Yep so this is exactly what it says on the tin - @Icey ! and I are rehoming one of the slots in the Flycatcher and Flamewhsiker litter. This kit was born on February 3rd and will age up on that date each month. They are currently 5 moons old.

The story begins one fateful day, when, after fleeing from dogs, Flamewhisker arrives on ThunderClan’s border. Injured and alone, she is eventually found by Flycatcher and a patrol and is taken back to camp to recover. Once healed, Flamewhisker eventually joins the clan officially. From the beginning, the pair were close, but their feelings for each other only truly began to develop after the fire that briefly raged through their camp. Often kept awake by terrible nightmares from the event, Flamewhisker found comfort and good company in the form of Flycatcher, who would often stay awake with her. As their feelings grew the two admitted to having feelings for each other but neither pushed the relationship further from there. It is only after much teasing from teammates and some reflection on both their parts - that they decided to take the plunge and officially become mates.

The discovery that Flamewhisker was expecting kits was a surprise to the pair, not having planned on becoming parents so soon. Regardless of the poor weather and the other plots unfolding between the clans at the time, the pair strived to do their best and raise their kits as best as they could under the circumstances and their children were raised with love and attention.

These kits are generation 2.
— nieces / nephews to Smokey, Nemo, and Nala (through Flamewhisker, all NPCs) and Bee, Cricket, and Moth (through Flycatcher, all NPCs)
— cousins to Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, Hailpaw
— older littermate to butterflykit, lilykit, and stormpaw

1. This is not FCFS! This litter is very important to the both of us and we want to ensure the kit will go to an active RPer!
2. Touching on the above point, if you need to go inactive or want to drop the kit please let either of us know! If you go inactive for more than a few weeks without notice, we have the right to rehome.
3. There is a set design/gender for this kitten. They must be a male kit (but you are welcome to make them nonbinary/trans as they get older if you so prefer). Genetics wise they will be a LH cream tabby with low white and blue-green eyes. As per the genetics from their litter, they may mask blue or brown tabby and may carry solid - both of those options are up to you! They will match the design of the cream tabby kitten seen in the family art here.
4. They were assigned the name Falconkit at birth and whilst we would be open to keeping it the same, we are also open to new names too!
5. It is preferred they stay in ThunderClan until they are at least warriors.
6. Form is a free-for-all just please include the basics!
7. No specific choosing date in mind, but as this family is fairly active we would hopefully like to get them rehomed sooner rather than later.


Flycatcher's naming list-
— Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth, Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog(gy), Mist/Misty, Drizzle, Rain/Rainy (bug and weather names inspired by family)
— Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay. Sparrow, Harrier (bird names)
—Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)

Flamewhisker's naming list -
Lily, Seed, Petal, Daisy, Flower, Stem, Leaf, Oak, Maple, Acorn, Bee, Birch, Timber (plant/tree names inspired by mother)
—Mouse, Rabbit, Swift, Owl, Bird, Running, Sharp, Shrew, Squirrel (hunting inspired names)
—Hawk, Lion, Lightning, Tiger (names she believes are strong)
—Wouldn’t name them after anything resembling fire because of the fire in the camp, or any member of the canine family (dogs, coyote, wolf, etc)
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Daisykit Daisypaw Daisytuft
— Daisy;; for his cream tabby fur // kit;; denoting rank
— AMAB Gender Questioning // Queer Questioning
— 5 months old // age at player decretion
— Thunderclan Kit

— sibling to Buterflykit, Lilykiy and Stormpaw
MATE one
— mother/father/parent one one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by TBD

LH cream tabby with white and blue-green eyes.
— Standing at about 7 inches, Daisykit is moderately tall compared to others'. He is very small in size though as he weigh only about 7lbs. He has a narrow head with a triangular head and wide-spread ears. Daisy has a long furred coat that is cream tabby in color with white across his tail tip and back right paw. His gaze is a deep blue-green color that shifts with the lighting from various blues to interesting greens.
— carries solid and masks blue tabby
— no visible scars or injuries
— no ongoing illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, kind, sweet
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: stubborn, helpful,
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS:guillble, paranoid, nervous

— Daisy is a rather paranoia child with a tenedency to believe anything anyone tell him. Could be an out right lie or be the truth, he'd believe them either way and has this love for fantasy or fairytales. He is a loyal cat with a large heart and always seems to want to help others' even if he trembled the whole time while doing it. Daisy has a lot of self-doubt about himself since becoming older as he fears being left behind by his sibling or parents because they move onto better things. Daisy is easily taken advantage of due to this large heart of his, and his need to be anxcious makes it hard for him to form meaningful relationships. Hes a self-sabatoger but he is trying his best to get past that.
suffers severe anxiety

talents, experience? what are they good at?
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
Peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
smells like daisies!
sounds like Diego from Dora the Explora
— penned by [you!]

