can’t seem to do the same. He tosses and turns in his nest (because he’s earned the right to have one of those now) but every time he closes his eyes, the sounds of slow, deep breathing around him only get louder. It’s too loud, all of a sudden, and Blackstrike pulls himself from his nest with a series of uncharacteristically noisy pawsteps. Mismatched eyes stand half-lidded with exhaustion, but the tom drags himself on tired paws out of camp and into the surrounding wilderness.

Outside of camp, the moon lights up the territory in shades of blue-gray and shining white, and Blackstrike wanders along in search of nothing in particular. He’s still forming his mental map of the territory, so it’s not much surprise when he happens upon a somewhat secluded space where the ground below is dry and free of pine needles. And in the middle of it… a clanmate. He recognizes the other tom as Batchaser, and stalks closer on soft paws until he’s sharing the space with him. "Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you or anything. Mind if I sit?" Without waiting for an answer, he moved to sit beside the other warrior. Surely Batchaser won’t mind, and if he does then it’s a good thing Blackstrike is good at dodging hits. "What’re you doing out here, anyway?"

  • ooc: @BATCHASER
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    BLACKSTRIKE ❯❯ he/him, shadowclan warrior
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Batchaser couldn't sleep. He never could with his mind all over the place these days. Slithering out into the darkened undergrowth, away from the sleeping bodies of his clanmates. Hearing the tall tale signs of the creatures that roam at night chatter and shriek throughout the marshlands was music to his ears. A peaceful song of melody.

The moon illuminates in the sky, shining down upon the dark territory of the marsh. Shining its brilliant light upon those who walk in the night. The lanky bicolor roams where his paws take him, until they take him to a quiet spot.

Feeling a couple of small pebbles dig lightly onto his paw - pads, he walks forward to sit in the space. He hunkers down onto bony hunches, with a small smile curving onto his bicolored maw. He ponders on about the other clans, wondering… He is always wondering with a strange but curious mindset. A small rustle snaps his thoughts away, turning his head over his shoulder to stare at the someone who has ruined the peacefulness. Behind a curled fringe, heterochromic eyes blink. Ah. Blackstrike. He had never interacted with the other before, he supposes it is the right time tonight. He watches as the other tom approaches him until Blackstrike is sharing his space.

His voice comes out smooth as he speaks to the other. "Ah, It is no problem…" He trails off, tilting his head. Sweeping his tail behind him as he stares at Blackstrike, before a carefree grin makes it's way on his maw. "I see no one else here." He pats the space next to him with a pale splashed paw. He lets the other bicolored tom sit in his space. "Hm? What am I doing out here? I, of course, am enjoying the peacefulness of the night. Couldn't sleep, as usual." He hums, as he listens to the surrounding wilderness chatter and buzz about.

  • ooc. pretend this is not late of a reply jqksbs
  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 33 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- "It seems sleep is hard to find for night owls.." Hollowmask's voice is soft, yet the roughness of her voice never sways even now. She was a ghost in passing, wandering the lands of marsh until her body grew tired enough to finally let her rest for the night. With Chilledstar's demise, she finds herself walking the territory more often to make sure everything still rests where it should. An instinctive overprotection of the territory she grew up in, less so for the inhabitants of said territory.

Dull golden eyes seem to glimmer ever so slightly in the light of the moon. She finds no comfort in these two, doesn't wish to share their company like they do for each other. Her eyes lull back to a puddle of mud nearby, contemplating on rolling in it. But then she would be cold. It wasn't the same as when it was harshly warm and sunny above, allowing her muscles to settle down from a hunt. This, she thinks, is a creation all of her own.

"Such a shame.. To waste such beautiful moonlight." She hums thoughtfully, head tilting upwards to the sky.

  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ "It does seem that way, doesn't it?" Their soothing voice slips from black lined lips as they emerge from the shadows of a tall pine tree. Two toned eyes glisten in the moonlight as they sigh softly and allow those same hues to fall upon the company that he has found this night. Night owls are not u common within Shadowclan. Afterall they thrive in the darkness where the other clans would shun it. A small smile pulls upon their muzzle then as he settles down themself, keen to be a part od this small group during such a beautiful night. They have little issue with shifting through beams of sunlight but hunting in the darkness is their true element. Casually they lift a paw up to try and lick mud from between their toes, tail curling against snow tainted form before they pause.

"We could all take a moonlit stroll. Maybe see how interesting a border is at night." Amusement filters through their expression as they mention a patrol. The other clans don't normally keep them at night. So he wonders if they can poke and prod a bit and see what they can find. Of course within reason as they have no wishes to break the code like some wish to do.
maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
" Day, Night, the marsh always looks the same - its the season that matters, " comes lilting voice, blue eyes cracking open to stare at those who've interrupted her moonbathing with their yapping. Not that she bothers to say as much - surely, the unimpressed stare she levels upon them speaks volumes enough. Muscles move and stretch languidly as she shift her weight, stomach stretched taught as she rolls onto her back lazily. " It's leafbare that it looks prettiest - all dusted in white frost, " voice sounds wistfull for once - the season might not be a kind one, but it will always be the one Maggotfur takes the most comfort in. From the fact her first moons took place in that season, to the fact her coat is ill suited for the heat, she highly doubts something like a lack of prey will ever truly ruin her preference for the colder moons.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T

Moving silently through the marshland brush, it did not take much time for the wandering she-cat to find her clanmates just outside of camp, for, contrary to the rules, she too had been out in isolation. To a ShadowClanner, the night was worn like their pelt, and no greater did Ferndance's comfort in the dark show than with the large toad that dangled by its legs from her maw. She shimmied past her clanmates to drop it off on the freshkill pile as a treat for an early bird, before, in a hasty gait, walking back to be with her friends and denmates. Part of the conversation had been missed because of it but. ever the creative sort, the tabby did her best to fill in the blanks.

She could believe Blackstrike had said something dramatic, and perhaps Batchaser had responded with something casually cool. As she turned her head towards Hollowmask and Thrasherthroat though, her interpretations came to a halt, uncertain of what they would say. Her ears twitched at Maggotfur's involvement, blinks growing more melancholic as she considered the winter months. With Sprucepaw's death happening at the heart of leafbare, Ferndance was content that she would never want to see snow again if she could help it. That awful moment would always overshadow the joy of her kittens' births. Still, she smiled it away, reclining on her haunches. For now, the emerald-eyed she-cat was silent, content to take in the background noise, but her ears were pointed forwards attentively, looking for her way into the conversation.