private REINCARNATION \ cragkit

He knew Iciclefang probably wouldn't thank him for trying to push a love of collecting on her kits... that would be for his own, whenever they came along. But, still... it was a joy of Ferngill's to share the things he thought were interesting, were worth loving and holding onto. Everything in his collection had some sentimental value to it, some memory or thought or feeling embedded within its very being. Usually he tried to find bespoke-looking stones or feathers- however instead of finding something new for his nephew, Ferngill found himself more inclined to give something already populating his collection to the stormy-furred tom. It seemed... right, somehow, to pass it down.

So, he'd beckoned Cragkit with a fiery tail to a neatly-laid-out set of three items. One was a long feather with what looked like an eyelike pattern on the top, shimmering blue-green... he'd no idea what bird it had come off of, but had found it blowing freely and had made sure no-one else had gotten their paws on it. The next was a long, yellowed fang found not long after a certain incident... it was fierce-looking, certainly a fox's. The last was a rough stone that glimmered remarkably in the light, casting stars off of its grains. "Now, Cragkit," Ferngill murmured, grinning down at his nephew. "Which one of these draws you in the most?" After all, he wanted Cragkit to feel some connection to whatever he got- everything in a cat's collection really had to mean something.

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A gift. Uncle Ferngill said he was gonna give him a gift today. Cragkit waits excitedly, hardly able to keep still. He's never gotten a gift before. He waits like a good kit, eyes glued to his kin nearby, until his fiery tail beckons him forth. He lurches forward with a burst of speed, lanky kitten legs tangling as they scamper towards Ferngill. He slides to a stop just before him, sand getting between his toes but he doesn't care. Three objects lay in front of him, each more different and interesting than the last. Well...actually, he takes that back. He has zero interest in the feather. Feathers are disgusting. They belong to birds, and birds are digusting. He makes a face when he looks at it, and instead opts to turn his attention towards the fang and the stone.

A low purr rumbles in his throat as he takes them in, tail-tip flicking back and forth thoughtfully. The pebble is really pretty, and he bets his mother would quite like the look of it bordering their shared nest. But...his eyes keep dragging back to the yellowed bone, curiosity pricking at his brain. "What animal did this come from, Uncle?" He chirps, placing a paw on top of the tooth and peering owlishly up at the lead warrior.

Well, there checked off a mental note never to show Cragkit a feather again. Or bring him a bird when he wanted a snack- that little look spoke a thousand words. That was why he'd brought three totally different items, though! Because if he hated one, there was bound to be one that he loved... there was a bit of anticipation prickling across Ferngill's bones, an ant-crawling want for one of them to enrapture completely.

It was the tooth that made Cragkit's odd eyes sparkle- Ferngill felt a flare of pride when he saw that familiar glimmer, one he knew in himself. Complete fascination- a want to have and to keep. A shining smile lit like bonfire on his face. "A fox," he answered, with a flare of theatrics. A single verdant eye flared wide for a moment as he said it. Now, he had to be careful here... the alst thing he wanted was to encourage anyone into the same stupidity that had marred newly-handsome features.

"I found it not long after I fought a fox by myself. And I lost, badly," Ferngill murmured, pointing to the unmissable scar split across his bloodied, blinded eye. "For me, that tooth is a reminder to always be brave, but to also have faith in your Clanmates, because they make you even stronger. But..." Ferngill's face softened. "It can mean whatever you want, if you choose to keep it."
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A fox. “Wow,” He whispers, leaning in closer to examine the tooth. Foxes are big and dangerous. He’s heard the warriors say so. And his uncle fought one? He peers up at the ginger tom and blinks in realization. “That’s how you got your scar, uncle Ferngill?” He asks innocently, admiration and wonder shining in his own mismatched eyes. “Do you think this fang came from the fox you fought?” That would make it even cooler!

He settles on his haunches and listens to the lesson the lead warrior is teaching him, his ears pricked and tail swishing back and forth behind him. He smiles, then, when the object is offered to him and can’t help but Bob excitedly up and down. “I’ll take good care of it! Can I show mom?” He gets to his paws then and paws the fang eagerly towards him, unable to keep from giggling low under his breath. He can’t wait to show it off to Pinekit and Crabkit! He’ll be brave, just like Ferngill said. This fang will always remind him!

It was difficult not to be flattered by Cragkit's praise- even though, at his age, Ferngill had come to realise that he earned the brand of cool simply by being a warrior. He'd been the same way... "Yep," he confirmed, with an eager nod of the head. An ugly, spiky scar! But it was a brand, a reminder... and Ferngill had accomplished very much while bearing it, and a mangled eye. He did not hate the scar as he once had. Do you think this fang came from the fox you fought? "I do. There weren't any other foxes around." he purred. A powerful little scrap, that...

A single tooth could do so much damage. Well... it had been claws, technically- but fox-claws were bigger than even cat teeth. Cragkit asserted he would take good care of it, and Ferngill glowed with sunset-fire pride. He trusted tht Cragkit knew how important this was to him... and he trusted that, some day, Cragkit might pass this down to his own kin. The idea of this little chip of bone living that long...

Can I show mom? Ferngill laughed. "Of course you can! She'll love it," he chirped, knowing very well that Iciclefang would not love it.
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Cragkit's eyes practically glow with excitement. Here in his very own paws, he has a fang from a fox that his uncle fought. This has got to be the coolest thing ever! "Okay! I'm gonna go show her now!" He takes one more moment to examine the treasure, his own kitten-claws tracing the grooves for a moment before he picks it up in his jaws. Before turning around, he looks back up at the ginger tabby with his tail lashing back and forth enthusiastically. "You're sho cool, 'erngill!" He beams up at his uncle. Finally, he whirls around and bounds to the nursery that holds his mother. Surely she'll be so excited about the new nest decor!