REGRET // open, wounded


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

Alone again. He hadn't walked alone since his days before becoming part of SkyClan, but here he was again. The wounded tom was curled up beneath a thorny bush in one of the gardens on the edge of twolegplace, quiet and numb with no plan for the future. He just... he just didn't know what to do with himself. There was no one to tend to, no patrols, no apprentice, no routine. Nothing. No familiar chatter to greet his ears, no warm bodies to surround him. Just the drawn out silence and weight of loneliness. Sharpeye felt his chest beginning to tighten and he frantically began to look around himself as he started to breathe hard and fast. "What have I done?! What have I fucking done?!"

He thought he could do it, but in reality he wasn't sure that he could. What was he meant to do now? How was he meant to continue on with his life when he had no one by his side? "Maybe I should just close my eyes... don't worry about waking up again." It was a struggle to keep his remaining good eye closed but he fought hard to do just that as he tucked his nose beneath his tail. He just needed to wait for the embrace of sleep to claim him. At least in his dreams he could be with the ones he had grown to love, and he wouldn't be alone. He was free there, he was happy and free of sin. In his dreams he couldn't make mistakes or make anyone angry, he could just live the life he longed for without consequence.

He doesn't know much of what happens with the cats in the trees, or the cats beyond them, but he does know that it is not the romanticized, wild fantasy other kittypets believe it to be. He has seen their ribs during the snowtime, distinct enough to count with ease, and he has seen their scars, many from other cats. This may be the first time Moonglade has personally found one of their injured, but he is rather far from the first wounded warrior to stumble here.

Moonglade hops down from the fence, and he considers how unwise approaching the curled, strange-smelling cat might be, but presses on. Closer, he's able to see the rapid rise of the tom's chest, and the scratch crossing an eye that does not seem able to open. "Peace, sha. Do you need help getting home?"
  • MOONGLADE: the bright reflection of moonlight on a body of water; the track of moonlight on water.

    transmasc, uses he/him/his pronouns. 45-ish moons old.
    a kittypet. note that some posts will have a cw for abuse.
    a tall, very thick-furred chimera (black/black ticked tabby).
    missing his right eye. wears a shock collar hidden by fur.


Peace? Peace?! How could he find peace when all was awry in his life? The eternal slumber would have to wait and he honestly wished it didn't need to. There was a strain to his movements as he raised his head in order to look at the stranger addressing him. Though he wasn't sure how he was meant to feel at that moment; concerned, fearful, indifferent, happy? No, he just felt numb and weary as he laid there with his single watchful eye on the other feline. "Home? I don't have a home anymore. I lost it all." He mumbled in reply in a low, exhausted tone. His chest began to tighten all over again and he was forced to look away from the other. "S-sorry... am I-I trespassing in your garden? I can leave."
( 💜 ) Since the day Gale and Yew had found her, Lavender had recovered quite well. Still not completely healed, but enough to start making routine walks around the area. Today she had planned to hunt something to bring back to the pair who had taken her in and saved her and she just happened to come across a pair of cats talking, one injured and looking about as sad as she had been not long ago, and the other seeming to be trying to help.

I don't have a home anymore. I lost it all.

Those words made her freeze, and she stared at the depressed form with an unreadable emotion in her crystal blue eyes. Mustering up some courage, she would carefully make her way over, nodding in greeting to the stranger kittypet, before meowing softly, "I lost my home too. If you need somewhere to rest, I can help you find a place." She wasn't sure how Yew and Gale would feel about her dragging another poor soul to their home, but perhaps she could help him find or make a den before night came.

No home, he says? That would explain why he huddles here, on twoleg land, and he wonders if it correlates with the wound across his face. "No, you are not trespassing. The twoleg of this den does not mind visitors." The same cannot be said for his own twolegs, and he frowns thoughtfully, features still partly creased with concern. There is no safe haven for him with Moonglade; at best, they will simply ignore his presence in the yard. At worst...well.

He shifts closer, then pauses at another set of pawsteps, which belong to a stranger he does not recognize. She, at least, claims to know of a place he can recover. "Your wound troubles me; it needs seeing after. Pauvre bête, I can do little. You should go with her— my twolegs would not take you." Apologetic, he takes several steps back, offering him space.
  • MOONGLADE: the bright reflection of moonlight on a body of water; the track of moonlight on water.

    transmasc, uses he/him/his pronouns. 45-ish moons old.
    a kittypet. note that some posts will have a cw for abuse.
    a tall, very thick-furred chimera (black/black ticked tabby).
    missing his right eye. wears a shock collar hidden by fur.


❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

"Have you found something interesting?" Vermilionsun hums softly as he arrives, though the look on his face is moreso disturbed than curious. He cannot force himself to look at Sharpeye in the eyes, nor can he allow himself to open up enough to be worried for the tom. Last he'd heard of him, Sharpeye was a dutiful tom who followed rules to the T, so what happened that caused him to be so injured? "Anya!" Ver calls over his shoulder for his fellow sewer-dwelling companion, before turning back to the three present cats with a dip of his head.

"How troublesome of you to die here." Deep baritones hum as he walks closer, long limbs rippling with effort as he himself nurses an injury of his own. From a mere territory scrap, that is. This one seemed a bit more.. Different, in situation. "His wounds will fester without proper treatment, molly. The most we can do is take you to the twoleg shelter. I've taken a few WindClan refugees there before, heard they're doin' just fine now."


One becomes two. Two becomes three. Three now to become four? If he wasn't already feeling overwhelmed before he certainty was now as he was made to flit his focus across each feline in turn. It wasn't easy and he frequently dropped his gaze away from them as he tried to recover himself. The respite was brief but enough to keep him from tipping over the edge as he tried to wade through the situation he had found himself within.

The she-cat offered a kindly ear and some form of promise of safety, the first feline could offer nothing but sympathy, and then the latest arrival... A haze of recognition lit up his face as he stared at Vermillionsun. Although he had not directly interacted with the other he had been aware of the events and news relating to him. That was in the past now though, right now another solution to his predicament was being put before him. "No twolegs. I want nothing to do with those creatures, not when they're snatching away cats." No twoleg owners, and certainly no shelter with a twoleg connection to it either. His wounds were sure to get worse, but he'd rather take his chances than risk never being set free again.

Besides, he didn't particularly want to be near any WindClan exiles. His attention then drifted back to that of Lavender as he decided that she held his best option. Little did he know that it too involved more WindClanner outcasts. "I think I'd rather take my chances with you. Even if it results in my wounds growing worse."

( 💜 ) Lavender would turn her attention to the black-furred tom cat and smile softly, dipping her head in both a greeting and an apology for stepping in as she did. As he stepped back, Lavender moved to step forward as if to help the injured tom stand, when a voice sounded behind them and she whirled around, already taking a slight protective stance before the injured loner.

They would call for someone before dipping their own head in greeting and Lavender would relax ever so slightly until the flame point spoke again now moving closer and calling her 'molly'. Something about it all made her hackles rise, and she narrowed her gaze at the tom before growling lowly, "My name, if you'd bothered to ask is Lavender. Not Molly." Her tail lashed, but she made no other move, after all the injured tom hadn't even made his choice yet of what he wanted to do.

Looking back over her shoulder, she would blink slowly as the injured one finally spoke. Her whiskers would flick in surprise, the two-legs were taking cats? A shudder could ripple through her at the thought of those hairless paws touching her at all. She was chosen out of the options before him and she would give him another smile before meowing, "I'll take care of you best I can. My friends will help too." Lavender would have to think of a way to make sure Gale and Yew didn't scold her for this, as unlikely as that might be.

Turning to the other two cats, she would meow evenly, "Again, my name is Lavender. It was nice to meet you both and if you really want to help then you may, but as he said; No two-legs."