
The shallows are hard to wade through with his eyes closed, his feet reach out uncertainly every single time he takes a step forward and his heart sinks whenever he does not find solid ground to put his paw onto. Being it in this game is difficult, but he has to every once in a while or else the other kits would accuse him of not being fair and someone who was not fair in games did not get invited to play. So here he was, eyes squeezed shut even when trash bumps into his forelegs, calling out to the other kits who were playing. "Trouut!" he calls out, his tone taking on a sing-song quality. The others kits would call a response, "minnows" they would say and he would stand perfectly still until he could discern which one of them was closest.

He hears the familiar voice of one of his den-mates to his right, and as his head whips around to look with sightless eyes in their direction, he hears splashing as his prey tries to evade him. Not today! he thinks, a burning desire to not be it anymore making him surge forwards with a speed only a born RiverClanner could possess while traversing through their namesake's water, even if two-leg rubbish did get in his way. As he leaps forward, he stretches out one paw in hopes that it will brush against silver fur.

// This thread counts as a sailfin!
please wait for @TWINKLEKIT
additional tags for @iciclefang and @hazecloud as the designated moms

I thought it would be fun to roll for this! Its optional but if you roll a d10 and get anything higher than a 7 you can evade him <3 if your character rolls lower than that then they are now "it"
the character who is it also has to roll to see what the other characters need to roll in order to evade (I hope this makes sense pls)
And again rolls are totally optional!

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    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training

”Eeek!” Twinklekit wails as Graykit launches forward to tag her. Playful panic settles in and she tries to launch herself away from him, but it’s to no avail. The she-kit bumps right into a strange piece of twoleg trash as Graykit’s paw lands firmly upon her shoulder.

”Aw, no fair.” She giggles as her eyes close, giving Graykit mere moments to situate himself. ”Um… Trout…?” She calls, hesitating to grow much louder than her normal speaking voice. Kitten ears perk up to listen to her den-mates meow, minnows!

With a smile Twinklekit whips around. With a kick against the rocky riverbed she sends herself flying towards the voice of a clan-mate, her paws sticking out to tag them.
  • Rolled a 1 on evading. Character must roll a 10 to evade her.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Twinklekit knows he doesn't like group games. Horizonkit hunches amid a small crowd of kits, tucking his tail close to his legs rather than letting it sail with the current, an awkward piece of silver-stained driftwood than a vivacious kitten. At least under the cover of the shallows, no one can tell how tightly his paws are gripping the gravelly riverbed.

"”Um… Trout…?” his sister calls, in a voice too small for her. "Minnow..." His taut expression wrinkles into a scowl as Twinklekit barrels straight towards him, brow bent with determination like a territorial little tuna. Her wet feet are all over him, and he jumps back with a snarl peeking out the corners of his lips.

He's it. Everyone closes their eyes again, yet he can still feel their attention upon him, rapt as a whole flock of ospreys. Their notice, twisted ears and mischievous grins, make him feel slimy. Not the cool, comforting slime of his snail friends, but the humid, smelly slime of sun-rotted mud. One of his sisters nudges him, or he simply realizes too late that him being it means him being it, and he croaks out, "Trou...trout..." A beat. "TROUT!" He's gotta get this over with.

ooc: rolled a 5, roll an 8 to evade him!

riverclan kit | "speech." | tags
Hazecloud found watching kit-games as a form of amusement and awe these days. Not long ago, the three sets of paws running about were only small enough to knead at her belly. Eyes and ears not strong enough to open, now wide and perked in alert attention. Little bodies grew and grew and now her children are nearly the size of herself if not already reaching Lichenstar's height.

The moons had strolled by far too fast and all the same agonizingly slow. The closer their graduation day approached the slower time crawled on, it felt. They had outgrown the nursery now for most of their games, Lilybloom's as well. Hazecloud looked to their kin, Iciclefang, who had joined beside her.

"I think I'll miss this, once it's all over." She shared quietly. Patrols, hunts, den repairs, gatherings, she yearned for it all but this... the sunshine air, the sound of her kits laughter, passing fish between everyone to ensure no mouth went unfed, she would miss it, too.

Horizonkit now has to contest with Twinklekit's speed and agility, a skill that had been compared to Hazecloud's before, and she nodded proudly as her daughter struck with the quickness of a RiverClanner. Seeing Horizonkit's expression, the queen slowly waded in to join them and encourage him. She wasn't quite familiar with this game, but it seemed like the key function was to participate blind.

"Minnow!" She called, and held her breath as she jumped backwards to dodge his diving attempt. "Keep going, Ri!" Hazecloud encouraged, shaking the water from her tail.

  • rolled an 8!

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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.