camp RESTLESS, TRYING MY BEST [ tail attack ]

The Owl's Eyes. That was the offering her fathers had made, and that's what she clung to. The sleek movements she was slowly picking up, the later hours she slept at. Already in the pawful of weeks, she had developed a slightly different sleep schedule, grumpy when she was forced to rise with her siblings and experience the day. But, some days weren't so bad, right? Sometimes, she played pretend, othertimes mossball. She often spent time sitting with one of her brothers and just staring into the medicine cat den, where cats seemed to amble in and out for any length of wound.

And she was impressed by her fathers. She would daydream sometimes about becoming a strong moor-runner- no, deputy? Perhaps more.. but she wanted to be big and strong already. She wanted to be able to help her clan, so that cats didn't have to return so often to her father's aid. A short huffed of a breath left her nose as she stepped out into the sunlight, pale blue optics shifting and turning over the length of camp. An idea struck her, so she padded- more like giggled her way over- to the two nearest kits. Downykit and Sunlitkit. She pressed her shoulder against her sibling, offering the other kit a wide grin and lowered her voice. For once in her life, she was quieter then she had even been, clearly trying to keep the plan secret.

"Do you see Snakehiss over there? His tail is like... super out there. Easy target." She whispered to them, having a hard time keeping the grin from spreading on her muzzle. "I'm gonna go pounce on it- you two back me up? Once they had agreed, Rivekit would pick herself up and shake out her fur- clearly trying to keep her actions unsus.. not... not so suspicious. At least, she thought that was the word she wanted.

And the Owl took to the shadows- Rivekit sticking herself in the shadows of camp, from the gentle slope of the camp. Her nose twitched and flared, and she slid right up to Snakehiss's tail. Without looking behind her to see if her sibling or Downykit followed, she leapt at Snakehiss's tail, trying to pin it down. If successful, she called out to her accomplices- "Now! Get it!"

// @SNAKEHISS @downykit @sunlitkit
please wait for at least one of them to post!
✦ ★ ✦
  • Haha
Reactions: SUNSTAR
shadow of the moon
—————— ( ) ——————
Sunlitkit had been graced the strength of the hawk. As she waddled around behind her siblings and parents, it was like watching a hawk's feather skitter in the wind. Yet she was not the downy soft kitten named after such a thing - she had been named after their father, in favor to her sun-kissed patches dotting her fur and swallowing her shoulder. And yet, she had not been so lucky as to inherit the courage of the predatory bird. Scared of heights, rather than a graceful soar. Sunlitkit was not one to act on her own, afraid of stepping too far out of the shadow of her family members or her slowly (oh so slowly) accumulating list of friends. It wasn't a lack of socialization that was detrimental Sunlitkit - quite the opposite, the constant movement in and out of Wolfsong's den had led Sunlitkit to be comfortably familiar with many faces in WindClan before she was able to even toddle out on her own. But rather being surrounded by family and friends meant that she rarely had to take any sort of conversational lead, especially as it was her nature to sit back and let her other siblings speak over her. When they beckoned, Sunlitkit came running - but she was never the first to call.

It was what had landed her with Rivekit now, crouched low with her belly fur brushing the soil. Her heart fluttered nervously in her chest as she followed Rivekit's words, focusing on the sleek black serpent roiling over the soil. Would she get in trouble for this? It wasn't her parent's ire that scared her but rather the potential temper that might swerve back on them from Snakehiss. She didn't know the tom, but had certainly overheard his name a pawful of times. Sunlitkit's voice was a gritty whisper, struggling to contain her volume as she leaned closer to her sister, "Are you..." Sunlitkit trails off, shuffling her paws beneath her nervously. "Um... are you sure?" Is this a good idea? But she couldn't vocalize the thought, didn't want to question Rivekit. She didn't have the chance to mull over how it might've gone wrong as her sister snuck away through the shadows after Snakehiss.

Sunlitkit did what she does best; listened, and followed.

Snowdipped paws carried her quietly behind Rivekit, the shadow of a shadow. Her heart beat heavier, chilling her paws and making her tail quiver behind her. Her fear no longer stemmed from the idea of getting in trouble, but rather missing her catch. Well, actually... letting her sister down. Ruining her fun. Sunlitkit held her breath as Rivekit burst from their hiding spot after Snakehiss, pouncing on his tail. Sunlitkit's eyes go wide, pupils dilating as she watches the action. Her worries buzz out of her head like bees off a disturbed flower as her instinct grabs her suddenly at the thing that needs to be pounced on. Sunlitkit bounds from the shadows, stumbling over her own paws at the sudden motion. She trips up on Snakehiss' tail, helping pin it down with an untrained hunter's pounce before leaning down just as quickly to nip Snakehiss' tail with kitten-sharp teeth. Her first catch! Her Dad and ðir would be so proud!

Morningsong remembers his kit days. He remembers the URGE to bite his clanmates tails, and while he usually held back most of the time, it was fun to think about what would have happened if he didn't hold back. He'd be disliked for kinked tails instead of his blood. Or both. but at least the tail biting would have been fun. He watches Wolfsong and Sunstride's kits plot their attack. They choose the most ill tempered cat in the clan...

And he agrees! Get him!

He says not a word, not wanting to alert Snakehiss of his impending demise. And with quiet anticipation, he watches as the kits attack, Rivekit pinning the toms tail and Sunlitkit delivering the killing blow! Ah, an excellent display of teamwork. Just magnificent. Their parents should be proud.

"You got him! Great job!" He calls to the kits, uncaring of if Snakehiss snaps at him. "Very good teamwork!"

He knows Snakehiss will probably beg to differ, but.... Pouncing on tails is what kits do. There is no escape from their little claws and fangs. He hopes they enjoy their little kitten teeth and claws for as long as they can. He hopes their days of childlike innocence and lack of responsibility will be well spent. It's only a matter of time before the world puts them in its sights and crushes them as it does so many others.​
Interacting with kits was not the young warrior's forte. The only child of a doting mother and a stern father, Snakehiss never knew what it was like to grow up with a littermate. There were other kits in the nursery alongside him, sure, but he had never been particularly close with them. As he grew older, Snakehiss distanced himself more and more from the younger members of the clan, only focusing on his training. While other cats enjoyed entertaining the little ones and watching over them, Snakehiss much preferred to steer clear of those snot-nosed brats and their stickiness.

So, it was just his sorry luck that not one, but two kits would interrupt his day by pouncing on his tail. And, even worse, biting it.

A startled ( as well as pained ) shriek rips from his throat, "AAIIIIEEEE!" The nerves under his skin crackled and fizzled up his spine, setting the hairs of his jet black black fur on edge instantaneously. Into the air he leaped, lengthy limbs propelling him and rather clumsily catching his descent back to earth.

The moor runner stumbles backward, trying his best to gather his slipping composure, bewildered eyes staring right at the perpetrators — none other than Sunstride and Wolfsong's spawns. Ugh, was serving as an absolute nuisance to him something that ran in their family's blood? "Y— YOU! Little brats!" Snakehiss exclaimed, exasperated as his tail hovered above the ground — it is treated delicately, like a sprained paw, even though only tiny teeth punctured it. "Go practice on somethin' else, yeah?!" He tells them off. What had possessed them to think that he should be their target?!

A sour look pans toward Morningsong now, ears pinning back against his head. Hmph, figures. "Don't encourage them! They'll only want to hunt my tail even more." Snakehiss grunts, now gently curling his tail around to the front so that he could examine it himself. He doesn't smell blood, but... StarClan, it hurts.

  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles