Shall I escort you through ThunderClan territory to show you what nightshade looks like?

Bold, pretentious, the words burn hot in his mind. She - she assumes that he he hasn't already seen it. Insolent, blasphemous, there's nothing she could possibly think of that he couldn't. Nothing that she could see, hear, smell, taste, that he wouldn't. She was a mere fly, reckless, if their meeting hadn't told him anything else. She wasn't deserving of his trust, even if Blaise insisted that she was.

And yet, here he stands at Thunderclan's border. No - it's just. His mind was buzzed, freyed from the atrocities that had occurred just before. How was he to think straight, to put his mind in order, watch for guidance when his mind still spun with nonsensical sights and sounds. He was just. He always was. Dawnglare stares down the border with irritance, it annoys him, where normal scents clash with the repulsiveness of the other clans, and some were willing to kill over these stupid things, so insistent that their horrible stink was the one that should be there. None of them deserved to be there, the ground belongs to her.

He doesn't know how long he stands there, perfectly still, aside from frantic lashing of his tail, leaving strands of two-toned fur in their wake. He glares, deserving, for the ugly little thing that it was, before he pointedly steps over it. His gait is graceful, each footfall intentionally slow, yess, he's... showing it. Though soon, he regrets it. His frown lies heavy on his face. Lungfuls of fire - everything was simply worse on this side.

Tufted ears would perk in the direction of a rustling, odd jingling of things. His gaze does not lift upward. "Just take me to the fff.... thing," he mutters.

[ Here for @cinderfrost but no need to wait <3 ]
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A visitor? Eyes narrowed in speculative suspicion. Last night mirrored miserable events from her past that she struggled to forget. She simply reversed the roles from after the Great Battle and played Bone's part in that fateful exchange. Yet, somehow, only the blue mink received the brunt of the hostility. Bone hadn't been an innocent participant when she'd returned to the marshlands, consumed by grief for the loss of her loved ones. Instead, the black and white molly had been the perpetrator. However, cats forgot this fact because, no, she was deranged and unwell. That title had followed her, lingered on her name, even before she savagely stole Emberstar's first life.

A snake coiled protectively around her broken heart, hissing at the unlucky messenger. Don't shoot the messenger. They were simply here to announce a visitor. Internally, she scolded herself: she needed to regain her previously well-honed composure. Thankfully, the cat who lingered in her entranceway further added that the feline who called for her hailed from SkyClan. She agreed to head to the border albeit remained guarded throughout the walk through the forest.

Dawnglare? The SkyClan medicine cat awaited her arrival. Well, this was unexpected. What manner of business could the SkyClan medicine cat have with her? Was it in regards to last night? Had he told Blazestar of her actions and wished to publicly denounce her? "Just take me to the fff.... thing." Assumptions were drowned out by his request as confusion replaced caution. Take him to the-


He referred to the nightshade she spoke of. Honestly, it was still a surprising request. Dawnglare always viewed and spoke of the other medicine cats with contempt. Perhaps her analysis had been faulty - it surely wouldn't be the first nor last time. When he hadn't addressed it that night, she figured he'd forgotten about the deadly poisons she addressed that night. After all, her warning ended up being overshadowed by the ShadowClan medicine cat's announcement.

"Okay." she replied simply rather than creating a fuss. "Nightshade, correct? Or did you also wish to examine the appearance and whereabouts of other poisonous plants such as deathberries?" Was he only unaware of nightshade or were there more the poised feline didn't know? It seemed unlikely that he'd willingly say he didn't know something considering his previous mannerisms: the night they announced that each clan possessed a medicine cat of their own a fine example of his usual persona.

She turned to the cat who alerted her to Dawnglare's arrival. "Let Emberstar or Howling Wind know that I'll be escorting SkyClan's medicine cat around our territory. If they have an issue with this, they may join us or air their grievances about the tour to me personally at a later date."
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The scent of SkyClan was nothing extremely surprising or alarming to him personally, Little Wolf had often brought the scent into camp with her and was expecting their leaders kits so he didn't tense or react in any particular way upon catching wind of it on their border. He wasn't familiar with Dawnglare, but knew the face to the name and his purpose in his clan just enough to be able to gauge what this cryptic muttering was asking of him. He wanted Cinderfrost, surely. The red tabby was able to only get a brief, "Hi!", before there is a wheezing and huffed declaration-no. A command. The heft tom didn't hesitate to turn and go bounding away at that, his three legs carrying him as quickly as they could back to the camp to fetch the ashen she-cat from her den. Something about this SkyClan felt a little more unerving than the few others he had met and he was not inclined to linger.

