border RESTLESS PAWS ] mentor + apprentice

"This is our last border. I'm sure your paws are getting tired," she mews, giving Shroudedpaw a worried glance. He'd kept up well, but the sun is beginning to set now that they've traversed all over the forest. He's still young, and this is his first time out of camp — surely he'll be needing a rest and a fresh bit of prey soon. "This is our border with SkyClan. They've been a little touchy recently, 'cause some of our warriors stole prey, but we've always been friendly with them, for the most part." She pushes the memory of Burnstorm and Moonwhisper's sister's death out of her head. She'd barely been an apprentice then, and outside of Raccoonstripe's little theft patrol, there hadn't been much animosity between the two Clans...

"Scent the air. You'll see the trees in their forest look a little different than ours," she says. Their green eyes close as they inhale the sharper scents of pine and the metallic tinge SkyClan has to their scentline. "And see, they have no undergrowth. They do most of their hunting from up there." She flicks her tail toward the tops of the trees.

  • ooc: @shroudedpaw but no need to wait :]
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

  • Love
Reactions: ixora
The smell of oak mixes with pine as they near the Thunderclan border, stalking across the ground instead of traversing the canopies on the account of his newly named apprentice who was not quite ready for the treetops. Named only a sunrise ago, his pace across the nettle covered ground was slow as he explained the terrain in brief intervals. Pelt of black painted by countless battles wags with every long step, dancing thorns on his muscled shoulders, white nicked ears perked with the sound of voices.

" It sounds like a Thunderclan patrol, while I talk- I want you to study and memorize what you smell and see because it is very important. " he instructs. He does not brief them to be polite nor warn them of the consequence of starting a fight, Teeveepaw was practically still a kit. The prey theft is not recent on his mind, nor a subject of his anger as the prey is plentiful. It is rogues that plague Skyclan, and it is rogues that keep Thistleback on edge. The sight of a Thunderclanner was even mildly relieving.

Spotting the Thunderclan duo, he flicks his white tipped tail and directs their passage close enough to greet them properly. White maw carved in an unreadable scowl, " good day, Thunderclan " he greets them, if but to make them aware of their presence, out of respect and diplomacy. Spotting the younger Thunderclanner, he softens his muzzle " greetings young one, I trust today is a big day for you " his hoarse tone, friendly and light as he dips his chin. Grey eyes flicking to his own apprentice,

" as it is for Teeveepaw " he introduces.

  • — apprentice tag @Teeveepaw.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


@CANDORPAW was kept at his side, as ever- as the dusk began to crawl from its hibernation, he murmured to his apprentice, "We'll mark the borders, and then practice your hunting in the dark." Giving the ruddy tom a nod, Twitchbolt strode forward toward the ThunderClan border. This joint outing with Thistleback and Teeveepaw would be a nice change of pace, at least... and perhaps it would provide Candorpaw with a little bit of entertainment, so he didn't get too excited again when crossing paths with Thunderclanners.

Seeing Thistleback approach them - just a warrior and her apprentice, by the looks of it- Twitchbold cast a jasped-flecked gaze back down to Candorpaw. "These guys again," he murmured lowly. "Remember what we talked about?" Don't start telling them too much. SkyClan was weak and fearful right now, and- and for however good allied ThunderClan had been over the moons, to reveal their troubles with the rogues to them would be showing their bellies and- and allowing them to split the skin without much protest.

Twitchbolt seized violently, living up to his name- but he managed to keep some steely sheen to his eye as he wandered closer. "Has it been a long day for you guys?" He followed Thistleback up with a jittering smile. Yeah, keep them on side.
penned by pin ✧
Spicepaw enjoyed the border patrols. They were methodical, simple. Just follow the scentline all the way down, mark the spots that were weaker, and boom! Nothing more to it. Sure, there were chances that more would happen - it seems like more always did happen, especially at the ThunderClan border, but the cinnamon and cream apprentice decided that she wouldn't let it spark fear in her. She has much more going on in her life than to worry over petty border drama.

Her gaze falls to Candorpaw and Teeveepaw briefly. They're each newer than her, sure, but they'll have more time to learn of the laws than she has. Her assessment is right around the corner and yet she feels more trepidation with it than she does with, say, public speaking. She tries to nudge the worry out of her mind as she looks over at the ThunderClan warrior next. The apprentice they have seem to be about the same size as Teeveepaw... maybe new as well?

"It's sure been a warm one here," she murmurs during the small talk, looking warily next at her mentor.

[ @MOMOWHISKER mentor tag! ]​

teeveepaw & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight apprentice

Teeveepaw follows dutiful behind her mentor - small paws moving twice as often to keep stride with the toms larger, longer limbs, but no less enthusiastic for the struggle. Eyes take in the scenery, familiarizing themselves with the strange new world they find themselves in - every rock and stone, ever branch and leaf, all of it fascinating and unfamiliar to the child. But they're determined to know this place - to understand it, just as they have slowly begun to memorize the nest they come from.

