pafp RESCUE IT ʚїɞ chores

It was strange how routine things could become after only a matter of days had passed. Skyclaw was still the wrongful leader of ThunderClan, him and his cronies instilling fear to make the Clan run as it should, and Softpaw had fallen into line just like everyone else, tending to her training and duties as an apprentice should. It left her with a dull buzz in her head, a writhing feeling that she should be doing something to stop this, but she didn't act out. She wasn't scared of dying for her Clan - she just didn't want to be another tick on Skyclaw's back. Flamewhisker surely had a plan - Softpaw just had to trust in that.

What soothed Softpaw's soul was the sight of her sister - Vixenpaw had been focused on training for the past few moons, and before Softpaw had realized it, the two of them had grown apart. It wasn't like them, and it wasn't right to be so far from kin, especially given the state of the Clan. Softpaw wanted to keep her family close, and as the sky darkened overhead, Softpaw found herself padding towards her sister with the intent to get her to go around and do some last-minute chores together.

"Vixenpaw," Softpaw purred, smiling as she reached her sister and gave her a small bump of the head. "Will you come with me and make sure that everyone has been fed? I don't want the elders and queens going without by oversight."
  • ! @vixenpaw.
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

Days of tension filled and knotted at her shoulders, stress filled the younger femme, bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep and overworking herself for the last several days. They nearly felt like eternity as she struggled through this day, head hanging low and eyes drooping before a soft voice greeted her, and she snapped up, before purring and rubbing her cheek against her sisters fluff, admiring the beauty of her fur that their father graced her sister with.

Her fur was just as pretty, but she envied the flow of her sisters, and how it blew gently in the wind some days. "Of course, darlin'" she responded, her voice soft, and relaxation flowing through her as if Softpaw took all the stress and made her forget her worries. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she would pull herself forward a bit, pressing her side a bit into her sisters.

It hadn't crossed her mind however that they pulled apart. They were just busy, but when thinking about it, Vixenpaw realized with a small frown- when was they last time they spoke? And actually did something together? "How are you doing, doll?" She finally asked, her frown disappearing. Always, she would speak to her sister with a delicate tone, as if she was the first ever flower she laid eyes on back when she was a mere toddler. Though, she feared the burden her sister may be holding onto with all of these... Incidents.

She no longer had to force out the way she walked as if walking on a stage, her steps were as delicate as her voice.