He almost had not wanted to walk back with the medicine cat, but he knew it would have been foolish and in poor taste to leave her to her own out by the border. It was only upon arriving back did she decipher the hastily uttered order of 'thing' that had confused him. Dawnglare was here for medical knowledge, sharing information, that made sense.

"...oh, we're real familiar with deathberries." Sunfreckle said with a partially joking and partially annoyed tone, he still thought about that day panicking over his mate's ignorance in shoving whatever colorful treat he found into his maw without a moment's thought. If he had died and left him with several kits alone the tabby felt as if it was a grief that would have choked the very life from him. It was bad enough his sick kittens had stressed out the medicine cat, Rabbitnose had not needed to add to her grief. That it wasn't common knowledge even to other medicine cat's made him somewhat more understanding but still...
Any kit with proper sense knew not to eat foreign objects.
"I'll uh...I'll make sure they both know. Are you sure you don't want me to come back or....I can send someone else...maybe?" A quiet concern wondering if she truly wanted to be left on her own with the odd feline.

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The excitement from her recent apprenticeship had not quite worn off, truth be told- Roepaw was still buzzing with excitement, despite the rude awakening she had received when it was revealed she’d have to move out of the medicine den, away from Cinderfrost. Though, she didn’t let her anxiety shine through and instead waited until the privacy of night to look longingly outside of the apprentice den.
Today, however, Flycatcher was off doing whatever duties his new promotion came with, and Roepaw was stuck bouncing around camp- that is until Sunfreckle fetching Cinderfrost caught her eye.
She watched for only a moment before scampering after the duo, keeping a good distance behind them as her ears were curiously perked and her eyes were wide with interest on this little adventure. If anyone left behind in camp were to have seen anything, Roepaw would simply say she left the camp supervised, it was technically the truth anyhow.
By the time the duo seemingly reached their destination, Roepaw found herself already short of breath, a small twinge of anxiety flaring up at the thought of having another flare up of no-breath, but when a flash of mahogany fur caught her eye through the undergrowth she was hiding in, the thought disappeared instantaneously.
I’ll be showing Dawnglare around the territory.
Roepaw’s maw parted, and before she could weight the pro’s and con’s of rushing out of her hiding place, she was already doing so. Tiny legs almost stumbled but in a blink she was behind Cinderfrost, peeking out with an eager smile. "Can I come?" She excitedly asked, her sudden appearance perhaps behind a shock to the three older cats, but the cinnamon apprentice was blissfully ignorant, her only wish to join the two medicine cats on their adventure.

She appears ahead of him, accompanied by a warrior the very color of leaf-fall; reddened complexion, sickening green gaze. Dawnglare averts his eyes the moment any contact is made. They approach with some sort of foolish routine, stumbling out supporting remarks as the stormy mink mutters over poison. His eyes narrow at the implication she makes, that he didn’t already know. They’re real familiar with death berries, and they assume he isn’t? He levels the warrior with a gaze that promises slow, bitter death, before his eyelids flutter shut. Thunderclan are friends, Blaise’s voice rings in his mind. And why should he listen to him? Cloud-brained fool. Stupid, wretched—

"Ah-huh…” the light acknowledgement is as hostile as it could possibly sound, a low drawl in his throat, oozing venom. It’s directed at the rose-blooded warrior, even if he refused to look at them directly. "We’re fine on our own—

And at that moment, This tiny little thing jumps out from behind the two warriors, blurting a question in her puny little voice. His expression immediately shifts into one of dismay, eyes scrunched and jaw set in a tooth-grinding frown. Less-than-benevolent thoughts conjure in his mind, denial hissed low and threatening. But she’s so pathetic, her eyes wide as a doe’s, surely both Thunderclan, and Blaise, would frown upon him with their twisted morals.

The breath he heaves is slow, and defeated. Reserved to his fate, Dawnglare merely steps over her, heading in any random direction, so long as he wouldn’t be bothered with idle nothingspeak for much longer.. “Yes, sure, splendid,” he says, whichever question he’s answering is unclear. He doesn’t care to clarify, either.