pafp reproach | visiting cindershade

In every situation you give me peace
Clamped delicately between ivory fangs was a lone water lily. Water drips from her ebon pelt as she quietly makes her way towards Beesong's den, periwinkle eyes seeking her dark furred mentor. A pang of guilt and cowardice flips and churns within her stomach the closer she draws. Recalling a night filled with flashing teeth and glinting claws under the glow of moonlight. Everyone fought so valiantly, everyone but her, as she remained stuck, glued to her nest within the apprentice den. It was a miracle her mentor was still alive after her clash with that ruthless windclanner. How ashamed the obsidian molly must have felt, that her apprentice did not offer to raise her claws not once against their adversaries. "Cindershade?" Sablepaw calls out softly, a tone so soft it could have been missed. She adjusts her hold on the lily, careful not to tear its petals as she lays it at the wounded warrior's paws. "...How are you feeling? Anything I can get for you?" She asks with a light shuffle of black paws. (@Cindershade )
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
"Hm? Sablepaw?" A shadow stirs within her nest with velvet ears craned forwards, her body littered in cobwebs and dried poultice of medicinal herbs. Oh, how she hated the smell that radiates off her own body—the metallic scent of blood and fresh scent of herbs a cacophony that permeated her dusted nose. She grimaces as she lifts her nead, lacerations patterned her once sleek coat and pulled taut as she moves. Every move felt as if she was going to split open, reopen those wounds and bleed once more. So much blood had covered her in that battle, a mixture of Tigerfrost's and her own. Glowing chartreuse eyes take in the presence of her young apprentice, a silhouette standing at the mouth of the medicine den. Cindershade could only make out her splash of ivory and luminescent periwinkle eyes in the darkness, holding lily before laying it on her paws. She stares at it for a moment with a blank expression, unsure of what she was supposed to do with it.
But it was a gift—a gift from Sablepaw and she could feel her maw part in a soft smile, invisible to the absence of light. "Thank you, child. Come, sit." The warrior waves her obsidian tail towards her, gesturing for her to take a seat beside her. Her head swivels lightly towards her, careful not to twist too quickly as tendons and muscle stretched and groaned as she did. She bites a hiss a pain, swallowing whole as her tired gaze traces over her counterpart. ..How are you feeling? Anything I can get for you? The molly doesn't answer, just stares at her for a moment. She doesn't recall seeing Sablepaw in the battle, but how could she during blood dripping into her vision? It was enough that Cindershade had to worry about her own back, instead of another's. A flare of frustration flares within her and her jaw sets, molars smashing into each other. How foolish she had been. How foolish she was to not even think about her own apprentice in the midst of chaos, wondering if she was alive—or if she was dead; slain like Clearsight and left to bleed out.

How dare anyone call her a mentor or a teacher.

Too in-depth of her self-guilt, Cindershade doesn't realize she's just staring at her until the wind billows around her scabbed over face, whiskers swaying in the breeze and she blinks at her. "Oh—no, I'm alright." Tne woman mutters, shifting uncomfortably in her best as if burrs lined it. "Thank you, though." Silence. Silence drenched the both of them now—heavy and palpable. They both felt the guilt, two sides of the same coin. One driven by fear and one driven by rage, both making similar mistakes. Sablepaw didn't seem to be injured—there was no trace of blood upon her fur , only the fresh scent of river water. She had not come to Beesong. She had not fought, possibly hiding away. It didn't take much to realize it, but Cindershade would not question her or scold her. Instead—
"I'm sorry, Sablepaw." She speaks now, low and soft towards her protégé. "I failed you as a mentor. I've had a lot fall into my paws lately, and I've neglected your training." Her stares at her, eyes not wavering despite the shame she felt. "It will not happen again. To you or to Pinepaw." She vows to her and the cinnamon hued tom, declaring her conviction to set it in the stones of her heart. She vaguely remembers Pinepaw battling, and he fought valiantly as an apprentice his age could. But he has had training from her before, at least able to defend himself against another apprentice. Sablepaw didn't hardly have that, she's been her apprentice for barely a moon. "I hope you can forgive me."

