pafp RED STRING OF FATE // stuck with Wisteriapaw

Nov 14, 2023

Something strange and random had just decided to roll into camp today Basilpaw was in the middle of his lunch!. His eyes grow wide as he watched the weird object just roll into camp. It looked like a moss ball almost, just red!. Bigger! and not really looking like one at all, but still!. Some seemed alarmed or unerved but the twoleg object but not Basilpaw!. He was beyond himself of curiosity!. And if he dared to walk up first to it surely the whole clan would see how brave he was!. Yay!. Perfect plan. Basilpaw was gonna become Basilhero today!. He couldn't wait for Pipitclaw and Snowpaw to see how cool he could be!. Even Lividpaw would lose his jaw he was sure of it!. " Do not fear everyone!! because i Basilpaw is gonna go and investigate and eliminate this threat !!." he boldly jumped up on his paws as he puffed out his chest and with big steps walked closer to the red ball enemy!. Basilpaw was so ready for this!. He was sure this was what he had been trained for his whole two months of becoming an apprentice!. To save his clanmates from this dangerous threat!. Chilledstar for sure was gonna make him into a warrior early and give him a badass name like Basilclaw just like Pipitclaw!. He was so ready for this and... -

" Hey Wisteriapaw!! what are you doing?!." Basilpaw gasped as he froze, staring in disbelief as his denmate was approching the dangerous Red-None-Eye too!!. No way!!. Basilpaw was suppose to stand in the spotlight today not....not them. He had to get there before them!. Basilpaw was in such hurry to get there before them that he stumbled over his paws and as he run and accidently collided with Wisteripaw that both of them would go down crashing with the red string of fate. The yarnball rolled a bit away leaving a red thread after itself which had tangled itself with the two cats. Basilpaw blinked his eyes as he had ended up on top of the other apprentice !! [by accident of course! ) to stare down at them. " Oh...hi Wisteriapaw!!." he said cheerfully as he was blissfully unaware of this awkward moment between the two. Basilpaw started to move as he tried to get up was then he realised that he was stuck!! with Wisteripaw!. Some evil force was keeping them tied together!. Basilpaw started to look around and only now noticed the red thread that had entangled itself around both of them. Basilpaw tried to move again but was still stuck, suprise!. So he tried again and again, each attempt more desperate then the other until he ended up dropping his head back down into the other apprentice's chest, woopsie!.

Basilpaw looked up again this time grinning. " Uhm, looks like we got ourselves in a sticky situation!, but don't worry! i got this!." he said and briefly closed his eyes, knowing exactly what to do in this situation!. " HELP!! HELP!! IT'S TRYING TO KILL US!!" Basilpaw started to yowl for help from their clanmates just like any brave and fiercy warrior would do in this situation!. He did not wanted to be stuck with Wisteripaw like this forever!!, it was really really weird and uncomfy!!.

A red string of fate is symbolic for destined partners, someone sends a yarnball from carrion place rolling into camp and you find yourself tangled with another cat!