camp reeds and sedge - talking about riverclan

No matter what happened, time continues to flow, and so would Riverclan. Even if they were guests here. He was injured and shouldn't be moving around too much, he's fully aware of that. Ravensong, Dawnglare, and Fireflypaw wouldn't berate him for moving around camp. I sure hope they don't actually. I'm not as bad as Petalnose. It was bizarre to be in Skyclan, but this would be his home for now. He would simply have to accept this as his home to move forward, unless he wanted to mope about the loss of Cicadastar and their former home. From what he's seen Blazestar was honest and that Silversmoke who stated that they couldn't sustain Riverclan only meant well. He could see not only from the skinny frame of Blazestar, but those among Skyclan that food was not doing well. Unfortunately, he couldn't hunt right now to provide something. All he could do was weave nests, tell stories, and rest. To be frank, he feels like a burden being unable to aid those hunting for two clans.

Still, he needed to do something. That's why as he was trying to find some work, he couldn't help but chuckle when approached by a Skyclan kit who was curious about Riverclan. The tom sits, leaning down so the kit doesn't need to strain themselves to look up at him. "Riverclan camp? It's very pretty. We have dens too, they're made of reeds. Do you know what a reed is?" When he is met by a shake of head, he pauses. How should I explain it to them? They would only see them if they're apprentices along our border. "It's tall grass. It's all around Riverclan. But, do you wanna know something cool?" This time he's met with a furious nod and he can't help but smile. "We decorate our dens with feathers, sparkling rocks, and shells. When the light hits these shiny rocks and shells it's absolutely beautiful." Perhaps to the older Skyclanners that eavesdrop might consider Riverclan as vain. And maybe they're right, considering a good deal of them collect shells, shiny rocks, and feathers. In fact Riverclan has many traditions. Perhaps he might show them what Riverclan does to keep their coats shimmering. However, without any fish scales he is unable to do so.

/ Pikesplash is just talking to a random kit, which could be your character about Riverclan camp! Anyone is able to join in the conversation

Something about shiny rocks and Edenpaw is THERE! Leaning into the conversation (their attempt at being casual is blatantly obvious) as their eavesdropping had proven to find something interesting, the black and white apprentice scrunches up their nose at the idea of 'shells'. What are those? Edenpaw cannot recall ever seeing one before... or even hearing about them... it must be something in the water. How did one decorate with it? Was it like the feathers but instead it was from fish? No... no that's scales...

"Ahuh... what'd the shells look like," they pry, easily intrigued and wondering if it might be something they could steal from a neighborhood garden. Cherrypaw had liked the flowers they'd brought her so naturally whatever this light-refracting shell thing was, she'd love that as a gift when she got home!

"Have you guys ever used the bones of the fish you eat for anything! I bet they're realllllllllll~ pointy!"

It feels strange being in SkyClan's camp, her own home overrun with rogues. SkyClan camp is strange and unknown to her, the smells, the sights, the unfamiliar faces. Lilybloom supposed the only good thing was that the SkyClan cats had been accommodating at least. She couldn't imagine it was particularly easy for them to have to support two clans in their camp, regardless of their friendship with each other.

"Usually the shells are small and flat," Lilybloom explained warmly, when Edenpaw asks about the shells. "They're smooth, usually cream or grey in colour. I don't really use shells in my nest though as they're a bit hard to sleep on. I just stick to bird feathers and some nice flowers that bloom by the river."

She chuckles at Edenpaw's question about fish bones. "Well, I've never used them for my nest I can tell you that much!" She laughed.
"Is it wise to share the details of our camp like this, Pikesplash?" Stiff-backed and empty-eyed, Saltsting does not like SkyClan. Their territory is crowded and dark. It does not smell of water and dirt, but leaves. Greenery. They fear the water. He yearns for it. If his other clanmates feel as he does, they are much better at hiding it. Hearing them speak of the place they lost leaves needles prickling at the warrior's chest. It is as uncomfortable as sand between his toes. Why does he miss one, yet resent the other? It pains him to admit that he has not been wholly....rational, since Fallinglight's sickness. It had only worsened with the rogues.

He was of course grateful for those that had sheltered them. It is not their fault that Saltsting feels as he does. There is only a kit and apprentice so far to judge what Pikesplash says, or his own....attitude, as others may call it. He does not wish to share the beauty of RiverClan. All he wants is for it to return.

  • ooc:
    ——  a black smoke with low white and dark brown eyes. his purebred father lent him much of his structure, with the oriental shorthair's characteristic angular features and large ears alongside a tall, lean frame, yet it is his mother's genes that rounded him out, adding strength to his shoulders and toughness to his paws. a kittypet and a colony cat, and saltsting is something entirely new.
    ✦ IMPORTANT NOTE. saltsting is touch averse and very vocal about it. icly, riverclanners should be aware of this. repeatedly touching him without the necessary comfort level will leave him with a poor opinion of any character.
  • "speech"
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw finds herself approaching cautiously with her eyes landing onto Pikesplash still remembering when Cicadastar had referred to the warrior as kittypet dust and it makes her wonder what he meant by that... Had Pikesplash been a kittypet before? Was that why he was so comfortable talking about Riverclan camp around with the strangers that was the Skyclan members though it only seemed to be a kitten and an apprentice thus far but much like Saltsting, she doesn't believe the warrior should be sharing such information even if it wasn't incredibly vital. She misses her home but mostly the willow den where she slept with her littermates with her parents curled around her, where she had truly been safe and naive to the true nature of the world around her.

A bitterness rising in her chest and her mismatched eyes stare at Pikesplash for a heartbeat longer, she finds a small yet tired smile on her maw "You're not pushing yourself too much, right?" She says nodding to his injuries that he had obtained, he was still her clanmate even if her father had spat out harsh words to him when he had tried correction Cicadapaw. She still cared about him.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed