pafp Rest & Relaxation?? | Prompt


The Forgotten One
Apr 3, 2023
( ) Patrolling the tunnels had been longer than she'd like to admit this morning. With newly forming catacombs developing, old tunnels beneath other clans territory needing to be refurbished—the young warrior was quite exhausted from it. Mud had caked well in between that of her paws and wispy coat, drying and down right uncomfortable. Maturing and still developing shoulder muscles ached with every step she took, a throbbing pain that grew more prominent as she moved. Cloudedsky had traversed those tunnels with Ambertail at her side, both weary from their journey. Tunneling was a physically demanding job and while pride still thrummed through her burning veins, exhaustion plagued on her delicate festures. Sunburst eyes drooped ever so slightly on the way back to camp they traveled, but an idea soon pops within her mind. She turns towards the sightless warrior beside her, newfound energy beginning to buzz at her paws. "I'm going to soak in the sun warmed pool for a bit, let's go." She lays her tail along the older tunneler's shoulder, guiding then as she veers to the right towards where the pool resided. She didn't give Ambertail much room to object before they were on their way.
It doesn't take long for them to find, pushing through tall stalks of grass and heather to reveal the shallow dip of water before them. Usually, a WindClan cat would soon turn their nose up towards the idea of submerging themselves into any type of water—but this pool was special. StarClan wanted them to ease their weary bones and rest, to recharge and relax before setting back off to their duties once more. It's why it was placed here, was it not? "We're here, Ambertail. All you have to do is step forwards now." Patched paws hurriedly plunged into the warming waters, a soft exhale of relief escaped from her maw involuntarily. The soothing water almost immediately relaxed her aching muscles and she craved for her. She aimed to settled herself along one side of it, giving ample room for her fellow clanmate —but something moved from under her. A panicked gasp sucks into her lungs, scrabbling unceremoniously within the depths as she tried to escape. "WHAT THE—!" She near squeaks in sudden alarm, the creature leaped in the air towards her and she spits wildly, wintry fur bristling along her nape. "WHAT IS THAT?!"

// Please wait for @AMBERTAIL to post fkrst and then its free!:3

prompt: `With cracked paws after a long hunt, your patrol finds themselves at the sun-warmed pool, where they discover a strange creature. It's a frog! How will your characters react to this ShadowClan prey?`

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )