Jun 7, 2022

This is to rehome one slot of the Bone and Wolverine kits. This is not first come first serve and will be picked based on the both of us. Form can be anything but must include the basics. The kits will be turning 5 moons this month.

Two unlikely cats have found comfort and love in one another. Wolverine and Bone never truly got along very well. While she has always been stern and did her work thoroughly, Wolve was the opposite. Lazy and a goofball who did not mind trying to shirk his duties. But soon something kindled and sparked in them enough to begin a relationship that Bone has yet to determine if she regrets it or not. After her adoptive son Fogpaw decided to run away from home after he felt like he didn't belong in her family Wolverinefang sought to go and bring the younger tom back home after discussing it with the molly. But time passed and neither one were sighted back in Shadowclan. With worry burning a hole in her finally the woman decided that she should go and look for them herself and bring them home. Yet after her less than good natured departure she has decided not to return back to Shadowclan and instead wanders the loner lands where she will find her two knumbskulls. During this time she will be developing in her pregnancy and she will find out which will prompt her to seek safety in a clan once more.

these kits will be generation 2.
their aunt was briarstar, former leader shadowclan.
their uncle was amber, former member of the marsh colony.
they will be cousins to pitchstar, shadowclan's current leader, as well as starlingheart, shadowclan's medicine cat, marrowpaw, teaselpaw, shadepaw, lilacpaw, and twilightpaw


1. This litter is not first come first serve! As this is Bone's first litter this is a very important one so I will definitely be looking at activiey that is currently going on.
2. These kits will be born in Riverclan, Bone may tell them stories of Shadowclan but they will not be too specific and are far and in-between.
3. I prefer if these kits stayed on Riverclan, as their ties with Shadowclan will not be that strong besides some family that lives there. But if a good plot is planned I will think about them leaving but I'd like it if they stayed.
4.Right now the choosing date will probably be around the beginning of next year at the latest.
5. The form is definitely free for all! Just include the basic information
6. Naming theme does not have to be followed but if you would like to feel free!

Sire: LH black w/ low white
Dam: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair)

Kits will be black
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair


BONE — she will likely name things after some of her family but not of shadowclan.
So, Amber, Briar, Starling, Pitch, Twilight, Dusk, Dim, Dark, Black, Stalking, Silent are acceptable to her

WOLVE — he is a simple man with simple tastes and will have silly names.
So, Flame, teeth, claw, storm, rib, Boulder, Fish, Badger, Gill, etc
  • Love
Reactions: antlers
i have no choice but to apply

briarpaw . future name .


↳ named after her late aunt.
— apprentice of riverclan ; previous allegiances or thoughts of other clans if n/a
— female, she/her ; bisexual
boneripple x wolverinefang, sibling to ???

black and white shorthair with heterochromia with ears that are too large for her head and spindly legs too long for her body, briarpaw is not the most good-looking of her litter. her recent growth spurt has hit her unevenly, leaving her with a disproportionate and perhaps even amusing look. her pelt is short and thick, coarse and untamed in some places. her figure is draped in black fur, cut through on her underside with white. her eyes are mismatched, one a pale blue and the other vivid yellow that matches her father’s.
↳ SH black + low white / carries LH


( + ) ambitious, compassionate, kind ( / ) oblivious, honest, non-confrontational ( - ) nervous, idealistic, bigmouthed full of wonder and whimsy, briarpaw seems wholly unaffected by the disaster that riverclan’s wintertime has been. she is adventurous and thrill-seeking, eager to find all the new and fun experiences that life in the river territory has to offer. she often gets lost in her thoughts, daydreaming of what she imagines her life will be like when she’s all grown up. she strives for perfection but rarely reaches it, which can lead to bouts of self-loathing after a particularly bad performance. briarpaw is typically a nervous child, afraid of stepping out of line, respectful of authority, and she is not rebellious in the slightest. rules exist to be followed, she reasons, and does not question why they must be followed. she is also not confrontational at all, and will not speak up to defend either herself or her clanmates; she values peace and harmony, and does not wish to upset anyone with her actions. this makes her a poor fighter, unwilling to harm others even in her own defense—but she is eager to please, making her malleable enough for her mentor to shape into a capable warrior. she is compassionate and kind, talkative enough to fill an entire conversation by herself. unfortunately, she is also a bit of a bigmouth; she is a poor secret keeper, and tends to overshare when talking to others.
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at hunting, defending. as she grows she will fall more into a guardian role, and become better at intimidation as she gets taller. kind of like a patrol guy, she would be a… guard gal ^^

warrior name ideas: Briarlight, Briarshine, Briarpelt, Briarrose, Briarsong


the lovely air so thin, salty water's underneath your feet

stalkingkit | stalkingpaw | stalkingstrike
reasoning: 'stalking' for her lithe figure; 'strike' for ____

05 months old

polygender [afab]
uses any pronouns but primarily feminine (she/he/they/it)

panromantic | asexual | polyamorous

riverclan | apprentice

longhaired black with high white
a child of light in a family of shadows, where her siblings are made of the night she is made of moonlight. a picture of beauty and grace, she is rather angelic in appearance. soft white fur is silky and smooth - kept clean and pristine, untouched by dirt or grime. only a small smattering of black peeks through her cloud cover - black toes, a black head, and a stripe of black that crosses her spine and covers all but the tip of her tail. striking emerald green eyes stare out from her picturesque face, a smattering of star-like freckles dance upon her cheeks, the tips of her ears painted white.
smells like ice and frost

design by kitty-kat- | visual reference
accessories: n/a

loving | honest | humble | emotional | expressive
never has there been anyone more wholly themselves than she. a heart worn upon her sleeve, her every thought and emotion clear to see upon her face. bright laughter, sweet smiles, snarling anger, earnest tears - all of it seems to flow so freely and easily from the young she-cat. she soaks up knowledge like a sponge, using it to do good and be kind - she wants to be her very best self, but not for such reasons as ambitions. she simply lives in the moment, not a single selfish nor deceptive bone in her body. easily living in the moment, she has no real dreams nor wishes for the future - contented by living a simple life of simple pleasures and doing good by her family and her clanmates.

mentally stable | no mental disorders

forms platonic relationships easily
forms romantic relationships easily