redefine the line || windclan patrol



to any old experienced warrior leading a patrol was nothing out of the ordinary but for shrewtuft it was a first and when duskfire assigned her to lead one towards their shared border with riverclan she couldn't help the giddy feeling that washed over her body in that moment. when all groups were done getting assigned the young molly wasted no time gathering up her companions and ushering them right out the heather tunnel where they were greeted by frost covered hills that crunched mutedly beneath their paws as they began to head across the territory to the border.

of course it didn't take long for the windclanners to arrive at their destination and things seemed pretty quiet for the most part but maybe they'll see their fishy neighbors appear soon since that tends to happen. "alright, let's get to re-markin'!"

|| @LEECHPAW @Nutsprout @Nineteen @Thunderpaw
[ penned by cobi ]

This is the worst season of all, he’s decided. It’s cold and wet and everything just sucks. His hind legs hurt every morning when he wakes up, and when he’s been lying still for too long. But now that he’s up and moving, the ache that’s started in his hip seems to dissipate. At least it’s not all terrible; maybe he just needs to exercise more often. That’s what he’s doing now, actually—he’s exercising, and definitely patrolling and not just wandering aimlessly around the territory.

He catches the scent of strangers as he approaches one of the clan’s borders, and he tilts his head. WindClan. Clayfur doesn’t hold the same total disdain for their moor-dwelling neighbors as the rest of RiverClan seems to—but he won’t lie, he’s a bit put off by their leader and her closest goonies. So when he spots a patrol that’s very clearly missing any recognizable faces, the tabby tom cracks a smile. "Hey," he greets, trotting over to stand a few fox-lengths away from the WindClan patrol. "This weather sucks, huh? How’s the patrol going?"
( ) As per usual, Minnowpaw was walking along silent beside the other members of her patrol. She was deep in thought about what a gift she was working on for Leechpaw when she heard Clayfurs' voice pipe up in a greeting.

Looking up with pretty copper eyes, the silver femme would quietly walk to stand slightly behind her clanmate and in an attempt at improving her socializing skills, she would raise a paw and wave it delicately in her own shy greeting towards the moor cats.


"Brrr!" The cold crawled beneath Fernpaw's sparse pelt, and he tried to stay as close to his father as possible in hopes of using him to stay warm. Nearby, Uncle Clayfur's voice skittered across the air- met him paw-in-paw, and bug eyes glinted with recognition. He'd urged his father to go check it out, and soon- well, they were face-to-face with a patrol. Um- yeah, this was the WindClan border, he was pretty sure. That- windswept smell, though it was pretty hard to pick out...

"Hi!" A cheery greeting piped up in a tiny voice, springing from an undersized apprentice. Fernpaw was not the best example of the perfect RiverClan apprentice- the potential of the future. Either of his sisters would likely be a better example... Steeppaw was big and strong, Iciclepaw was measured and calm. "How, um- how fast is your prey?"

That was what they said, right? How fast was it, how was it... did it run fast, or something...

\ obligatory mentor tag @MUDPELT
( penned by pin )

Great, his turn to patrol riverclans border again. Tch. He hated to come here the stench of fish really making him want to puke. With a bitter frown the apprentice would stop behind Shrewtuft his attention being else as they marched forward while checking thier border. Some peace and quiet they would not be spared for long though. Leechpaw huffed underneath his breath wanting nothing more but to return back to the moors. One of the riverclan cats asked them how the patrol was going along with how awful this weather was. " It's going great." he muttered, for sure not being mrs sunshine here. Leechpaw was not good with interacting with his own clanmate so how could it be expected of him to be a likable face in front of the other clans.

He would ignore the friendly wave one of the apprentices was giving to them by looking away going to let someone more friendly like Shrewtuft return that greeting back. She who always was so bubbly and outgoing. Flinking his tail back and forth he would breath out some cold air, wondering for how long they where forced to stay around here. A third voice then spoke up, this one being an apprentice too. He asked them how fast thier prey was. Leechpaw took a moment to think if he should answer or not.
" Fast." Was his not so helpful reply to that question. How was he suppose to know how fast thier prey was?. In this cold and snow, the prey felt even faster then usual. He huffed, looking not happy to be here.

❖ There had been a few talks of the pervious Riverclan skirmish and Weaselclaws temporary demotion, or permanent whichever happened first, and Nutsprout didn't understand this. What was the point in fighting one another? They were all free to do as they pleased with maybe some structure to the situation, but still. Wasn't there better things to do that fight each other? Though this patrol didn't seem as vicious as the others have so maybe there was a small hope this patrol would be over and done with? ​

Nutsprout surely hoped so as even though he was a formible fighter from years in the Coalition, he still wouldn't hurt a cat unless in self defense or defense of a clanmate. The lilac tabby cat gave a small dip of his head towards these..Riverclanners and a bobbed tail twitched impatiently for a moment. Surely remarking wouldn't that long right? Then they get back to the moors and remained unscathed.