
Mar 19, 2024
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————

The prospect of a sparring session with his denmates might've been exciting less than a moon ago, yet the constant harassment from certain clanmates drowned out his spirits. Working hard isn't enough anymore, maybe it'd never been. He is so out of it Roaringpaw doesn't notice it's his turn, but when he sees his opponent it's like he's suddely reinvigorated. His blood roared in his ears and he grit his teeth: Wrathpaw.

Had it been anyone else, he would've been inclined to half-ass it just to get it done with, but the three-legged apprentice had been a thorn at his side for a while now, walking with the wrong crowd ( which had been his own choice ). Lazy, a waste of herbs, not a true ThunderClanner. The insults now serve as fuel, as determination.

He might as well show his denmate how well a kittypet could fight.

The apprentice finds it surprisingly difficult to make the other topple over despite his disability. Wrathpaw is well-grounded and amazingly agile; Roaringpaw has to put strength in his muscles so he's not the one falling. Their spar takes several heartbeats to conclude, both of them panting at the end after the flame-point delivers the 'killing blow' to Wrathpaw's neck with a sheathed paw. How does it feel to lose to a kittypet? His expression is smug and triumphant, shaking off the dust off his pelt before turning his back to Wrathpaw to join the other apprentices.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: Please wait for @WRATHPAW
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw had always found humor in his name. After Laugh, Joy, and Love, he liked to think his mother wanted to name her next batch of kits after the less traditionally appreciated emotions on the spectrum, as a way to honor them. After all, cats experience a lot more than just happiness, one should appreciate all that their hearts have to say, even if it's not always the most fun. Every emotion has an important role in our lives, including wrath.
Still, it was pretty funny that Wrath- had been given to a gangly, sickly kit, then a naive, good-natured apprentice. For a fun conversation starter, Wrathpaw quite liked his name. He felt it gave him strength like his prefix held the spirit of a triumphant warrior who fought with his whole heart and soul before taking his place watching over this three-legged tyke. Still, Wrathpaw never believed that he'd embody the name himself one day.
He couldn't imagine ever getting to the point of being so angry he became wrathful.

As of late, Wrathpaw had been slowly growing more and more into his ears and paws, trading lankiness for a more muscle physique. He was by no means a power house, but he wasn't a kit that could be easily tossed aside anymore. When he'd been invited to join a mass sparring session with other apprentices, Wrathpaw had been overjoyed! Each match had been worth studying, as Wildheart had instructed, and diligently the boy committed every move and counter to memory. But as he watched the fights progress, he couldn't help but throw glances at Roaringpaw.

The older apprentice always got on Wrathpaw's nerves, even when he said nothing at all. He wonders if the lazy kitty-pet is even taking any of this seriously at all, what with that dazed look in his eye. Probably dreaming about kitty-pet food, he smirks, wondering if Briarsong would laugh at the joke if she'd been here. Wrathpaw was content, however, to continue keeping his distance from the older apprentice. He didn't see a point in wasting his time talking to the older boy who didn't seem to take his blessed life as a Thunderclanner seriously. Life goes on...

When it was Wrathpaw's turn to step up, his opponent's name was announced a second after his.

Wrathpaw almost groaned aloud when he saw Roaringpaw step up to the stand. Him, really? This whole time Wrathpaw had been planning to tell Briarsong all about how awesome his spar had been, hoping to impress her, but there was absolutely nothing cool about defeating a kitty-pet. They may as well just put him in the ring with a mouse! Still, for the sake of politeness, Wrathpaw grits his teeth and bows his head politely. When he looks up, Roaringpaw finally abandons the fog in his eyes, but the way he glares at Wrathpaw leaves the younger cream tabby's fur ruffled.

The fight begins, and nothing goes as planned.
Roaringpaw was no easy cat to defeat, and before long Wrathpaw found himself panting and hissing as he struggled to get the older tom off him. He's just more experienced! he tries to soothe himself, but frustration claws rivulets into his throat, hating the way the older tom doesn't let up. He hadn't even been paying attention to the other spars, why is he so good!?

Anger feels hot and sticky. It makes his ear tips and face burn, coupled with the heat already scorching the back of his neck and muscles, Wrathpaw fears he's about to combust in flames at any moment. It's an uncomfortable feeling that makes him almost want to whine with despair, for as useful as the burst of adrenaline-fueled energy is, it's all impulsively expunged into useless kicks and swipes that don't land - or is Roaringpaw just quick to avoid clumsy strikes? Wrathpaw doesn't want to give him the credit! Screw him!

Wrathpaw didn't want lose.
But the boy has no choice in the matter when one wrong shove later, he exposes his neck and - he lets out a yelp when paws skim his throat. Rolling to the ground, Wrathpaw immediately throws up his paws to grasp at his neck, but he doesn't doubt the lack of injury. This is a claws-free spar, after all. Still, had Roaringpaw's claws been unsheathed, it could've killed him. With that, there's no denying the spar's conclusion:

Roaringpaw won.

