camp RESTTLESS SPARK - intro


Jul 5, 2023
Underneath the blanket of the night, most preferred to sleep. After all, there was plenty of things that could have tired them out, whether they were still a kitten or a grown warrior. However...

"It's time for the patrol!" a tiny voice squealed, though softly as to not wake up her denmates. She inched closer to the nursery's opening, taking in a deep breath. It was time for her first patrol!

Technically, it wasn't an official patrol, and she wasn't going to go out of camp, but this was all part of her plan to become the bestest apprentice she could, by being made one right now! Everyone was telling her that she was still too young to be an apprentice, but if she proved herself capable of doing apprentice things, then they'd have no reason to not make her one! And what better way to start than by starting the nightly camp patrol? Because apprentices went on patrols, right? And she wasn't tired, not at all!

Now, all Cinderkit needed was to start her patrol and make sure everyone knew how grown up she was! The first step was patrolling around the nursery, so she began to pace around outside, blue eyes searching for any sort of danger. Even though a lot of the other kits were older than her, she'd protect them, and she'd protect all the warriors too!


don't rush something you want to last forever .
The cream-ticked feline blinked through the haze of sleep at the kitten’s call ( what did she say? ), pulling himself out of his nest, paws feeling heavy as he picked his way through the nursery to peer out. Owlish optics blinked unhurriedly at the sight of Cinderkit, helm cocked with a questioning trill. “W, What are you doing out so l, late little one?” Shouldn’t she be sleeping? His skin prickled, shaking himself out of his musings, Yukio slipped further out, gai unstable from being cooped up within the comforts of his nest, far too scared to face the reality that he would face.

He offered the small thing a wobbly smile, owlish optics soft and welcoming, helm gesturing towards the nursery. “H, How about you h, head back i, inside?” He called, and if she were to disagree, Yukio didn’t mind sitting in the nursery's entrance, far too afraid to fall back asleep.
thought speech
Cinderkit’s cry rouses him; he had been only drowsy, not lost to the gray blanket of sleep, but he’s immediately energized by her game suggestion. He flings himself away from Orangeblossom’s flank, claws extended and teeth bared in a wicked grin. “I’m ready for patrol! Except…” He squints at her. “I should be the patrol leader! I have more experience.” He doesn’t elaborate.

Yukio sits at the nursery entrance, nervously asking Cinderkit to come back inside. Doomkit shoves past him without ceremony. While he knows Orangeblossom will reprimand him readily and swiftly, the other two queens do not instill any fear in him. He knows they won’t do anything if he just ignores them and does what he wants. He pounces beside Cinderkit, vibrating with energy. “Is this a battle patrol? Can we go to war?

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — he/him, kit of shadowclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
Looking towards Yukio when addressed, Cinderkit shook her head. "No, I'm patrolling the camp. It's very important, and they'll make me an apprentice for it!" Her remark was confident, as if it was for certain that it would happen. Perhaps one day she'd see that it was for her own safety that she was still confined to camp, but for now she wanted to work hard and play hard!

Doomkit approached her next and she titled her head, not quite understanding. Patrol leader? Battle patrol? War?! War was bad, cats got hurt in war. She didn't want to think about war right now, and she didn't like someone trying to take over for her. "But... but this is my patrol. We're patrolling the camp to make sure everything alright. No battle, no war! This is so they see I'm capable and they make me an apprentice now."

With flattened ears and her authority feeling threatened, she stalked closer to Yukio, hiding behind him. "I don't wanna patrol anymore. Especially not with a bossy taker-over." Such were the fickle emotions of a young kitten, her mind swaying easily with just the tiniest and most insignificant of pushes.


  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette


Johnny chuckled, a paw aiming to gently pin Doomits tail to the ground to keep him from pouncing on anyone. "Working toward an early apprenticeship are we? Ambitious." he mused, nodding a quiet greeting to Yukio,. "Of course, if that's the case." he continued as his gaze shifted back to the quarreling kits, "the first thing you need to know is that to become an apprentice, you have to be able to work together."

