private REEEEEEEEE - cindershade

( tags ) Tell him how he even got to this point in his life and he had no clue really. All he remembers is that he was on patrol with Cindershade and some other cats. They were hunting, so nothing dangerous here. They wouldn't be dealing with Thunderclan today, but he and Cindershade decided to go to the same area. It started off fine. They caught some fish, but he had the nagging suspicion that Cindershade was competing with him? He had started off with a small fish, which was fine. He wanted to get something for the kits. He remembered there was one queen who wanted her kits to try a little bite of fish. However, Cindershade caught a bigger fish beside him. Now... Before you think, what makes you think she was competing or why he felt like she was judging him. Well... She quite literally puffed out her chest and purred, placing her fish next to his as if to compare.

Now, they had caught some fish and it was getting to the point where they called petty. Cindershade may completely best him when it comes to fighting, but he'll be dammed if he doesn't give fishing a try against her. Petalnoses words ring in his ears about finding a proper partner, as if warning him this is not the hill to die on. However, he wants to prove to Cindershade that he is not as incapable as she thinks he is. That's why in perhaps one of his dumbest moves he goes up to her and waits. No, he will not tap her for her attention. He's going to stare at her until she looks at him, which come on dude staring is the thing that got him into trouble with Cindershade in the first place.

When she does look at him, he motions to the fish they caught."You. Me. Competition now. Who is the better fisher?" Pikesplash is not taking no for an answer. Cindershade could see as much from how bold he is compared to his usual demeanor. If anything she might be proud that he was the one to initiate this. For a moment of course, because she without a doubt wouldn't give him any mercy. Cindershade was not one to bow down and if she lost, she wasn't going down without a fight.

// @Cindershade
Assigned to a hunting patrol they had been, moving through the fronds and reeds for a nook within the river bed, a haven for fish to gather and feed where cover was given. She hadn't intentionally started this bit of competition, but watching Pikesplash through her peripheral had the competitive spirit in her brewing like an oncoming storm. She watches him scoop a smaller fish from the surface, killing it swiftly and she awaits her turn, eyes trained upon the bubbling surface. A flash of silver enters her vision, darting in her wake and she flashes out a shadowed paw. Ivory claws pierce through the succulent flesh of scales and meat, hauling out a bigger fish before killing it off. A flash of pride flows through her, sitting up straighter and a satisfactory purr rumbles in her throat. The woman feels eyes upon her, and though she pretends not to notice, she knows Pikesplash is watching her. Watching her as he always did. While it was a bit off-putting and down right weird—she'd use it to her advantage and show him that she could out match him in battle and in fishing.
As she patiently waits for her next catch, that same haughty feeling of being watched had crawled up her spine once more. Cindershade does her best to ignore it, but with a tabby striped head literally right next to her own—sage green eyes flashing in challenge as they pierce her profile, she finally casts a glowering look towards Pikesplash, her shoulders tensing as they eyes locked to each others. He barks out his challenge to her, clearly his own pride sullied by the way he spoke to her. Usually, Pikesplash was a sniveling little weasel unable to perform a full sentence, and now here he was—stepping up to her as if he were just as competent of a warrior that she was. A smirk pulls at blackened lips, her verdant irises flashing in that same challenge his own held. "As if we need a silly little competition for that, Pikesplash." She retorts, her smirk growing into that of a mocking saccharine smile. "But, if you insist. I'll be happy to embarrass you." Antagonizing is all it was, riling him up is what she wanted and to get a reaction out of him. His boldness surprised her, honestly, but she'd not look at him incredulously. She wanted the challenge.
"Who can catch the bigger fish?" She says, turning back to the rushing river. Cindershade is immediately in competition mode, the sensation of thrill and excitement tingling at her paws like ice. She's ready, posed to strike like a viper. The lead warrior waits patiently, eyes focused and sharp for movement. She wasn't sure if Pikesplash was still hovering over her shoulder or if he had returned to ready himself instead. No matter. She would win. Her lucky streak hadn't been broken yet. There! A flash of white and silver darts across the open depths, attempting to go downstream but the molly is faster. Her paw, fast as if lightning struck the very waters, lashes out and claws sink into more flesh. This fish had weight, a mature fish for sure and she pulls hard against it. Speckled scales shine in the sun as it breaches the surface, a notably large trout. Her mouth practically salivates just looking at the aquatic creature. Her absolute favorite. But it'd have to wait. It flops in her grasp and she tosses it ashore, ivory teeth snapping at its flesh in order to kill it swiftly. Jackpot. Her cheeks pinch in a smug grin, placing a shaded paw upon her kill. "Your turn."

( tags ) The tom bristles at her comment. It's not that she is bruising his pride. It's the fact that this wasn't supposed to be a competition. He had been minding his own business and providing for the clan, and then Cindershade decides to purposely hunt bigger fish. He saw her beaming with pride when she glanced over his smaller catch. Pikesplash knows that he can't contest her in battle. Cindershade had already beaten him badly when she first forced him to spar with her. The tom wasn't going to relive that beat down again. Cindershade is indeed riling him up, so much so that he struggles not to scrunch his face in irritation. With Petalnose he wouldn't mind if she egged him on. The other warrior made it clear despire her harsh tongue that it was a game between them. Pick someone you're comfortable with. Petalnose had told him that challenging Cindershade was foolish had he actually asked for it, and that he should seek clanmates he was more at ease with. If Petalnose was here now she would call him stupid for daring to ask for a challenge.

He isn't sure if he'll win to be honest, but he refuses to back down. Call him foolish and maybe he'll be laughed at, yet he wants to show the cat he still admires greatly that he's grown since the last time they had a showdown. Taking a page out of Murkblossom's book, he takes a deep breath in to steady himself. Once he's calmed down enough, he takes a page out of Lichentail's book. The page being Pikesplash taking a step closer, tilting his head to meet Cindershade's gaze with a smirk. "If it's so silly why do you seem so eager to participate?" Cindershade should know what he's getting at. He's testing her in this moment. If Cindershade were in a different clan this would be the moment he would be decked to the ground.

Cindershade asks, no defines the competition. The rules are simple. Whoever catches a bigger fish wins. He merely hums in agreement before giving Cindershade a tail length worth of space to work. It's funny though... I haven't stopped looking up to you. Normally when a cat gets humiliated by someone they admire, they stop admiring that cat. Here he is watching Cindershade with great interest. If you were to compare the two, it was obvious who was better. I'm still flailing around, while you're floating gracefully. His thoughts are interrupted when green eyes come face to face with an impressive trout. The tom blinks, suddenly aware of what he proposed and that this was not an easy feat to best Cindershade.

The competitive spirit in him is a gentle flame, he is at peace. Pikesplash merely smiles and nods, "Alright." He makes his way to the edge of the shore and watches as the fish mill about. The thought of Cindershade watching him spurs him on. Yes, this was a foolish decision to challenge her he is keenly aware of that. However, just because he may not win didn't mean he was going to give up like last time. I'm going to give her a decent fight. Green eyes linger on the a fin protruding from the river's surface. The fish is moving quite fast, it's brownish grey scales shimmering. His attention is drawn to this fish, it appears bigger than the others. Now it's just a waiting game. NOW! In a flash, he slaps his paw against the waters. Claws sink into flesh, he sends the fish towards his way. It's then the pair can see that what he managed to catch was a barbel.

An average sized barbel. He'd lost their competition. Despite losing, he didn't feel better as he caught the fish in the air, maw clamping down on the wiggling fish. There's no need to compare between what they had caught, yet he takes his catch and plops it beside hers. The fish itself is smaller, but she had to give it to him. Despite his own catch being smaller than hers, what he had caught was a decent size and was not dwarfed by her own catch. The tom is no sore loser. He will admit defeat. With a chuckle as he faces Cindershade, he purrs, "Looks like I've lost!" That admission should make him feel shameful, yet he only feels happiness. Did I make you proud?