camp REFLECTIVE SILENCE || sharing tongues

Oct 16, 2023

It felt good to be free again. Tigerscar has spent more time in the clan camp than usual. While he might have spent many nights at his twoleg's home in the past, recent evenings have been spent in camp. It wasn't entirely unusual, of course. During the rogue invasion, Tigerscar had remained in camp rather than return to twolegplace, and had spent the week in ShadowClan as well, huddling in the marsh with the rest of the groups chased from their homes. That had been a time of great need, where remaining at his clan's side mattered more than going back to his cozy bed by the fireplace. After all, there were far more chances at glory and excitement if he was in the thick of the danger. Still, his twolegs had made their displeasure known with that blasted cone collar. Now that it was finally off, Tigerscar found himself questioning whether or not he should leave the life of a Daylight Warrior behind, and fully integrate himself into SkyClan. He'd keep his collar, of course. It was a symbol of pride.

He still needs more time to think on his choice, though, so for now he'll keep the thoughts to himself. Instead, he sits in the clearing of the camp, grooming his long fur. His last hunting patrol had been a failure. He'd missed that squirrel by a mere hair... but thankfully, other patrols had been able to succeed where he had embarrassingly failed. For now, the tom relaxes, stretches out his limbs in a patch of afternoon sunlight and lets loose a loud purr. He's surprised when another SkyClanner joins him, helping the huge tabby groom behind his ears. "Pleasant evening, isn't it? We deserve some peace after the chaos of these past moons, I think." Tigerscar comments casually.
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
The cream-ticked tabby always had his difficulties grooming. Some days, the lanky tom couldn’t be bothered with the proper care. Sharing tongues was a whole new concept to the male. It made his skin prickle with nerves, terrified of letting anyone that close to his fur that he nipped and tugged with such fierceness that someone probably wondered if he was ripping out his fur. He wasn’t. Stupid mats and his long fur. He’d rather chew his foot off if he had to do that again, but here he was, nibbling at a pesky clump of fur, scolding his past self.

He glanced up, dragging his gaze toward the other a length away, ear swerving with a thoughtful hum, tail curling around his loaf-like position. It was nice, but Lux didn’t think it would last. It never did. He chuckled, glancing at the sky with puckered lips, pulling his forelimb out, claws tapping the ground in a rhythmic pattern. “It’s nice!” He chirped, grinning with closed hues. “I didn’t think it’d ever end.” He laughed softly, expression solemn.
thought speech