In every situation you give me peace
She remains quiet, the steady drowning of her own heartbeat proving to be too loud the longer the silence dragged on. Her limbs are taunt, periwinkle eyes watching with uncertainty as her ebon mentor wordlessly studys the lily placed at her paws. Doubt creeps into her conscious making her feel as if the gift given was of poor choice. Afterall, how could a simple plant undo the pain of battle? How could it erase the tattered scars that would inevitably mark the lead warrior's body for eternity? She knew that it couldn't and that alone made her feel worse, guilt deepening as Cindershade utters her appreciation. A thank you that certainly did not feel deserved.

The invitation to sit pulls the girl from her endless train of thought. Soft blue eyes stare at the spot intended for her, dark limbs tentatively carrying her over where she could sit. A breath is drawn, turning to look at the woman beside her only to find Cindershade staring directly at her. Sablepaw's ears droop upon witnessing the steady clench of the molly's jaw, making her pelt prickle with nervous energy. "She's waiting for an apology, she has to be." She thinks to herself, she owed her that much at least. Sable opens her mouth to speak but it's Cindershade that beats her to it. Claiming that she was fine, offering another thank you that made the girl's ears fall completely flat.

It is she who apologizes, causing knots to twist within her belly and she shakes her head. No, this wasn't right. "I-I should be the one asking you for forgiveness. Training or not I could have tried, I should have..." Her voice dies off, paws fidgeting as her ivory striped tail curls tightly around herself. "If I fought maybe Clearsight wouldn't have..." Her gaze breaks away from the lead warrior, shame keeping her from holding it any longer. "I failed riverclan and you."
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Words spill over the young molly's tongue, guilt clearly clouding her features and dull hues as she apologizes to her. What did she have to apologize for? Because she didn't throw herself recklessly into a battle she clearly had no business being in? To be potentially hurt like the scarred lead warrior before her—or worse, killed? Cindershade watches her intently with a firm expression, her jaw set whilst her tail twitches idly. She listens to her quietly, though no ire sparks within her—there is no flare of irritation nor disappointment. Sablepaw wasn't the one at fault her, for it was her instead. Cindershade was the failure here, but her equally shaded apprentice wants to blame herself instead. It didn't take much to understand why she did, though—but not for lack of training. It was for something else. A title that plagued her the moment she was born into RiverClan. Born to a ShadowClan cat, born to a traitor. The whispers and rumors spread, the ill-talk of her family. The lead warrior remembers very vividly of the warrior's who had squawking and complained about her family, whilst a child had to overhear it all. It has planted a seed into her mind, a necessity to thoroughly prove herself because her tainted heritage.
If I fought maybe Clearsight wouldn't have..
That sentence sends a striking bit of cold down her spine, shoulders tensed and rigid before she finally pulled herself up to look down upon the young woman before her, who looked away shamefully. She blames herself for his death? Cindershade feels her anger flicker within her chest, a kindling of a flame that suddenly ignites into a blazing inferno. A fore paw raises and aims to cusp her apprentice's chin, turning her head in order to make her look at the warrior. "You will not blame yourself for that. Do you understand me?" She speaks with such smoldering grief and rage that nearly shake her own vocal chords. Her gaze widens, chartreuse hues wild and blazing like star fire. "Clearsight fought like all of StarClan was at his back. He died as a noble warrior of RiverClan—defending his home from an enemy who thought it was valiant to sneak into our camp within the dead of night. You do not blame yourself for that." She continues, her tone growing more wild and emotional but not at her apprentice. Because she was still raw with emotion from it all. "You blame WindClan for that loss. They are the ones who took him from us—took him from Clayfur. They are savages. Engrave it into your mind forever, child. They do not deserve the air that we breathe. They deserve a fate worse than death itself."
She takes a breath, feebly attempting to steady her rapid breathing and thundering heart beat. "I will make you a warrior that the other clans will fear, Sablepaw. I swear it on my grave. You will not feel as if you have to hide yourself anymore. Once I'm cleared from Beesong—training will really begin. You will face your enemies with confidence and a calm mindset. No warrior will ever judge you for your heritage again. Not with me guiding you." She vows, a verbal declaration that she will never falter upon. Cindershade then finally releases the shadowed molly from her gentle grasp before aiming to drape her tail over her shoulders.