rest your head close to my heart | coal


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
She's been given another kit and she isn't entirely sure how to deal with it. Should she cry, feel like he's a crude replacement that the Stars gave her, saying "sorry we took your other kits"? Or... Should she be happy that she has another little one that looks up at her with those wide, kitten-ish eyes? So unknowing of this world, of the cruelty that took place, all he knows are soft, loving things. And Tansy decides she will keep it this way, give him the same amount of love, of care that she gave her own boy. She just hopes that him and Crystalkit would get along.

Early in the morning, when both kittens stir at her side, she sends Crystalkit out to go play with Wrenflutter or Lily Pad, telling him not to venture out of the camp. He complains, as all kits would do, that he wants to stay with mama but he eventually relents and off he goes. All that is left is the odd-colored kit she had been given. "Coal," she speaks gently, turns a soft gaze down to the baby that waits patiently. "How about I go teach you how to play mossball, or we could play badger versus the strongest leader alive: Coalstar?" her lips upturn in a smile. She has many, many questions for him, where he came from, what he knew, what his parents were like- she would ask later, ask what he remembers, avoid any tough conversations. She makes it obvious that shes here, if he has any questions, her head tilting ever so slightly.

// @COAL
જ➶ It's so different. This new place that he has been brought to and he has no real want to leave. He thinks his father has left him here. Or maybe like his mother he has had an accident and isn't coming back. Yet he doesn't fully understand the gravity of the situation he just finds himself accepting it. This is home now and he likes it. It's cozy and warm. And he likes Tansyshine. Likes the queen's name. He is Coalkit now or at least that is what they say he is. So he just nods. It sounds pretty nice
as he stretches and yawns when the day begins the young kit rolls over and extends his toes. He tries to clean them for a moment before he realizes that Crystalkit is leaving. He blinks his bright eyes as he looks up at Tansyshine, tilting his head a bit as she asks him questions. He loves playing games! They are his favorite and he wants to do both. Getting up quickly he bounces a little as he looks at the molly with wide and excited eyes. "Both! Both!" He squeaks as he moves around the nursery, sniffling before a question of his own comes to mind.

With a light twist of tiny paws that almost send him to the ground he bumbles his way back over to the queen. "Badger? What badger? Don't know that." He questions as he starts to play around with Tansy's paws, trying to hold onto them.
"Both?" her lips upturn in a smile, genuine as she stares down at the little one. He is... A stark contrast to her fur and as he moves around the nursery, sniffing at little things here and there... Her heart squeezes, her gaze softens. She's happy. He is about a moon younger than Crystal, but both of her boys are so alike that it nearly brings tears of joy to her eyes. "Of course, darling, we can do both." she finally confirms, her tail brushing over the ground as she heads towards the nursery entrance.

What badger? Don't know that. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't been taken aback... Even the tiniest of kits know of the scary monsters, black and white that spelled out a certain doom. "They're fearsome little things! They fight with all of the strength of FIVE warriors!" she quips with a smile. "They have black and white fur, and they have a stripe going down their back." she reaches out to run her paw down his spine for emphasis. She moves on quickly, flicking her tail to follow her until they're out of the nursery, giving the other queens much needed rest.

"Well, Coalstar? Are you ready?" she playfully crouches. It's been a while since she has played a labor intensive game quite honestly, Crystalkit being happier with mossball than play-fighting. Speaking of... She'll teach him mossball after their little tussle if hes not too tuckered out. "I'm a big badger, you can't defeat me!" she giggles to herself, trying not to scare the kid as she thumps her paws around. Stars, i'm out of shape!