retrograde | nightmare

It is a horrible dream Howlpaw finds herself in that night. She is back in the Shelter once more, trapped inside a cramped cage, desperate for release again. The room was much the same as it had been in real life, but instead of rogues, kittypets, and captured clanmates, Howlpaw was kept company by unknown entities. Cats but not ones she knew or could identify. Her cage felt smaller than the one she had been trapped in once, she felt more boxed in and isolated. In her dreams she wails out for help much like how she had on the first few nights spent in the Shelter, but like before nobody answers. Howlpaw is still calling out when suddenly a twoleg appears, looming outside her cage, before opening it, plunging their hands inside, and grabbing her. Howlpaw hisses and squirms violently, desperately trying to free herself. But it is of no use, the twoleg's grip holds firm, and she is powerless to stop them or escape before they start marching her towards a closed door. The same door she and many others saw Daisyflight disappear behind and never return. The dream comes to a sudden and abrupt end as Howlpaw is led inside, and in the real world, Howlpaw jolts upright in her nest, a sudden shriek passing her lips as stirs awake.

Unsurprisingly, a few apprentices begin to stir, and Howlpaw makes a sheepish expression, feeling bad for disturbing their sleep. "Sorry," She mumbles quietly.

For what feels like the second time in as many days (even if it's been nearly a half-moon), Spiderpaw is pulled from hard-earned sleep by the cries of a fearful cat. Her glacier eyes are thick with sleep, softened by drowsiness, like a pair of cold candle flames burning into life, as she glances around the den. Her searching gaze finds the patched form, the source of the awaking shriek, and blinks blearily with mild annoyance at her. It takes her still sleep-heavy mind a moment to place a name to the sheepish face—Howlpaw. The leader's daughter, if she's remembering right, the one who'd been thought dead for some moons while locked away in that Twoleg shelter. Her first proper patrol with Pigeonsong had been the journey there to rescue the trapped cats.

Empathy rolls over her drowsy mind, and sleep makes easier the habit Spiderpaw's trying to adopt—not swatting it away like a bad thing. Her pale eyes squint, trying to figure out whether she's able to go back to sleep or not, fixing on the splotched and sheepishly apologetic face to match the mumbled 'sorry'. And again for the second time, Spiderpaw sighs and inquires in a sleep-slurred Southern drawl, "Uh. Y'alright, over'ere? Bad dream or somethin'?"
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☆ -- | Brightpaw was not one of the many captured cats that had been recovered from the twolegs place, and she hadn't been there herself to recover them either. She had been told to stay in camp, to make sure that nothing else happened. She was too young and too inexperienced to go and help. With the stories she heard from those who came back, however, she was glad that she had been told to stay home. It was easier to stay happy and positive when there was no nightmares of cages and twolegs keeping her up at night. She did feel... bad for those that were involved though. They had to live through it, had to be captured and saved, and whether or not they were in SkyClan before they had been let out they were here now, and they had been through a lot, and Brightpaw was sure there were many things that she didn't know about it, and wouldn't get to know in this life time.

Waking up from her slumber by the sound of a frightened shriek, Brightpaw found her head bolting up and her eyes going wide, the fear of something more happening wracking through her body before she realized that it was nothing. Well, nothing that could hurt her. Head turned to look over towards Howlpaw and Spiderpaw, listening for now. She had no other words to say, no other questions, she just wanted to make sure her clanmate was okay.​

Howlpaw's cheeks warm when she feels attention on her. It's not a surprise with the thrashing and the shrieking but it still doesn't make her feel any less embarrassed. In the end, it is Spiderpaw who asks what was wrong and if she was okay. "I'm..."Howlpaw hesitates for a moment before continuing. "Fine. I'm fine," She answered, giving a little nod of her head that served to back this claim up and reassure herself as well. "It was just a bad dream of the shelter. I'll be fine though, sorry for disturbing you all."
Fireflypaw feels like he can feel when something is wrong with his sister at this point; he's grown so attached to her even with the distance between them that being separated from her is like swimming through a vast pond with no end. All-consuming, and lonely. He can hear talking in the distance, and rises to his paws to make sure the apprentices are alright. Did something happen with Howlpaw? Is she nervous about her upcoming Warrior Ceremony? About her test? Before he knows it, his head pokes into the apprentice's den and his voice is low, soft- doing his best not to wake up anyone else.

"Is everything alright in here? Trouble sleeping?" Fireflypaw inquires with a hushed voice, ghostly pale eyes staring into the back of the den. He wishes he could see his sister then; to properly make eye contact with her, but it's hard in these moments. "I can.. I can ask Dawnglare for something to help. If you'd like."