private replaceable | magpiepaw


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ The whole way that she walks back to camp all she can do is not smile. Not smirk. Though she knows and understands that this is supposed to be a terrible moment all she feels is true happiness at Troutsnout's abduction. Especially after she had yelled at her about some dumb bird. Perhaps she is vindictive but she feels like she deserves this for that. For her assumption. For being taken and hurting Magpiepaw like this. Her faint smile falters as she thinks of them and how this will effect them. Shaking her head as she emerges into camp the young girl looks around for them, trying to find them in the throng of the camp coming and goings. When she does finally find Magpie she gently walks up to them and brushes up against them gently. "Hey, I have something to tell you and you might want to sit down." It's all Troutsnout's fault this pain that is about to be inflicted today. Casually she sighs and she beckons them to follow her into the apprentice den. With ease she settled herself into her nest and she taps the spot beside her.

"Maggie..." Her tone is gentle, hardly ever sounding like that and she finds herself looking to the entrance of the den. But she is not sad, she is not worried. She has her own reasons for doing this and it stems on having them to herself. Her maw parts on a slow breath then and she taps her paw against the ground. "I went on a patrol with Claythorn not too long ago and we were at the twolegbridge. We found signs of twoleg activity and tufts of...tufts of Troutsnout's fur. Plus Windclan scent. I think she was taken by Twolegs. I don't know if she had encountered a Windclanner at the same time but regardless they are both gone." What reason would there have been to be out there alone during all of the twoleg activity they have been having? Her eyes narrow thinking on the singular Windclan scent now.

They had been blissfully aware of what transpired outside of camp. They had been busy trying to weave together fronds for nests at the edge of camp. Their tongue was out as they focused on what they were doing with careful precision and they hardly noticed the form of their friend until she was brushing against them. The young chimera looked up with round eyes and then relaxed as they realized who it was. They opened their mouth to offer for Midnightpaw to join them in weaving when the molly spoke about needing to tell them something. They furrowed their brow- was something wrong?

Midnightpaw then gestured for them to follow over to the apprentices’ den, and Magpiepaw followed regardless of the others’ words. Abandoning their nest making materials and half-made nest. What was so important? They sat down as she had said and tilted their head to the side. The young apprentice felt this small twinge settle in their chest and they swallowed thickly; surely it wasn’t anything too bad right?

Then their patched friend went on to explain she had been on patrol to twoleg bridge with Claythorn. Magpiepaw furrowed their brow further and then their shoulder fur rose slightly. Troutsnouts fur tufts. Their sisters fur? And a Windclanner? What was she doing out there? Why- had she been fighting a Windclanner? The young apprentice adverted their multicolored gaze away from the other and down to the ground.

Taken by twolegs?” They echoed and it was a hollow sound. Their sister- was gone? Just like that? The one cat they had in their life and the only other to know anything about their parents. She- she was just- captured? “Are we going to go looking for her? Surely- surely she cant be far right? She has to be somewhere” Their tone etched with panic and they looked back to their friend with desperate eyes.

She wouldn’t just- leave right?” Even though they had been told it was twolegs, it seemed like the young apprentice was denying it persistently inside.

Midnightpaw had an answer right? ​


Of A Monster