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sister track!
maybe to help stir up ideas… stormpaw would have been very fond of and desire to be close to her sibling. as a kit, she was very loud, bitey, and would initiate play, until the dog attack after which she became more anxious. If her sibling is masc-aligned she will grow to be very competitive with him

LIONPAW ———— son of flycatcher and flamewhisker
—— lion chosen for his pale coloring & loud, "roaring" yawn; potential suffixes include bound, gale, tail, & shadow
—— apprentice of thunderclan. believes in starclan, though he is very curious, which could be perceived as skepticism

lw cream tabby w/ blue-green eyes — sporty like his mother
his is a frame taking after his mother's build rather than his father's, and in fact will broaden even further as he ages. if it weren't for his height, which he did inherit from his father, his name might seem like a prediction of his physical development, as he will cast aside his soft, rounded corners for sharp and sturdy edges. his long fur adds an even greater bulk to his stature so that he seems even stockier than he truly is. much of his muscle will be centered around his shoulders and haunches, though as a young apprentice, he hasn't yet trained enough to coax strength out of lankiness.

enneagram 7w6, "the entertainer" — insatiably inquisitive
it's not uncommon to hear lionpaw before you see him, and not for the volume of his voice but its ceaselessness. his curious and observant nature often manifests verbally: "did you see that butterfly? it had eight white dots at the bottom of each wing. do they always have eight dots? do butterflies know each other like we do? i saw ants fighting each other yesterday, so i think that they know who their friends are," as an example. he isn't hesitant, either; he's rather unafraid of interrupting an existing conversation, whether between family members, relative strangers, or higher ranking thunderclanners.

in a similar vein, he's very adventurous and hasn't yet learned the philosophy behind "once bitten, twice shy." every experience, whether positive or negative, works to feed his spirit of inquiry, although naturally he tends to seek positive interactions more often. it may seem that he's unafraid of failure, and even that he has a competitive streak given his near inability to throw in the towel, though it's more that he's very impulsive and (at least when he's younger) isn't very focused on the future, consequences included.
——note that some of his behavior stems from a stutter that will persist into adulthood; at times, his "word vomit" is a way of talking around a more concise/precise word that he struggles with. this includes certain physical mannerisms, namely blinking hard and clenching his jaw. i will be compiling a little list of words he's afraid of using, which is likely to change in length depending on ic development. that being said, he is also simply talkative.

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i haven't applied for a character slot in literal Years so i'm just gonna put this here with a big ol "here goes nothing" :')

  • Kestrelkit Kestrelpaw Kestrel???
    — Named after an avian hunter; warrior name will be influenced by IC

    — Male (he/him)
    — 5 months
    — Apprentice of ThunderClan

    — Born in ThunderClan
    — Believes in StarClan

    Played by Windy
  • — Longhaired cream tabby with low white and blue-green eyes.

    Unlike his sister, Kestrelpaw is far from small. Though young, it is clear that he will grow into the strong frame befitting a ThunderClan warrior; broad shouldered and powerfully built. He carries himself proudly and tries to make himself appear taller than he is, though at his young age, this is little more than posturing. His frame is accentuated by long, cream-colored fur with characteristic tabby stripes. He takes great effort to ensure that it remains kempt, though controlling it remains quite the task. His bushy tail is one of the very few spots that differ from his cream coloration, sporting a tuft of white at its end. In stark contrast to his fur are his eyes, which are a beautiful shade of blue-green.
  • (+) alert, familial, honest, loyal, passionate, protective, responsible
    ( / ) confidential, serious, strict
    ( - ) awkward, blunt, opinionated, rigid, short-tempered

    A young Kestrelpaw would not be unlike other children: playful and inattentive, solely interested in messing with his sister and annoying his parents. It is from his time in the nursery that an overwhelming sense of loyalty to his family develops. And he can't help but look up to his parents; after all, they're both highly recognized warriors. When he isn't with his sister, he spends his time daydreaming about the great feats that he hopes to accomplish. With his thoughts to keep him company, he finds it easy to stay out of trouble.

    His apprenticeship marks the beginning of a major transition in his personality. Though he was never the bubbliest individual, he becomes stricter and more stern as he begins to strictly adhere himself to the Warrior Code. He holds the order and laws of the clan in high regard, outright refusing to even consider bending or breaking any of the rules. Those who are more willing to disobey than he have the potential to easily fluster and anger him. Additionally, his sense of protection and loyalty to his family morph into a near-complete devotion to his clan and its leader. These traits combined create a staunchly defensive, short-tempered individual, especially in regards to disagreements over the leader's actions and decisions.

    At his best, Kestrel can be described as honest and passionate; at his worst, however, he is abrasive and dogmatic. His loyalty and dedication earns him respect from his peers, but others may see him as rigid and uptight. At his core is, additionally, an air of awkwardness; his irritability and the time he spends honing his hunting and combat skills will leave him with difficulties in making friends and forming relationships. To some he will come off as guarded while others will see him as overly stern and unfriendly.