Chest heaving, out of breath, and out of mind at the defeat, he stares at his shaking paws. Losing to a kitty-pet...he can already hear Briarsong and the rest laughing at him now. The tips of his ears burn, and his chest squeezes. He knows how awful his friend's laughs can be, and it fills him with a freezing terror.

When he looks up, he sees a taste of the mockery already. Contempt in narrowed eyes, standing triumphant over the pathetically small and useless Wrathpaw, a worm to be stepped on, a mouse with a broken leg to laugh at. You can't be a Thunderclanner if you're a burden.

Until he blinks and sees Roaringpaw again for what he truly is.

The ice in his chest splinters, digging into his lungs until his wheezing breaths cease entirely. Head light, the tom feels his body move before he can think to command it - and he doesn't mind. Crouching low he watches Roaringpaw turn his back on him as if he's nothing, splinters digging ever deeper. This is his fault! If he and his stupid kitty-pet friends would stop muddying Thunderclan's blood, everything would be better! If Roaringpaw would just stop existing, then life would go back to how it used to be! Cats would be nice to Wrathpaw again, his friends would have nothing to laugh at him for, and Thunderclan would be safe!. Fire tastes metallic on his tongue, heat rising from the force with which he's gnashed his teeth, rage building. He's not going to lose his friends thanks to a kitty-pet, not one as smug, stupid, and selfish as Roaringpaw! Wrathpaw is a true Thunderclanner!

And he'll prove it.

Kicking off against the dirt, Wrathpaw aims to barrel into Roaringpaw from behind, unsheathed claws digging into Roaringpaw's shoulders as he tries to bite down on the older apprentice's scruff.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

she is lounging beneath the shade of highrock, letting the thinning herd of warm - weathered kittens batter at her plumish tail. patrol had been quick today ; a brief outing resulting in greenleaf abundance, still somehow resulting in a sneer or, at best, a grunt of acknowledgement from certain warriors. she rolls her eyes because, one, it was stupid. she'd been here her whole life, and the swing of her belly made her a kittypet? the bulk of her limbs made her a kittypet? her blood? and two.. what else was there to do? skyclaw and his brood lived for attention, lived for slitted eyes and angry outbursts. what else was there to do than continue on with her day, boxy chin held high { kitypet chin? ) and chest furled in proud puff ( kittypet chest? she was shaped so differently ). anything else was proving their point, wasn't it? fighting back, giving in to the constant poke of soft, twoleg lover, waste of prey.. a warrior had strong will.

still, it stings.

a small, constant bee sting ; like a thorn in her pad, edging deeper with every cut glance. sitting with roeflame helped, and so here she was, tail tender with kit scratches but only grinning. only shoving at them as they pass and play, toppling them over like a beast when they clamber over her lounging ember - shadow body. her best friends litter was only nursery - bound for another moon yet, but there was something simplistic ; something calm, easing her nerves to the beat of lazily droning dragonflies. kits knew little of kittypet or forestborn blood, of belonging, of togetherness. they play and play, with just about anyone they want, regardless of allegiances and kin. a flash of blue rosettes and wide, crying eyes flicker behind her eye and she casts it away quick as it comes.. coltkit would be fine. coltkit would be.. fine. she was fine, so why wouldn't he be? it'd all be okay.

the sound of scuffling fills the clearing and freckleflame's head shoots up from wide paws, blinking wildly in the direction of swarming apprentices and spotting -- a pale, fawny pelt and flopping ears, three limbs latching onto the back of roaringpaw ( waste of herbs waste of herbs waste of herbs, skyclaw haunts ). she sees a glint of claw and it is enough ; the tortoiseshell scrambles up, knocking any kit climbing over her flank to topple haphazardly into the dirt, ” stars alive, break it up! hey -- WILDHEART! she caws for his mentor as she charges forward, because who else should be dealing with a claw - wielding hellion than him? she grew up with the spike - pelted tom and even now, she'd be a rats aunt before doing his job. she couldnt, however, leave roaringpaw to unsheathed claws and all of wrathpaw's screaming rage. completely willing to take any blow the two may throw, she aims to yoink one of their scruffs from the flailing pile of claw and limbs, then heaves backward, hoping to at least tear him off before roaringpaw finds himself in the medicine den again. she does not ask why, not yet, not until theyve calmed.. because she is growing too sick to her stomach to ask ( she knows. she fears. ).

