camp REFLECTIONS ✧ rta


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
Greenleaf felt never ending at this point in the season. The days, despite shortening slowly, had a monotony that made them bleed into each other. Wake up, be uncomfortably warm while doing tasks, cool off in the river, and then rest in the still warm nights. The repetition was maddening.

Turtlepaw wished for change. She longed to finally be a warrior and create that change. Only two more moons by her count. It felt like it could happen any day now, though. Her body was well-muscled from training and hunting, and she was nearly a head taller than her peers of the same age. The apprentice felt awkward around them. Being taller and louder made Turtlepaw stand out, and she didn't like it. As a kit, it was fun to get under feet and make loud noises. The older cats loved it in Turtlepaw's opinion. Now, though, she was much too old to act that way. If she tried that now, she got curses and orders to find something to better to do. It stung, but she knew that was just part of growing older.

Growing older also meant gaining memories. As a kit, she lived in the now and looked to the future. Now, close to graduation, she couldn't help of think if the past. Her paws padded in the soft dirt that lined her home's river in the sunhigh heat. It felt like a lifetime ago she had been carried downstream by a trout, much to Foxtail and Snakeblink's chagrin. She peered over the bank into the cool, clear water to see if she could find another trout to battle again. I think I'd be the one dragging the fish this time, she thought with a chiding tone.

The tabby moved to return to the center of camp and check on the freshkill pile, but paused at the cat staring back at her in the water. Her fur, through watery currents, was a glossy dark color with even darker lines between her ears and ringing her eyes. She had a strong skull with a wide muzzle adorned with a pink slash from a self-inflicted wound on a twoleg cage. That memory puckered in her mind and refused to leave. The watery cat wrinkled her nose and they both giggled at the sight. Her ears seemed finally proportionate to her head. It seemed they would never fit her head just a pawful of moons ago. Two green eyes glittered like sunfish on the surface of water.

A full grown cat. "Who is that?" She asked to herself. She had no answer, really. Something between a laugh and a snort left her then. The sheer absurdity of time and how it seemed to move so fast when she paid attention to it. Shifting ground sounded behind her and she waited to see who's reflection was going to join her in the river.

[penned by muddly].
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The warrior had experienced many greenleafs and leafbares within Riverclan. When he had joined the clans he was much younger, he'd only experienced one full season before he showed up at Riverclan, a collar in tow. Pikesplash had been a kittypet. He didn't know how to hunt or fight and yet Riverclan allowed him to join them and learn their ways. He is unsure why they kept him around for as long as he had, but he supposed while he failed in embodying the true essence of a warrior, he did his job. He excelled at swimming most of all and was willing to help kits who asked to get used to the water. Catfishleap had been his first apprentice and Nettle his second. He hadn't been assigned another apprentice, but given what transpired... It made sense for him not to be assigned anyone.

Pike. That was his original name. The only reason why it was kept was because it already sounded like a Riverclanner warrior's name, it just needed a suffix. His collar he can barely remember what it looked like anymore. Did it make a noise? I think so? Maybe not? It's been too many moons. The face of his twoleg? Twolegs? He's also unsure. To others, they may think of this as a good thing. Given how much kittypets and their way of life was scorned. However, he can't say he feels sorrow. What he feels is emptiness and confusion. His past has become nothing more than blurred fragments, yet it befuddles him in the sense that he knows he loved his twoleg. He loved them more than anything in the world, and yet he can't remember the sound of their face or what they looked like anymore.

Much like Turtlepaw, he finds himself gazing at his own reflection when he is able. Though, nowadays it is more common. After all, he has lost a lot in these moons. Of course he knew there would be consequences, yet he could feel the hatred from Moonbeam running down his spine. It made him question whether or not she would save him or leave him to suffer. The only person who could look at him was Snakeblink. He is grateful for that tom, but he can't cling onto the lead warrior forever. Lichenstar on the other hand... He has broken her trust and must work for it that is for certain. What isn't certain is whether or not they are still friends.

Otterbite has become a warrior, but the distance between them has grown. Oh, he's been a terrible father to him hasn't he? His clanmates go on about their lives and there is a disconnect he feels between them. I shouldn't mope around like this. Ears tilt from the sound of laughter? A snort? Whatever the case, green eyes land on Turtlepaw and begins to pad over to her. "Did s-s-something happen, Turtlepaw?"
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Reactions: Magpiepaᴡ
〕Change was always hard for some cats. Change often lead to unknown places and situations that were less than ideal, but the topic of change was slowly growing on it. Coming to accept not everything was going to be the same all the time was a feat in itself but it felt like it was making progress. Still, often they found themselves standing at the river bank watching the world go by. Thinking on what to do next, what else they could improve but everything felt so stale now. There had to be more, but warriorhood was still heartbeats away.

Magpiepaw had been padding along the waters edge from the apprentices’ den, and it flicked his furry tail tip back and forth behind them. The black and white apprentice was yearning for so much more than the confines of apprenticeship could offer and the moons coming were taking far too long. Though suppose they were trying to grow up too fast at this point, that they were too eager for everything. Still, it didnt stop the stalemate in their chest.

Then glanced to the side at the water as they walk past to see their dark coat reflected back, the scar over their eye from rogues and that they no longer kit like. Part of them wondered if they looked more like their mother or father, would they be proud? Gladefrost seemed proud at least from afar, but she’s never said it to its face. They’d been born into Riverclan but never got to fully meet their parents, unlike most people around here. They envied that, that some knew of their parents and got to bond with them while they only had stories and vague snippets of memory.

They sigh softly and then looked up upon hearing a voice as they got closer, seeing Pikesplash approach Turtlepaw- who was looking into the waters edge. They tilt their head to the side and gave a flick of their tail, before the young apprentice wondered over quietly. They didnt say anything in greeting, as to not interrupt rudely, but something stirred in their chest idly. Something they couldnt quite place as they sat on the other side of Turtlepaw and offered a slight, sweetly awkward smile before looking down into the water.

Pikesplash voiced if something was wrong and it twitches an ear, trying to not listen but also wanting to help in case something truly was wrong.

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AMAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.
not a new face, but a face brindlekit hadn't had the opportunity to become familiar with yet. she was... eager, in a way, to get to know every cat. wanted to know how everyone ticked. was infinitely curious on the intricacies of the clan and cat's minds. she'd learned the structure of a day in the life, of course. mostly just from having existed here. she floated her way over to the three cats near the water. ah, the water. not a journey she'd dared to venture yet. seemed a bit dangerous for her liking. she stood probably too close to turtlepaw, looking up at the older she-cat with the round golden eyes and distinct head tilt she'd be known for soon enough. "what's wrong with you?" she asked. ever lacking tact, though no ill will behind the words.

  •  "speech"
  • 1b1525b12b0c93ddd7c8a44d39a6bccb.jpg
    abandond kit, brindlekit found mysteriously on the border of riverclan, with no memory of how she ended up there. she is 3 moons. she is very small for her age, but is healthy. she is a dilute tortoiseshell with a white throat and chest. her stomach, paws and tail tip are also white. her eyes are golden and round. penned by Twitchtail,