    Sometime in his adulthood, an event will occur that will challenge his rigid worldview. He will realize that being so inflexible is unnecessary, and he'll come to understand that it's okay to live for himself. Over time and with great effort on his behalf, Kestrel's temper will lessen and he will teach himself to relax a bit more.
    — Brother to Stormpaw, Lilykit, and Butterflykit
    — Cousin to Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, Hailpaw, and Pebblepaw

    — Mentored by: TBD
    — Mentoring: N/A

    — Friends: TBD
    — Likes: TBD
    — Dislikes: TBD
    — Loathes: TBD
  • STRENGTH ●●●●○○○○○○
    STAMINA ●●●●●●○○○○
    AGILITY ●●●●●●●○○○
    HUNTING ●●●●○○○○○○
    SWIMMING ●●●○○○○○○○
    CLIMBING ●●●●○○○○○○
    GRACE ●●●○○○○○○○
    — Sexuality TBD / interested in no one
    — Difficult to make friends with, but he is not unwilling.
    — Physical health: [100%] / Mental health: [100%]
    — Will start fights / will not flee / might show mercy
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I forgot to apply last time why not this time B)

Apprentice of Thunderclan

— Tom | AMAB
— 5 Moons old | 2/3/23
— Cream and white tabby tom with blue eyes​

— As a kit he was born healthy and plump, he was a little ball of striped fur with all too big paws that he stumbled over all to often. He was full of vitality and a squiggly thing often falling before walking yet never giving up regardless. With time he'd grow into his big paws and like many thunderclan cats he's large in comparison to many cats his age, he's tall and broad shouldered and would be far more imposing if he didn't so often stalk and lumber around it's uncommon to see the young tom standing tall. Though even hunched he's quite the opposite of his sister, she is about the only one he'll make himself stand tall near whenever playfully taunting her.
In many ways he resembles his mother though instead of bright orange fur he's a pale shade of cream; like dirt dappled in sunlight crossed with slightly darker stripes. His fur only broken up by plumes of white fur along his tummy hind-paws and the easily identifiable tip of his bushy fox-like tail that he inherited from Flamewhisker.
His eyes are a blueish green twinge of color and they stand out greatly whenever he lets anyone get a good look at them.
Often bows his head down especially when talking to his superiors, he tries to be a respectful little man.

- Falconpaw like his sister has the immense pressure of living up to the glory of his two parents and finding a place for himself within his clan while continuing his families legacy, though it's evident the two littermates are as different as they come in how they tackle this enormous task. Falconpaw is a quiet, studious youth he's well mannered and soft spoken and can be described as timid towards many of his peers and more so his superiors. He is the type to grin and bare it and does his best to not let a complaint be heard spoken from his maw, he doesn't often speak about his feelings and can come off as incredibly stoic and boring to other apprentices - he often won't join them when it comes to games or goofing around fearful that it'd make himself look bad or take away from time he could be using being helpful. He always wants to be of service, providing for his clan is his greatest joy and he will sacrifice his own mental and physical well being at the worst of times to do just that. He's so focused on making a good impression and being a good valued 'mature' apprentice that he so often forgets that he like his peers is a young apprentice who wants to have fun as well.

If anyone can bring a different far more kittish side of him out it's his sister; from an early age they've always been competitors (though he sees it as entirely friendly - if not very teasing) she is about the only one he will trash talk to. He likes having her as someone to push him as he pushes her, he wants Stormpaw to do her best and is encouraging towards her though like any sibling he's not immune to going to far or getting offended/hurt himself. He loves spending time with her; fighting with her and of course just talking to her she'd likely be his closest if not only friend for the formative moons of their life. He's likely to hide behind her and let her talk for him, relying on her for being more socially inclined and outspoken then he is - it's a crutch for him.

While he may come off as stoic he's not without emotions, no he's a sensitive soul just so often doesn't like letting his peers and those he wants to impress see that side of him. He gets upset, gets emotional about all matters of things from feeling his own struggles of adequacy and not feeling like he fits in with the other apprentices and not quiet being where he wants to be in his training, to the plights of his clanmates and even far more innocuous things as getting emotional whenever he sees a pretty sunset shining through the canopy of the forest. He's far more open about these feelings to his parents and often still tries to stick by them like he never left the nursery in the first place, often going to them for advice or just because he wants affection and someone to listen to how his day went.

As he grows older it's likely through development he'll become much more truly confident and find his own identity and real purpose.
— Like many of his clanmates he has a almost debilitating fear of dogs, he's been trying to get past it he often has nightmares still they persist.
— Will be a more proficient hunter like his father then anything else, he's not very fond or great at fighting regardless of the fact he's naturally strong he's too clumsy and hesitates. He doesn't like the idea of hurting other cats at all.
— Will likely narc on other apprentices if he sees them being bad. He's the kind of kid who asks the teacher to collect homework. Little teachers pet nerd lol
— Easy to get to do whatever you want which is abusable especially for his meaner peers, he does want friends after all and as long as they dont ask him to do anything that will get him in trouble he will do it
"Mom Dad i frew up"

— siblings: Stormpaw, Butterflykit, Lilykit
— cousins: Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, Hailpaw, Pebblepaw
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