He admired the spunk, even if it was just the childish whims of an impatient kit. Had he been in their position, the lead warrior couldn't say he wouldn't be just as eager to get out there. "Think about it." he continued, encouraging the kits to use their common sense. "A good warrior needs to be able to work with their clanmates as a team, even if they don't necessarily get along."

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
When Yukio awoke and rose, that's when the oldest of his sibling did as well. Blue eye cracked open and he pushed to his paws, grumbling to himself. He didn't really enjoy being woken up in the dead of night, but it was quickly becoming a small commotion outside. The kit pushed out of the den, peering out, then huffing out of his nose and fully following his foster out.

He listened quietly, but when Cinderkit approached, his vision rounded on Doomkit. He opened his mouth to respond, but Johnnyflame got to it before he could. His nose wrinkled, and he spoke finally, his chin picking up. "Unless that other warrior is wrong, right? Battle is bad." He agreed with Cinder outloud, and traded a look with the other kit warmly, before looking back at Doomkit. "Maybe it can be... a patrol to make sure it doesn't happen." He stated. Without any knowledge of the other clans, or the clashing to come in the coming days, his words were probably more well-placed then he intended.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
don't rush something you want to last forever .
Yukio blinked, tittering when Doomkit wiggled past to meet Cinderkit, maw parted, only to snap it shut with an inaudible click. He sighed, watching Doomkit’s attempt to take over, whiskers twitching in mild amusement. Oh, heavens. The cream-ticked tabby shuffled, making room for Cinderkit, smiling warmly at the she-kit. If she’d let him, Yukio would lean down, offering silent comfort with a quick lick to her helm.

At Johnnyflame’s appearance, the queen offered a wobbly smile, ears swerving to listen, making no move to offer anything, knowing well enough he didn’t have the qualifications to provide any commentary. When Falconkit made his appearance, Yukio hummed. “I, It’s never nice t, to hurt a, another, but—” He kneaded the ground, voice uncertain. “I, It isn’t alright to w, watch y, your clanmates g, get hurt.” He mumbled, ears drawn back. “E, Even if you d, don’t like them.” He hoped he never would have to see such things, content with staying blissfully unaware.

He turned to Johnnyflame, blinking owlishly. “I, I can w, watch over them! I’m s, sure you have b, better things t, to do.” He turned to Cinderkit. “O, Of course.” He shuffled. “I, If that is w, what you’d l, like to continue?” Helm cocked, turning to Doomkit. “I t, think Cinderkit s, should be p, patrol leader since s, she suggested it f, first! I think t, that’s only fair.” He hummed. “I’m s, sure you c, can be the n, next patrol leader, Doomkit.” Yukio didn’t mind staying up, certain it would do the kits some good to get out any energy they have. It wasn’t as if the dual-toned tom would get any sleep anytime soon.
thought speech
Cinderkit explains this is a camp patrol. Doomkit rolls his eyes at her horrified expression. “Yes, battle, squirrelbrain,” he says, unsheathing his claws and batting at the air as though it’s an invisible foe. “I’m gonna kill everyone in WindClan—and then I’m gonna kill everyone else I don’t like, too!” He shrinks, flattening, preparing to leap onto Cinderkit and bowl her over to make a point—but a firm paw steps on his tail, pinning him to the ground. The small tortie scowls up at the cat who has him pinned. Plaguekit has a fondness for Johnnyflame, but Doomkit doesn’t know why he’s so special! He’s just as bad as all those other cats tryna tell him what to do.

Work together?” He snakes his tail back from the lead warrior, rubbing his head with a paw. “I don’t need her.” He gives the newest kit who approaches—pale, stripe-faced, and intense—a scowl. “I don’t need ‘im, either. I can fight everyone better by myself ‘n I can with them.

Yukio tries to redirect him, but Doomkit will not be placated. “Fine! Let her have her camp patrol!” He sticks his tongue out at Cinderkit and Falconkit. “I’m gonna do what I want. I’m gonna go fight WindClan!” He turns, whisking away with his tail lifted behind him.

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette