@Thorny and I are rehoming one of the slots in the Flycatcher and Flamewhisker litter. This kit was born on February 3rd and will age up on that date each month. They are currently 9 moons old.

The story begins one fateful day, when, after fleeing from dogs, Flamewhisker arrives on ThunderClan’s border. Injured and alone, she is eventually found by Flycatcher and a patrol and is taken back to camp to recover. Once healed, Flamewhisker eventually joins the clan officially. From the beginning, the pair were close, but their feelings for each other only truly began to develop after the fire that briefly raged through their camp. Often kept awake by terrible nightmares from the event, Flamewhisker found comfort and good company in the form of Flycatcher, who would often stay awake with her. As their feelings grew the two admitted to having feelings for each other but neither pushed the relationship further from there. It is only after much teasing from teammates and some reflection on both their parts - that they decided to take the plunge and officially become mates.

The discovery that Flamewhisker was expecting kits was a surprise to the pair, not having planned on becoming parents so soon. Regardless of the poor weather and the other plots unfolding between the clans at the time, the pair strived to do their best and raise their kits as best as they could under the circumstances and their children were raised with love and attention.

These kits are generation 2.
— nieces / nephews to Smokey, Nemo, and Nala (through Flamewhisker, all NPCs) and Bee, Cricket, and Moth (through Flycatcher, all NPCs)
— cousins to Stormywing, Cloudyfur, Pebblestep
— older littermate to butterflykit, lilykit, and Stormpaw

1. This is not FCFS! This litter is very important to the both of us and we want to ensure the kit will go to an active RPer!
2. Touching on the above point, if you need to go inactive or want to drop the kit please let either of us know! If you go inactive for more than a few weeks without notice, we have the right to rehome.
3. There is a set design/gender for this kitten. They must be a male kit (but you are welcome to make them nonbinary/trans as they get older if you so prefer). Genetics wise they will be a LH cream tabby with low white and blue-green eyes. As per the genetics from their litter, they may mask blue or brown tabby and may carry solid - both of those options are up to you! They will match the design of the cream tabby kitten seen in the family art here.
4. They were assigned the name Falconkit at birth and whilst we would be open to keeping it the same, we are also open to new names too!
5. It is preferred they stay in ThunderClan until they are at least warriors.
6. Form is a free-for-all just please include the basics!
7. No specific choosing date in mind, but as this family is fairly active we would hopefully like to get them rehomed sooner rather than later.


Flycatcher's naming list-
— Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth, Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog(gy), Mist/Misty, Drizzle, Rain/Rainy (bug and weather names inspired by family)
— Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay. Sparrow, Harrier (bird names)
—Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)

Flamewhisker's naming list -
Lily, Seed, Petal, Daisy, Flower, Stem, Leaf, Oak, Maple, Acorn, Bee, Birch, Timber (plant/tree names inspired by mother)
—Mouse, Rabbit, Swift, Owl, Bird, Running, Sharp, Shrew, Squirrel (hunting inspired names)
—Hawk, Lightning, Tiger (names she believes are strong)
—Wouldn’t name them after anything resembling fire because of the fire in the camp, or any member of the canine family (dogs, coyote, wolf, etc)

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  • ZJLx3iq.png

    ↳ named after the bird of prey, and for the hope that he would be brave as he grew.
    — male, he/him; amab
    — apprentice of thunderclan
    — 9 months / ages every 3rd
    ↳ penned by @foxlore ; PINTEREST
    powerfully built but rather short in stature, falconpaw takes after each of his parents in different ways. his fur is medium-length, especially bushy around his neck and tail, and he takes great care to keep it well-groomed. his pelt is a dull cream in color, slashed through with darker stripes and splashed with the occasional white fleck from scarred skin beneath. his hind paws are both dipped in white, as well as his tail and the insides of his ears. like his mother, he is lean and agile, and like his father he is a great climber, but he struggles to remain stealthy. his eyes are a brilliant shade of blue, with a central ring of dull green.
    ↳ LH cream mack tabby w/ low white / masks blue tabby
    ↳ has a plethora of small scars on his face from thorns, each marked by a fleck of white fur
  • intelligence ●●●●●●○○○○
    confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    charisma ●●●●●○○○○○
    creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    wisdom ●●●●●●○○○○
    humor ●●●●●○○○○○

    (+) loyal, protective, energetic, polite (/) ambitious, competitive, selfless, obedient, perceptive (-) dishonest, overthinker, anxious, self-conscious

    When he was younger, Falconpaw was always brimming with enthusiasm and an excess of energy, hardly ever showing signs of slowing down or affording himself a break. His hardworking nature was heavily overshadowed by his often-annoying hyperactivity, and as such he had few friends over the course of his kithood and early apprenticeship. His too-trusting nature has gotten him into trouble before, especially over the topic of clan borders and maintaining friendships across them.

    Now a nearly fully-grown apprentice, Falconpaw’s struggles with making friends have been overcome for the most part, though many clanmates may still hold grudges against him for his actions when he was younger. His paws still twitch with excess energy, tail still lashes with brewing emotion, but where once there was unbridled naïvety now lies a stonier resolve. ThunderClan’s struggles are clear to him, and he wants the best for his clanmates no matter the cost. Still a people pleaser, Falconpaw seeks validation from authority figures and those who rank higher than himself. He prioritizes keeping the peace over being seen as correct, often at the expense of his own well-being.

    Falconpaw is highly respectful of authority figures and tends to follow orders without questioning the moral or logical implications of them. He is highly trusting of those who hold a higher rank than himself, and holds a strong sense of loyalty to his clan. He is willing to defend his clan no matter the cost to his own safety, and is highly protective of his clanmates especially following the clan’s recent troubles. However, Falconpaw is more a taker than a fighter, and prefers to resolve conflict without bloodshed when possible. He is willing to stoop to low levels in order to solve conflicts with negotiation rather than violence.

    — mannerisms: walks with a loose gait, tends to sway on his feet and frequently bumps into others. tilts his chin up when speaking to others, even when they are shorter than himself. avoids eye contact whenever possible. poor at hiding emotions, everything shows plainly on his face.
    ↳ neutral good
    ↳ drakewarden ranger
  • flamewhisker xx flycatcher | sibling to stormpaw, butterflykit, lilykit
    mentoring none
    ↳ previously mentored none
    mate to none | parent to none
    ──── admires who
    ──── close friends with who
    ──── friends with who
    ──── likes who
    ──── conflicted about who
    ──── dislikes who
    ──── loathes who
  • strength ●●●●○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○
    hunting ●●●●○○○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●○○
    constitution ●●○○○○○○○○

    bisexual / single, generally disinterested in romance
    ↳ how quick to trust, forgive, make friends
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will not initiate fights / will flee if overpowered or outnumbered / will show mercy
    excels at agility, climbing
    poor at stealth, hunting
    — sounds like: what / voice claim
    — smells of honey and lemon
    — speech is #C5C5C5
    ↳ peaceful or healing powerplay is always allowed
  • 𓋼 Trees - The Oh Hellos
    Birdsong - Regina Spektor
    The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake
    The Beast - Delta Rae
    Ashes - The Longest Johns
    Run Boy Run - Woodkid
    Willow Tree March - The Paper Kites
    Way Out There - Lord Huron
    You Can’t Take Me - Bryan Adams
  • Code:
    [/font][/justify][right][color=#ccd4b9][font=tahoma][outline=black][ find me way out there ][/outline][/font][/color][/right][/box][/center]
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