  • i. yelling for her worstie @WILDHEART

  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png

    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.


this feud between former kittypet and so called clanborn cats made no sense to the older apprentice. it was childish. foolish. and it made their blood boil all the same. not because they cared about the feelings of anyone– trust them they did not at all– but because it was a waste of energy. kittypet or not, so long as you pulled your weight and were a damned good warrior, what the fuck did it matter where you were born? it wasn't as if they were kittypets now. there were plenty of lazy clanborn cats, just the same. it did not matter. all that mattered was being better. being the best. number one. not number two. they watch with disdain on their face. normally they'd be a lot more happy seeing a spar but of course someone with no sense has to take it too far and ruin the fun for everyone.

"idiot. what is the point of attacking your clanmate? you lost because you are incompetent. clearly roaringpaw is superior here. do better. be better, instead of worrying so much about his roots and maybe you'd have won."

stagpaw stands from where she's seated, flinching away from her mentor, though it is barely noticeable, before she just lashes her tail.

"more mousebrains for gentlestorm to waste herbs on. i'm outta here. howlingstar is gonna be pissed."

// going to tell @HOWLINGSTAR

Howlingstar's dark tabby fur is bristling as soon as she hears the news. She approaches the scene with swift, purposeful strides, emerald eyes narrowed into slits. Wrathpaw and Roaringpaw. Somehow, she isn't surprised. Wrathpaw has been hanging out with some loudmouths recently, and Roaringpaw has been picked on again and again by the same group for his heritage. As she nears, her voice slices the air like claws on bark, "Enough!" Freckleflame is hauling Wrathpaw off of his denmate, and her gaze quickly flicks from him to Roaringpaw, trying to assess how bad he's hurt before she swings her head around to Wrathpaw again, her snout wrinkled angrily. "Apprentices are meant to practice with their claws sheathed. We do not harm our clanmates, especially in training," She scolds him sternly, her voice heavy with disappointment. Turning her attention back to Roaringpaw, her expression softens slightly with concern. "Are you alright?" She asks more gently.
she sits with the other mentors, watching the apprentices spar with half-hearted interest. with her own trainee’s assessment just above the horizon, she found herself slacking just a bit– leafhusk doesn’t want him to rely on her. her eyes move away for a second, losing her thought, and it’s ripped back into her from a spitting yowl. leafhusk hurries over, she stands close to roaringpaw, late to approach, but ready to defend the boy if necessary. with her position–her past–it didn’t feel right to watch from the sidelines. she briefly looks over her shoulder, forcing a soft expression, and turning back to stare down wrathpaw. no one deserved this, especially the young ones. roaringpaw just wanted a better place to live, and so did coltkit.

her lips twitch, secretly amused by stagpaw’s retort. she was correct, but it didn’t calm her nerves about the deeper meaning from it all. wrathpaw’s name is cruel, she decides, a young boy woven into something so full of violence and hate. it felt like an eternity before howlingstar strides forward, wasting no time in scolding wrathpaw for what he’s done; her shoulders never relax. the fur spiking on her back doesn’t settle, and her eyes are round with concern, "this is getting out of hand."
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
Roaringpaw doesn't really expect to be attacked with claws and teeth here. If they were anywhere else, maybe alone ( as if he'd ever be on his own with Wrathpaw ), then he'd be bee-brained to not think something might happen considering the company Wrathpaw flocks around these days. But here, where everyone was gathered? How could someone be this much of a foxheart?

The flame-point lets out a loud mrrrrow! as the other apprentice latches onto him, his claws unsheathing too defend himself from the ambush. He drops and rolls, aiming to crush Wrathpaw beneath his weight - anything to get him to let go. "Get off me you mange-pelt!" He yells, still shaking and bristling when Freckleflame yanks him away. His claws remain out, sharp and waiting, and he almost swipes them at Howlingstar before he realizes it's her and not just another cat coming to attack him. He pants loudly, eyes wide as he meets her gaze finally, worried and gentle.

His muscles are still tense, body completely rigid. He knows there's no looming threat, anymore ( hopefully ) - and yet, his heart remains drumming in his chest, ready to burst out. He fears the entire forest can hear it. Several beats pass before he musters his voice back, only to reply with a simple "I'm okay."

OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
The call of his name came as a shock, but the tom was like the wind with rushing to the scene. Already the apprentices had been separated, but it was evident what had occurred. Fury boiled hot within Wildheart as he locked his amber sights on Wrathpaw, and his sides rippled with his frustration and effort to subdue the bellows and roars that he longed to throw at his wayward apprentice. The rotten side of the clan had dug their talons in deep and were corrupting Wrathpaw to the point where Wildheart wasn't even sure he recognised the youngster anymore.

"Wrathpaw, you disappoint me! Using your claws like that... keep this up and you can forget ever becoming a warrior. Now apologise to Roaringpaw!" The warrior was bristling by this point as he loomed over Wrathpaw with a sense of determination to make things right. Everyone was watching, he had to prove that he could still exact command over his ward.