As Thistleback begins to speak, a strange scent tickles at their nose - as odd as skyclans own, though far less familiar and pleasant. At least skyclans a scent that Teeveepaw has grown accustomed to, be it through their parent and sibling returning home or their own scant few days since joining. But this? This is still strange. 'Thunderclan' he calls it, and they nod in silence - green and blue eyes peering at the duo across the border only momentarily to sate their curiosity, listening with one ear as they are introduced to the strangers. A fellow mentor and apprentice, as they understand it.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

Shroudedpaw's first outing had made for a long day. He can't deny that his paws ache and muscles burn with each step. Worn out by the trek, and even moreso by the strained conversation at ShadowClan's border, the boy hopes that there will be no trouble here.

Mousenose's introduction of SkyClan intrigues him. He's heard the whisperings of them as of late. " The kittypets? " he asks with awe, as grey eyes stare across the border into SkyClan's forest that looks, as his mentor mentions, a little different than their own. He'd heard gossip about them for a couple moons now from some of the Clan's warriors and impressionable apprentices. " We stole prey from them? " He asks again, this time giving Mousenose a skeptical glance. It didn't sound like Howlingstar to steal prey.

But there is a vague memory of the patrol's return. Their leader was furious, as he remembers it - but the warriors were adamant that SkyClan didn't need the prey, as they were fed by their Twolegs. If that were the case, why were they so determined to keep their territory?

She readily moves on from the topic, so Shroudedpaw follows her tail flick upwards towards the treetops. What a strange Clan SkyClan was - harboring kittypets, eating from Twolegs and hunting from the treetops. It's not like any Clan he'd met so far. Thankfully, before he could open his mouth again with another thoughtless insult, a SkyClan patrol arrives - two warriors and three apprentices, of which some might be as new as him.

The first warrior, scarred and larger than any cat he's ever seen, wears a scowl, but speaks politely. Shroudedpaw, blatantly, cannot tear his eyes away from the cat's collar. " What's that bright thing on your neck? " he blurts out, with an edge of fear in his voice. It is thin and loose around the warrior's neck, like a snake.

While he awaits an answer, his silver gaze then turns to the introduced apprentice. " Tee - vee - paw," he echoes, sharply enunciating each syllable as if testing the name on his tongue. His brows furrow as he contemplates why the name sounds so strange. In ThunderClan, most cats are named after animals - Raccoonstripe, Mousenose, Howlingstar, Falconheart. Others are named after their appearance, like Flamewhisker and Bigfang. So far, in other Clans, the theme remains the same - but he cannot put his tongue on this one. " What is a.. Tee - vee? " he asks, once again pronouncing the name as if it were thorns on his tongue.

The other warrior, before his very eyes, seizes, and Shroudedpaw flinches. A hard frown tugs at his lips now, and he decides not to answer their question. He tilts his chin back up to look at his mentor. " Can we go now? These cats scare me, " he pleads, barely trying to keep his voice quiet. They were weird and unnatural, the way they wore snakes on their necks and had odd names and twitched and flinched. The apprentice steps closer to Mousenose, nervously, as if their peculiar traits are contagious. Shroudedpaw understands now why ThunderClan dislikes them so much.

SHROUDEDPAW ( he/him )​

( ooc ) ic opinions sorry guys hes so rude LMAOO
ThunderClan's border — it is one he remembers well... Unfortunately, because that was the border he had messed up, apparently. With a hint of tepidness, he nods in reply to Twitchbolt's hushed reminder... a warrior ought not to be so meek, but a mentor, naturally, was due some respect... Candorpaw would not mope, however! He would bounce back! Recover swiftly! He would great ThunderClan with a strong look and stronger jaws. Strong because of how much... not talking he was going to do! But... it isn't quite fair, not when Twitchbolt jerks like that, and he is left only to gasp in his terror. He'd known it — the reason Twitchbolt was no longer deputy. His illness had seized him suddenly, and soon enough, Twitchbolt would move back to the status of a regular warrior soon... It would no doubt be a sad day, but Candorpaw was prepared for it. He nods solemnly in understanding, picking up the unuttered message with ease.

The ThunderClanner is talking a lot, about what, he couldn't quite catch... but he would not make the rookie mistake of asking! Would it be alright to ask Thistleback, instead? Was the issue speaking to ThunderClan, or around ThunderClan? What is too much to tell? A questioning glance is angled Twitchbolt's way, but, ah... what if asking tha twould be " too much? " It is best that he does not utter a word until further notice. Even if he wonders what the one is that is warm, and also would very much like to know what a Tee-vee is. Teeveepaw, however, is extremely good at this not sharing too much thing. Alas, Candorpaw was not even able to congratulate them for it! But the look he gives them is a very impressed, jaw slightly agape in wonder.

They are anything but scary. Of course, unless you were to meet them in battle, but this is no battle, friend! He communicates this through looks alone with an intense green - eyed stare.

OOC: late but i wanted to get in here <3